Guess this old breed!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess this old breed!

    I know what they are, but can you guess? the answer may shock you lol

      1915 is the date on the magazine this was scanned from.


    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog

    i dont want to give it away just yet so i'll let you guys stew over it for a day  or two Big Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

     my guess is JRTs

    • Gold Top Dog

    The first one looks like a Chihuahua, and the last one looks like a JRT, LOL. The two in the middle look like Pit Bulls, to me. It's amusing me that those dogs are all the same size. I know they're the same breed, but the faces are so different, on the four! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    AKC breeds at that Big Smile and yes they're all the same breed.

    i dont want to give away any more clues than that!  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bull terriers?  

    • Gold Top Dog

    JRT's? I don't know! TELL US!





    • Gold Top Dog

    My first guesses were Chihuahuas & JRTs

    So my final guess is Rat Terrior

    if not then I'm stumped

    • Gold Top Dog

     Not that they look like today's bull terrier's but that's what I'm going to guess too.  They have the coat pattern and body shape, but yeah, the faces are all wrong.

    • Silver

    I'm glad I got in on this!

    Ok, Jack Russel...but I know it might sound weird...I'm getting a Pittbull vibe (A.S.T). Ok, tell me!!! What breed????

    • Gold Top Dog

     Well JRT or Chi would not suprise me because thats what they look like.  My guess would be Am Staff's  or Bull Terriers, though I lean more towards the AmStaff.  I figure its gotta be a bully of some sort or YOU wouldn't have posted this LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Darn your hide! you know me too well Candace!!


    ok ok i'll tell.

    Yes they are Bull Terriers... MINI bull terriers at that.

    you guys werent the first to guess Chihuahuas or JRTs either Big Smile 


    amazing isnt it? hard to believe those heads went from that to this   i much prefer this physique to the other.

    • Gold Top Dog


    K now post another one.... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    They've come a long way in 100 years! That's some big time refinement.