What could he be a mix of?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What could he be a mix of?

    Snow is a puppy that belongs to a lady that brought him to me b/c her kids were fighting over him and the father got tired of hearing the fuss over him. She told me to find a home for him but I talked to her and asked her to speak to her husband since he is the only one that doesn't approve of the pup. Mean while I am stuff with the little fellow, who tends to whine over everything. I am working on potty training him so hopefully that will go well. I don't have a clue his age, weight, or history. I don't know who his mom is or dad nor those the lady. To me he has some terrier in him. What could he be? He reminds me a lot of Onix always around my feet lol.


    • Gold Top Dog

     Gosh, I don't know.  Something says Jack Russell and Lab to me.  Sure is a cutie pie!

    • Gold Top Dog


     Gosh, I don't know.  Something says Jack Russell and Lab to me.  Sure is a cutie pie!

     Thats what I was thinking.

    • Gold Top Dog



     Gosh, I don't know.  Something says Jack Russell and Lab to me.  Sure is a cutie pie!

     Thats what I was thinking.

     Well, that makes three of us that were thinking Lab.  JRT didn't cross my mind, tho.  Maybe Cocker Spaniel?

    • Gold Top Dog

    His belly has a lot of dark spots. Hope that helps. Is there a breed (around here) that is known for spots on bellie?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hes a cutie. Looks like a Pitt or Pointer mix to me. With some short coated breeds the fluffy will sometimes fall out and give way to a short coat, happened to a Rott pup in one of my obedience classes.
    • Gold Top Dog

    He could have some kind of hunting breed in him. The lady lives out in the country so chances are the puppy is a hunting mix. What about the spots on his belly?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pointers have spots, and it's a hunting breed, could be some of that there. 

    Look at this:

    Maybe Pointer and Lab, given the coat.  Could be alot of Pointer, I don't know how their puppy coats look, haven't seen too many myself. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think you've got yourself a real Heinz 57 there.  Around here, there's coonhounds, and squirrel dogs (feists), and rabbit hounds, and all kinds of retrievers and bird dogs.  Plus of course the stay at home chows and pit bulls.  And around hunting season they all get lost and hook up and then when the females come home preggers, the pups are given away and those pups go on to hook up and their pups are given away - check out the paper sometime or the grocery store or feed store and see the ads "Pups, lab/feist cross, will be small (yeah, right)"  Yeah, they have no idea of the parentage of those pups.

    I have a friend who has a feist who looks very similar to your pup.   There's different types, hers looks like a terrier/pittie/hound cross, about 40 pounds and very short and heavily muscled.  He's 19 years old this year, and has never tasted kibble in his life.  He eats whole chickens culled from the chicken houses, bull nuts, and kitchen scraps.  He still runs around, hunts, and chases every single truck and car down their 1/4 mile driveway.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My friend asked me what breed I taught he was I told her I was only sure he was 100% mutt. LOL He is such a sweet heart though what ever he is.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Took him a bath today his whole skin is covered with spots. Why is that?

    • Gold Top Dog


    Took him a bath today his whole skin is covered with spots. Why is that?


    Could be flea dirt or a reaction due to flea allergy 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Could be flea dirt or a reaction due to flea allergy 

     The spots look natural to me they where there before I applied the shampoo. Its sort of like a plar bear's skin.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I second the English pointer (or even field bred English setter) mix.  With the copper ears and the spots on the skin.  My pointer, who is basically white with copper markings,  has skin that is speckled all over with copper spots and copper English Setters are marked with "ticking" on the skin as well.  These spots don't show up on the fur until the pup is about 6 months to a year and doesn't finish until 18 months.  Actually, his coat looks like he could be a field variety english setter - lab mix ...or sumpin' sumpin'"...... to me. 

    • Gold Top Dog


     I second the English pointer (or even field bred English setter) mix.  With the copper ears and the spots on the skin.  My pointer, who is basically white with copper markings,  has skin that is speckled all over with copper spots and copper English Setters are marked with "ticking" on the skin as well.  These spots don't show up on the fur until the pup is about 6 months to a year and doesn't finish until 18 months.  Actually, his coat looks like he could be a field variety english setter - lab mix ...or sumpin' sumpin'"...... to me. 

     That was my guess. The owner took the little fur ball to the vet, he said he could also be a spitz mix??? Oh well what ever he is he is home now.