Sorry - nevermind. (aDork)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sorry - nevermind. (aDork)

    I'm sorry to have caused, yet again, a controversial topic. I was asking about her line, not about whether or not she should or should not have been bred, and I did not expect you guys to assume that her current owner had bred her that much or that he didn't care about her health or her mental wellness. I may ask the question again, in a different format.
    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG, any owner that would force a dog to produce 49 puppies in a year and a half is not one I would want to be dealing with!  Nice of them to finally give her poor body a rest!  Tongue Tied 

    • Gold Top Dog
    • Gold Top Dog

    I will try VERY hard to be sincere and Not rip you a new one.                 Please understand this is something I have a serious issue with.   But 49 FREAKING pups in one dog's life !!!???!!!   YOU HAVE TO BE ...... never mind , I am determined to try to be nice and undersatnding, I want to share a concept with you ..... called responsible breeders.    This is NOT responsible breeding !!! Everytime Dixie your perfect girl was expecting a MILLLION things could have gone wrong.  That they did not was a BLESSING not a given.  There is NO reason to breed a B*tch this hard, except GREED.   I have titled Champions of Long standing lines with wait lists that are unreal and I would NEVER ask a girl to give me this many damn pups.  You break a dog down even the best temperament and health will not survive this kin dof ABUSE.

    Chances are vastly increased this girl will develope cancers in her "female" parts because the stress of such prolonged and continued breedings and whelpings will not cease after she is given a rest period!!

    Her offspring, depending on the attention and care for the matings will also have "issues" I would NOT touch a Razors Edge Pup with a 10 foot or hell 20 foot pole!  They are sold reguarly in our area.  And RESOLD !!  ISSUES !!!     Is she gorgeous , YES, Is this the right way to treat her or the Breed Hell NO!!

    There were Razor Edge pups for sell at the Flea market... gorgeous and asking 200- 250.00 each   Hey Razor's Edge .... BUT the dam was also available NOt okay with kids, small animals or strangers but shoot buy her for a mere 500.00 and BREED her......

    As a breeder of a dangerous dog, I am Beyond careful. We breed for Temperament FIRST , then we work on health after that we worry about how they will do in the ring. My pups excell in ALL things BECAUSE we breed rarely and carefully. I place with even MORE care .

    Hanging Tree dogs are still the best sellars in the South , then Razor's Edge.  I will not mention the others, but idiots everywhere want one.

    Razor Edge dogs have been involved in the last 6 major animal attacks in the Pensacola, Mobile, Baton Rouge area, we are talking near fatalities.  Dogs attacking kids , and family members.

    Are the dogs beautiful?? YES. Are they bred so poorly that you will never know did you get the pearl or the Time Bomb  YES !!!  Enough money can buy the same dog over and over....

    I am sorry , I know this is harsh but this totally busts my butt!!! My breed can kill the pitt in a fight and I exercise TEN times the effort and care in placing a Spayed or Nuetered dog !!


    Bonita of Bwana


    • Gold Top Dog
    If I remember correctly Razor's Edge is a very controversial breeder. I hear there are still a few old style RE dogs out there but most I see pics of are way overdone. Big heads, short legs, barrel chested. (Why do they always advertise head circumference?) Not my idea of a good APBT, honestly. Isn't he that guy that finally admitted to crossing his dogs to other breeds? (like Neos?)
    • Gold Top Dog

     The Razor's Edge line is controversial. Basically, the founder of the line has admitted to cross breeding non-APBT's into the program in order to get the dimensions he wanted. I've no doubt that there are many great dogs that come from RE bloodlines, but I don't know that I'd ever consider an RE dog to be a purebred APBT.

    I think the best way to learn about the RE line is to google various word combinations. The founder's name is Dave Wilson, and there is a lot of talk on pitbull and bully breed forums about RE. There are people who passionately support Dave Wilson, people who want the UKC to revoke registration for RE dogs, and people who fall somewhere in the middle.  

    If you like the two dogs that are being bred, and the dogs in the recent pedigree (grandparents, great grandparents etc), that matters more than the fact that they have the fancy Razor's Edge name.

    Edited ...

    quite a few posts sprung up while I was writing the above ...

    I'm sorry people got hung up on the 49 puppies. Obviously, that is way too many and your friends recognized this by NOT breeding her themselves.

    I think one of the reasons RE dogs may be prone to issues is the cross breeding, coupled with the glamor of the name that makes idiots pump out any old RE dog for $$$.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't care really, or know about the line. But Dixie's owner is very impressed by this because he says that he researched her lines and was only satisfied once he'd found that they had not been fighting dogs. I will look into Dave Wilson, I didn't know that was the name of the originator of the RE line, thank you. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I don't care really, or know about the line.


    I figured. I didn't mean to sound like you were chasing a thuppie. (That's my and dh's word for "thug puppies." LOL). It's obvious that you really like Dixie.

    Maybe your friend can sit down and share with you some of the specifics of the pedigree? If he's done the homework, that'd be a great place to start.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    He doesn't have her paperwork yet. They have to go and get it from her former owner. I wasn't taking offense at what you said, even looking at the replies to the original... yours was not offensive at all. I've seen some of the puppies from her litters, and they all seem to have great temperaments. So if I do get a puppy (a few years down the road yet) I'll probably go out and sit with the mother and the puppies to see their temperaments and such. But I'll talk to him again once he gets the paperwork about who's who's daddy and their general history.   

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am thrilled to hear she is in a home that is giving her a break, I would be over the moon thrilled if you could say they had spayed her!  Only 2 and a half and 49 pups, what a horrible shame.

    If you are even thinking about a APBT , please, Please , PLEASE .... do the homework.  It is not as if you are in a rush right?   To be a responsible owner , one that will help this breed do not pick a dog for simple looks, pick the one you want to share your home and life with by figuring out which lines  are actually being bred to standard and to type.  I know people think we show folk are hung up on an ego trip. That isn't what showing is about. It is about picking and choosing correct stock.  About developing a philosophy and an understanding of the breed from the origin and the direction the world has taken it. Why is Dog A  a fearsome time bomb but Dog  D ( for Dixie) a delight?  It is not just training it is also the breeding.

    Even after 30 years in my chosen breed I am still taking classes in genetics and training.  I talk to older breeders and judges, I pick brains when ever I can. I go the Specialties and take seminars.  Right now I am working in a genetics program online with Paula Orlandi who wrote the ABCs of Breeding.  Why? I only want to bring the healthiest and happiest of pups into the world, I breed rarely and carefully and work hard on my placements.  This month is an awesome month because we will travel from the southern most tip of Alabama to Pennslyvannia for the Ridgeback Rodeo. While there I hope to get my two Raptors and Kota their ATTS test and CGCs .  We will not be going for points , we will be going for training and exposure to new challenges .

    I know I came off really harsh about your OP and I apologize , you are one of the folks on the list that I think does try to  see beyond the cute puppy. And Dixie is a gorgeous girl. 

      It simply burns me beyond belief when a breeder takes liberties with an already endangered breed and RE has done this.  We also have people like that in Ridgebacks and we all have to watch them very carefully. Sad

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    They did spay her. I am doing my homework. I won't be getting a dog for another two years at least, that's why I'm starting to learn now. I want to pick a dog that will be an ambassador for this breed. I know that Dixie's owner socializes his puppies (and his dogs) very well, and he tolerates no aggression toward people. I know if Axel proved to be vicious -  which I can't foresee happening - he would handle the dog accordingly, whether that be putting him in a home more suited to deal with him, neutering him, or even putting him to sleep if he were a true nutcase. I also know that if I get a puppy from this person and I have an issue, he'll take the dog back and re-home it if that's what needs to be done. I'm looking into how I'll have to handle Misha, I'm going to ask about male/male and male/female dynamics. I do plan on neutering my puppy once they get to a decent age, and I want a good looking, good tempered dog that will show other people what I love about this breed. I know it will be challenging to change perceptions and that one person can't do that. But I only want to help the perception of this breed, not hurt it.

    (I decided it was best to remove the OP because I didn't want Dixie or her owner associated with such hostility, especially since I didn't tell her story completely.) 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I don't care really, or know about the line. But Dixie's owner is very impressed by this because he says that he researched her lines and was only satisfied once he'd found that they had not been fighting dogs. I will look into Dave Wilson, I didn't know that was the name of the originator of the RE line, thank you. 

    I think this was the remark that made several of us think you were not doing research.  I may have totally misunderstood it. Embarrassed if I did I am really sorry.  Reading the repsonses from all of us we did come off very strong and hostile but gee I do think it was the simple statement about the pretty girl beings soooo young and having had soooo many pups. That is terrifying regardless the breed.  In our program we would not even have bred a dog once at her current age and then only after she had been finished in the show ring , tested for a full battery of possible health issues and passed with good or better scores. 

    I hope you understand how frightening is is to read about such a lovely girl being what amounts to abused to many of us.  Thank you for being patient and letting us know she is not only in a far better home but one that is not about to continue the life she had to deal with before .Smile

    And Again I do apologize for misunderstanding.  Email is an easily misunderstood avenue of communication Tongue Tied

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    The original post was asking about the Razor's Edge bloodline. Where I could find out about these lines or more information about her because she's UKC registered, but I don't know her registered name.

    I agree that this forum and email can be easily be misunderstood. I know that she's had a rough life, but I can assure you that Dixie's new life will be nothing like her old life as a puppy farm. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess I missed this one. So what was the question? Without the drama. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    She was wanting to know about RE lines and how to research a dog that is supposedly of RE lines.... Or did I answer the entirely wrong question? I'm so confused!