Supposed Vicious Breeds......

    • Gold Top Dog


    I'd rather them be afraid of him and just look at him or get the heck out of my way than have people and children all over him

    Boy, do I agree with that.  Let'em be wary, less chance of folks approaching.  When people ask me when I'm walking my dogs if they bite, my typical answer (if its an adult asking) is:  "Only when provoked."  Stick out tongue  I must say though, my answer is completely different when kids ask.  I go into the speal of any dog can bite, then talk about how best to get introduced to dogs, etc.

    BTW, I personally have never met a pittie that wasn't a complete sweetheart.  I love their smiling faces.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Timsdat I hear what your saying and I can assure you that I do a lot in my community to combat irresponsible ownership and breeding when it comes to bully breeds. I am disgusted by a majority of pit bull owners thats why I work so hard with mine. I was simply venting my frusteration at human nature to over look a wagging tail because of a misconception based upon ignorance of the breed. I also agree that plenty of bully owners on this forum have a hard time with there dogs but thats not me, I grew up with them, thanks. However I am still a person with feelings and some people overlook that and say what they will in my presence, they can think what they want but have some darn discretion, its just rude and inconsiderate. How about not labeling ALL bully owners like that, your a dog owner why not have some compassion? I'm very well aware of the battle I have chosen but when other dog owners like yourself are stereotyping pit bull owners its a bit discouraging. I'm not some ignorant pit bull owner, my dogs are very active and are great examples of there breed without the use of prong collars, spikes or choke chains. This breed has done more then enough to earn the respect of the public in decades past yet they are still the scapegoats of irresponsible breeding and ownership.

    When I see my least favorite breeds on public I dont make a snooty remark.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sorry everyone, I don't want this to turn into a debate and I thank the rest of you who shared your stories with me.....thats all I really hoped for.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I completely understand where you are coming from. We adopted out current dog, Sabina, from a shelter and because of her smaller stature, but strong build, a rumor spread around our town saying she's a pit mix...well come on "Every shelter dog has to be a mix and not just any bully breed...but they are mixed with fighting lines." Confused  To make a long story short, although there's technically not any BSLs in my area, our insurance company was planning on taxing us more for owning a possible pit mix (Sabina's a Carolina dog/GSD...there's no pit in her, but still...).


    I don't see why bully breeds are having such a hard time in society. I would expect people to understand that any breed of dog can be mean/aggressive, and that in most cases it's the owner that affects the dog's overall mood (just by they way they are brought up, socialized, and trained). I have known many bully breeds and I have yet to meet one that even showed the slightest amount of aggression - they have all been crazy-happy dogs.

    I mean, come on, especially with the way society is in this day and age where everyone is suing everyone else...if you really had aggressive dogs, would you really take the risk of bringing them into pubic, especially unmuzzled; no.

    People REALLY need to lighten up.


    I remember one time I was at Petsmart (Christmas sale!) and was looking through all these squeaky toys. I was testing out a toy squeaked loudly...all of a sudden, out of nowhere, this huge (really buff) male APT just pounced on me. I guess he yanked the leash out of his owner's hand when he heard the squeak...his owner came running over to find him, paws up on my shoulders, licking my face non stop. She was so worried I was going to flip out and kept apologizes and claiming he was friendly...all I could do was laugh. Big Smile (so instead of shopping, I spent an hour and a half playing with him).

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was simply venting my frusteration at human nature to over look a wagging tail because of a misconception based upon ignorance of the breed.

    I didn't mean to attack you or belittle you in any way but was trying to show the images that J.Q. Public sees that shape their perceptions.  For the sake of the breed things need to change.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I personally LOVE pitties!!!! I think their tempermant depends on how they were raised...

    We have plenty of friends that have Pit Bulls and they are so playful and then can change and sit in your lap and snuggle for hours...

    I really am tired of the controversy on Pit Bulls.... Every dog has a bad day and people need to realize that...

    People look at my Bailey and because she is called a "bull" terrier then people think those dogs are part pit and are scared of her... it pisses me off alot!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Actually BTMOmma you might be surprised to find BT's are supposed to be just as aggressive as pitties. However BT's are considerably more rare then a pittie that are dime a dozen so they arnt exploited by thugs and irresponsible owners like pitties. To be completely blunt the Bull Terrier is far closer in kin to the fighting Bull and Terrier from england then the APBT. I think you'd be sweetly surprised to hear of the turmoil they have over come.....a definite reason to be proud!


    • Gold Top Dog


    Actually BTMOmma you might be surprised to find BT's are supposed to be just as aggressive as pitties. However BT's are considerably more rare then a pittie that are dime a dozen so they arnt exploited by thugs and irresponsible owners like pitties. To be completely blunt the Bull Terrier is far closer in kin to the fighting Bull and Terrier from england then the APBT. I think you'd be sweetly surprised to hear of the turmoil they have over come.....a definite reason to be proud!


    I did TONS of research before i finally got Bailey for Christmas and believe me, I know about all the controversy we them as well... I know exactly how you feel! There are people at the apartment who wont let their dogs around Bailey, and I said "oh no, does your puppy not get along well with other dogs?" and several people have said, "no but I wouldn't want your dog to attack mine if they start to play" or something to that effect... it doesn't hurt my feelings anymore because Bailey is the most loving person as well... In fact, i know BT's were on the verge of being banned at some point in some areas...

    Because Bailey is so unique looking, even some people that don't know the background on BTs but they still are intimidated by them... but my comment about being compared to the pit bull was to prove that people just judge for no reason... your right, most people don't know what the breed of BTs has overcome too, but just because they hear "bull" they think she has pit bull in her which makes them even more skiddish...

    oh well... my baby is the sweetest baby of all... she has jaws of steel!! but i don't think would ever ever ever ever use them to hurt anything... she is so trusting and that scares me sometimes... if she only knew how some people are skiddish of her... haha...

    i love your pitties!!!! i wish yall were closer and Bailey could have some playmates!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thats funny that you say that too!

    I love asking people "oh your dog dosnt like to play" or "oh you've had a bad experience with a pit bull" because when they say No I can give them that really confused look like "gosh why pick on us" LOL.

    We have play dates at our house all the time, Primo would love Bailey. One day Rory and Baron were playing and a husky and a man were walking by, he heard the commotion and said "Hey can we play"? When he looked over the gate and saw the gladiator wars in our yard he all but ran for the hills, LOL! I mena HELLO, I weigh like 104lbs and Baron's mama is the we really look like we are holding dog fights in our front yard? LOL

    • Gold Top Dog


    Thats funny that you say that too!

    I love asking people "oh your dog dosnt like to play" or "oh you've had a bad experience with a pit bull" because when they say No I can give them that really confused look like "gosh why pick on us" LOL.

    We have play dates at our house all the time, Primo would love Bailey. One day Rory and Baron were playing and a husky and a man were walking by, he heard the commotion and said "Hey can we play"? When he looked over the gate and saw the gladiator wars in our yard he all but ran for the hills, LOL! I mena HELLO, I weigh like 104lbs and Baron's mama is the we really look like we are holding dog fights in our front yard? LOL

    HAHAHAHA!!!!!! I know!!!! Thats hilarious!!!! We will have to turn you in for all those vicious dog fights going on.... shame on you!! HAHAHA...

    Its funny because when Bailey sees someone she will automatically lunge in their direction because she wants to lick them and play with them and I love seeing people like jump back when they are like 5 feet away from her... Shes 30 pounds and on a leash... give me a break!! They act she is 400 pounds and could break her leash and run over and attack them....

    Awe poor little kiddos... they are the black sheep aren't they!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I put pics of Baron under your post about other Bull Terrier owners. Even though he isnt mine I love the guy and take pics of him as if he was mine, LOL

    • Gold Top Dog


    I put pics of Baron under your post about other Bull Terrier owners. Even though he isnt mine I love the guy and take pics of him as if he was mine, LOL

    I saw that!!! Keep posting pics of him when you get the chance... I can't get enough BT pics and they are scarce on this forum...

    He is darn cute!!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's truly mind boggling how so many people are afraid of so many breeds of dog! It seems any bully breed or anything that looks "wolfy" is a target for discrimination. I always have to laugh when people are so interested in petting my corgi (who wouldn't go so far as to bite a stranger, but doesn't want to be pet either) while my shepherd mix is wagging as fast as he can for some attention. I feel saddened by comments I get and people carrying their little dogs away (keep in mind this dog lets two 9 week old beagle pups try to nurse off him!) I can only imagine how tough it must be for owners of pitbulls, who have to be the most feared of all dogs. All you can do is be proud of your pups and keep letting people meet a non-aggressive pit, and change minds one person at a time!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I understand your frustration. I love bully breeds. I have an 8 month old rottweiler, named Timmy. I am just starting to see that side of people with him. When he was a pup, everywhere he went people were in love with him, came up from all angles, asking to pet him, what kind of dog he was, etc. When I told them he was a rottweiler, I had mostly all positive comments from people, about how they loved the breed, what wonderful dogs they were, etc. Now, as he is getting larger (he's larger than a lab now) people are a lot less likely to approach and ask to pet him, which is fine with me, I'm not that talkative a person anyways, but I've had a few people give him dirty looks now, even though he is always on leash when in public, a cute blue collar too, none of those spike or prong collars, and in a perfect heel, and wearing his cute tyedye bandana.

    Just the other weekend, I stopped at this ice cream place to give him a chance to pee and whatnot, my fiance was holding him outside, sitting at the picnic tables while I was inside ordering. Two kids came running up to him, stopped and asked if they could pet him (I know, what great kids, asking like that!) My fiance said sure, made Timmy sit, and the kids petted him, Timmy loved all the attention. The oldest child was saying they used to have a dog just like him and he was the greatest. Then either their mother, or babysitter, comes around the corner, sees the kids petting him, says calmly and loudly, "get away from that dog, he's going to bite you". The kids just looked sad and walked away. My fiance was so taken aback by this he didn't know what to say other than "he's a very friendly dog, he wouldn't bite your children". The lady gave him a dirty look and moved tables away from us. Timmy then proceeded to lay down and sleep while we ate our ice cream, like a perfect little guy. It blows my mind how rude people can be.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ooh Wow Timmy! What a handsome boy!

    My aunt used to breed Rotties so I've always had a special fondness for them but Timmy has such a sweet face how could anybody be wary of him?

    I started this thread when I was having a bad day, it does wear on you from time to time but my general rule......

    "The Pride is Worth the Prejudice"