Anyone have a Bassett Hound

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anyone have a Bassett Hound

     If you do would you mind sharing your experience. I have always wanted a Bassett.



    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes Marty_ga and maybe someone else has Basset's...hopefully you'll get some input soon! What kinds of things were you wanting to know?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Just really wanting any information about them. I have heard that they can be stubborn and I was just wondering how hard crate training would be. Just really any information that they can give me.



    • Gold Top Dog

     Well, I just lost everything I typed when I searched for a link for you...well, here it is.

    I currently have 2 Bassets, and find them to be delightful companions.  They are a bit stubborn, but I think it's more because their sense of smell is so strong.  They smell something interesting, and that's it!  For that reason, they need a fenced yard or be kept on leash at all times.  If they get loose, they are gone and can't find their way home again.  They love being with their family and shouldn't be kept as outside only dogs.

    They are friendly, sociable dogs with both humans and other dogs (known as the doggie peacemaker), and make good family pets.  

    I've only crate trained one, but have never heard of that as being a problem.   

    They don't require a huge amount of exercise, but are not the couch potatoes that most people think.  They love walks, some love chasing a ball, and some just like to tear up stuffy toys.  Some even do that's a hoot!  

    Fire away if you have any more questions! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    a relative of mine just got a Basset pup. but she's moved back to South Florida so i cant talk to her.. 

    And, an old co-worker of mine had a Basset. she loved that dog to death and bragged about him all the time. she even mentioned how good of a guard dog he was.. yes. guard dog. she told a story about some salesman getting a little to bold, trying to come inside her house. the hound came charging at the door snarling up at him. he asked stupidly if he would bite and she said "keep on like you are and lets find out!"
    i guess there are rarities among all breeds.

    i also knew a lady working for a Basset rescue. she had about seven or eight of the drool machines in her house at one time lol very very fun visit Big Smile


    • Gold Top Dog

     Thank you very much for responding. We are getting a 10 month old Bassett to foster with the possibility of adoption. We are going to be crate training her and was just wondering if you had any advice? I've never dealt with a Bassett before so it's all new for us. Thanks for the website I will check it out.

     Thanks, Tammy

    • Gold Top Dog

    I had a basset foster pup a while back - she was GREAT. Smart, affectionate, and entertaining.

    She housetrained very easily, and was not a big chewer. I did crate train her - but she didn't spend too much time in there. She had just started to howl when I found her a home. They do eat a TON, so be aware of that - they'll eat until they explode (in my expierence) but I think that's a hound trait all over.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I had a Basset for many, many years, until she passed in her elder years. I adopted her from her previous owners when she was a year old, and she wasn't housetrained at that time. I was able to housetrain her quite quickly.  She loved clicker training, thought it was the greatest thing ever. (clicks = food, you know, and she loved food)  We competed in obedience trials, and she had her C.D title. She was trained through the next level but had arthritis at that time, so I didn't want to make her jump.  She still used her retrieving skills at home, though, and fetched the remoteSmile  She loved everyone, animal and human alike. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    My cousins have a Cocker Spaniel/Basset mix (looks and acts more like a basset). They love him. He's a great dog, very affectionate, playful; he gets a bit in a hunting/tracking mod at times like if he sees rabbits or ducks, etc... he'll take off after then, so he has to stay in a fenced in area or on a leash...but other then that a wonderful dog. 

    • Silver

    Yes, her name is priscilla we call her our accidental Basset. About a year ago she came into our animal hospital her owner wanted to put her to sleep for the folling reasons, she has started snapping at people and peeing all over the house. I asked if I could take her and find out what was going on, long story short, the dog had a severe urinary tract infection, lymes disease and was 73 lbs. when she should only be about 50 lbs. So I treated her for the lymes and uti and put her on a diet, it has been 1 year since we took her she is the most awesome dog!!! I have border collies and other high energy dogs and priscilla brings a really nice balance to our pack. I feel lucky to have her. Hope that helped you.    

    • Gold Top Dog

    The only experience I have had with Bassets was helping to transport one to a Basset rescue.  But I learned from that how to properly lift a Basset without risking injury to yourself or the dog.  :)  If you are interested I can PM you the info.

    • Gold Top Dog

    We have had three,  unfortunately someone stole our First one, it was very sad.   We loved our Bassets dearly.  We had 2 girls and a boy.  They tended to be diggers..... love to run......    We were in the country, they loved to chase the rabbits and didnt respond to come back very well.

    They have to be the cutest, most entertaining puppies you will ever see!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My Luna is supposed to be a basset/beagle mix (we call her out "Inta everything Bagle!";).

    Have you ever had a hound of any kind? 

    the one thing, despite years of dogs, fostering, etc, that I was ***NOT*** prepared for when we took Luna was ... how **vocal**they are.

    After we'd had her for 2 weeks I looked at my husband and said "We have made the BIGGEST 20-year mistake of our marriage!!"

    She 'whines' on a pitch that can drive me out of my ever-lovin mind.  Yes .. to this day.  It's not the howling .... or the "barroooooooooo" -- that I can train and control.  I'm talking about the incessant "worrying" -- the whining/talking when nothing is really 'wrong' ... but she just wants to tell her side of it.

    For me, it is literally the 'pitch' of it.  It goes thru me very similar to how fingernails on a blackboard can send chills down your spine.  It can scramble my brain until I can't think.  It can scramble my brain until I don't WANT to think ... I just want .... *sigh* ... OUT.

    I have learned to cope.  I have learned to 'deal'.  I have even learned to 'ignore' some of it.

    My husband flatly doesn't 'hear' it.  Truly he doesn't.  His hearing isn't great anyway ... but that particular 'tone' just doesn't bother him.  Only me. 

    I love her dearly.  No, I'd never get rid of her .... but I do truly wish someone had clued ME in.  So I try to tell people ... consider it.  spend TIME with this dog in all emotional ranges -- fostering to adopt is a good thing!!  But be completely honest with yourself.

    I don't think this is particularly a 'basset' thing -- I think it's a "hound" thing honestly.  And maybe, like my husband, you wouldn't even hear it.  But figured I'd mention it! LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    I met the biggest basset I've ever seen a few weeks ago. He belongs to the parents of the guy who's renting my aunt's house, but my cousin brought him to my Grandmom's house for a family party...still not sure why.

    Anywho.. He was almost as tall as my aunt's boxer mix, who I'm gonna guess is around 19-20" tall at the withers, so I'd say the Basset was around 17-18". He was loooong and low, and STILL that tall. Probably 75-80+ pounds. I wish I'd taken a picture of him. His name is Bob.

    Very nice, sweet dog, but yeah, very vocal. He started baying at one point and would. not. stop. for almost 15 minutes. And I could hear it echoing around the whole neighborhood. LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a beagle, which I'm pretty sure has basset in her somewhere along the lines (I also have a rottweiler) so maybe this info will help.

    My beagle, Sadie, is the greatest dog ever. I wouldnt trade her for anything. She is the cuddliest dog in the world, sleeps all day, yet when you want to take her for a hike/walk she couldn't be happier. She is great for taking hiking, very agile, very trusting (sometimes we have to carry her up cliffs/rocks, she just seems to know when to hang on). She is great on leash, and off leash, we walk her off leash whenver possible so she can run, she never goes far, and always comes back for a treat.

     She was a terrible puppy. It took forever to house train her. We crate trained her for the first year-year and a half, now she is just left with the run of the house. We tried and tried and were super strict about the training, then it seems at about a year and a half, she just got it, she turned into this great obediant dog. She is very loud as well. Whenever a person walks by our house, or dog she "aaroos" until she can't see them anymore. Luckily we live in the country so this isn't a huge deal. She is the most expressive dog I've ever seen. She has all of these looks, her eyes are incredibly expressive, you know exactly what she is thinking. She is very gentle and great with kids.

    Sadie is three years old now, and 8 months ago we got a rottweiler puppy. She has been wonderful with him, they are the best of friends, and she has helped a great deal in his training.