greyhound as 2nd dog to JRT

    • Gold Top Dog

    greyhound as 2nd dog to JRT

     We are looking to adopt a new fur-baby to be a companion to our Zoey, a JRT who just turned 1 yr old, possibly adopting a greyhound.

    First, let me tell you all more about Zoey. She does well with our cats, but loves to run and play with other dogs more than anything! She is well socialized with dogs, but lately has been getting slightly toy/treat protective at the of leash dog park. Sometimes she likes to play a little rough, but never hurts anyone. She is your typical Jack- lotsa energy, strong willed, smart as a tack. We are very proud to say that we have been responsible dog owners in teaching her good obedience, setting rules, and keeping her exercised.

    I was hoping i could find some information about the breed, as well as get some pros and cons to the greyhound breed... i wanna know everything i can.

    • Gold Top Dog

    greys are lure chasing dogs -- it completely depends on the individual animal but many of them are *very* reactive to small animals -- which can be a cat, another small dog, etc. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    There is a greyhound that comes to our dog park and their other dog is a pom.  I also spoke to a greyhound rescue volunteer who had a sheltie as well.  I think it would depend entirely on the individual that you are looking to adopt.  I would talk to the rescues you are looking at adopting from and get their take on having a grey with a JRT.

    • Gold Top Dog
    This site helps.
    • Gold Top Dog

    what a fantastic website!!!! what more could i ask for. honestly, at first i thought it was just your basic breed description, but this website was surprisingly helpful, and exactly what i asked for :)

    thanks so much for your help Kyda!!!!!

    i'll keep you posted on whether we go down the grey road or not 

    • Gold Top Dog

    ooh! I love greys! Casey plays with a few at the park - but it depends completely on the individual dog. I have cats, 5 cats, and I would never bring a grey into my home with cats. It's just not something I would feel comfy with. one day, I'll own a greyhound - but not while I have cats. They say some are cat friendly - but again, it depends on the dog and the circumstances.

    • Gold Top Dog


    one day, I'll own a greyhound - but not while I have cats. They say some are cat friendly - but again, it depends on the dog and the circumstances.


    i'm sorta feeling the same way! i LOOOOVE greys, but my worry is that it wouldn't mesh with Zoey's energy level, and or course with the cats... they hated me enough after bringing the terrorizer in the house, i could only imagine ANOTHER dog!!! i would also  worry about the new member- from what i hear they're pretty "lazy" at home, and Zoey is definately not. she also has issues with sharing toys (altho that i'm sure we could fix), and also that we wouldn't have room for a big crate, another biiiig bed, and that our schedule isn't always the most predictable (i understand greys love/need a good routine)... i personally have only ever had one dog in my house at a time (growing up, and now with Zoey), but the bf has lived with multiples before.

    i'm still torn. i love the idea of rescuing, and i kinda have the feeling like you did in your msg erica..... argh!

    what about italian greys, or whippets. does anybody know about them???? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know of someone that has an ex-racing greyhound living with a cairn terrier pup with no problems- the greyhound can get a bit nippy/over excited with other dogs, but is fantastic with the cairn, even protecting it from other dogs that look like they're getting a bit rough with it.

     From my experience, italian greyhounds and whippets are a lot more delicate than greys (in terms of structure and temperment), but can still have the same level of prey drive..

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would be more concerned with the prey drive than the laziness in the home. Most greys can tell the difference between a dog and a cat/rabbit/etc. But - when somethings running, it's running - and that prey drive kicks in. That's why I could never have a grey ATM. My cats tear across my house, and I just would never feel comfy with it. No cats, just Casey? Yes - I would not hesitate.

    Whippits and Iggys are pretty high energy. There are a bunch of Iggys that come to the dog park and they run for HOURS! They are dainty dogs, and you do have to be careful with rough housing with them. Mostly they just run though, they don't really stop to wrestle.

    What about going down to your local shelter and finding a dog that way?

    • Gold Top Dog

    While obviously not EVERY greyhound can live safely with small dogs, your JRT is significantly larger than a rabbit and isn't going to ACT like prey. I would think a great many greyhounds would do just fine, from that standpoint.I know LOTS of greyhounds who live safely with dogs in that size range.

    The one thing you might want to look at thought? How does Zoey play? I would love to have a greyhound someday but it's entirely off the table until Indy (and possibly Lizzie) is gone, because he plays ROUGH- I worry about a thin-skinned greyhound getting hurt from the sharp little teeth.  


    • Gold Top Dog


    The one thing you might want to look at thought? How does Zoey play? I would love to have a greyhound someday but it's entirely off the table until Indy (and possibly Lizzie) is gone, because he plays ROUGH- I worry about a thin-skinned greyhound getting hurt from the sharp little teeth.   


    That's more what i'm worrying about. I know Zoey will be fine, but i worry that she might be too rough on a delicate grey. I'd hate to have her be too rough physically or mentally with him/her.

    i think i'll go visit the grey rescue centre and see things for myself. then i'll be better able to decide, knowing how Zoey is.

    • Gold Top Dog

    all i can say is i know a ton of people who have hunting grey hounds and various other lurchers that live side by side with terriers and cats. so far havent had any fatalities .... except for the intended quarry. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love italian greys but could never in a million years keep up with one.  A friend who visits the same city park we do has an IG, and literally the guy will stand with a flexi-all the way out and that dog will literally just run a 15" circle around this guy while the guy holds the handle above his head so it can just 'rotate' -- that dog will just literally run laps and laps and laps around this guy at full speed and never tire.

    It's hysterical -- Billy and Luna will literally just stand and WATCH Rudy.  Like ... oh ... wow ... you're ... running in .... CIRCLES??? huh.  fast tho ... wow.


    • Gold Top Dog


    I love italian greys but could never in a million years keep up with one. 


    hahahaha, that kinda energy doesn't bother me (duh- i have a JRT!) but i would be worried about Zoey squishing him/her maybe? they seem pretty fragile.

    and... i have no idea where in the world i would find one around here. i'd prefer to adopt one from a shelter etc, instead of paying a breeder...

    another thing is that the bf wanted a medium sized dog. i convinced him to get a small one (Zoey), and a jackie- like the one i grew up with... and he's always wanted a lab mix dog like the one he had that passed a few years ago. if i had my way i'd get a house full of little jackies :D

    i'm just torn about the whole thing really. argh! my neighbors are getting a weim in a few weeks from a breeder out west, so maybe that'll curb my puppy craving for awhile hahahaha... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    what about a greyhound or whippet mix? It sounds like a good compromise- from my experience all sighthound mixes still have that look about them (big chest, high tuck, fine-ish structure), they are usually a bit tougher (skin-wise), and may still have that sighthound nature tempered with a bit more biddability.

    My girl is a greyhound mix, and you can spot it instantly- she is quite trainable but still has that prey drive, and the soft, gentle greyhound nature.