Hello... Choosing a breed

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hello... Choosing a breed

    Hi, I am hoping to get a dog soon and was wondering about which breed to choose. I have owned german shepherds before but never a small dog. I am looking for something that isnt frail, a dog that i can have fun with and not worry about it getting hurt. The breeds i know im not interested in are like tiny lap dogs such as pomeranians, chihuahuas and a few others. I was looking at Basenji's and like how they look like they are always willing to go and do something.


    Im a big fan of obedience such as like puppy class and just generally learning and teaching my dog new things so i want a really smart breed which also means that i get in to the subborn breeds. I like the Shba Inu's but i dont have a breeder near by and i would never dream of shipping a dog nor do i have the money to fly across the USA.


    In short i know i have rambled a bit but does anyone have any idea's about smart smaller breeds? thank you for your time sorry for any miss spelled words

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi , I have hounds and we show so we are often around Basenjis.  Like you I think they are a neat looking dog... and here is the BUT.... they are terribly territorial.... very into the whole pack life with a capital P.   They are wickedly smart so you have to be on your toes...where your shepards lived to please you and care for you , Basenjis are really independant, so they cuddle when it is thier Idea not yours. A lot of the African breeds are like that , my Ridgebacks are very feline too.  Oh , don't forget the odd yodeling they do.  While frequently touted as a barkless breed that does not mean silent. It is an funny noise, I think it would get old fast but I like the bell like baying of my guys. They are solid as rocks and tough little cookies. I have yet to meet a breeder or handler who would classify them as fragile in any way...  And the great Champion Johnny Be Good was as charismatic as you could ever wish for , flashy and fun a very fiesty boy that was a joy to watch in the ring !!

    I know what you mean about flying a pup , I won't either.  Could you make a connection with a breeder and maybe do the Dog Show Transport system?? Many breeders will pay thier handler or another they trust to deliver a dog to a show site nearer you. It is worth asking about anyway.

    Best of Luck!!

    Bonita of Bwana 


    • Gold Top Dog

    Yeah thats the only thing i worried about when resreaching basenji's is that they might be a big touchy with other animels, I am currently living with two cats and a senior dog so i have to look for a breed that would go well with a house full of animels hehe i didnt even know breeders would do something like that! the last forums i posted on chased me off for even considering another dog, and went on and on about how i should resreach breeds and make sure i have time. *shakes head* another breed i was thinking about was this mix breed at a rescue she is really cute but im afraid she might be a little bigger then im looking for shes a duchound cockerspaneld mix sorry for the miss spellings anyways im currently going through her app. hoping i clear so that i can at least go meet her.


    I would love another big dog but the way my life is right now i might be moving to an appartment some time down the road so a smaller dog is more suited to my future such as two years down the road.

    i was thinking of a miniture schnazucer

    oh emiley my german shepherd lives with my mother, and her girlfriend now. in Mass but they might be moving to AZ. emiley had to go with them one because my mom fell in love with her hehe and two because she has terrible seperation anxisities when she not with her brother Loki

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would think hard about the little mix, she is in need and you have love to share.   Mini Schauzers are an interesting breed.  If you can not do your own grooming it can get expensive to keep them looking great.  They are good dogs but again think TERRIER. endless energy and drive... how will you handle that should you move in to an apartment?  The hound mix would be a good watch dog and companion.  I adore Hounds. They give and give and never regret it. Since you have a med and a small hound blended I would not think the pup would get too big.  would caution about stairs though. If you have a lot of stairs to deal with that might one day be problematic.  wonder if it would be called a Dasset?  ot would it be a Basshound ?? I could think of a lot of Jazz names for a pup like that  :0)

    Bonita of Bwana

    Time for bed yawn !!!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Where is California are you? I show throughout the state and know reputable breeders in most breeds (or they might know and recommend someone if I dont know anyone) that can talk to you about the various breeds you are thinking about. They can also put you in touch with the breed rescue if you want to go that route. Feel free to PM me if you are more comfortable that way.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I have three Westies and they are great small dogs.  They are sturdy and are not frail.  I can take my Westies anywhere and they outlast me.  They are supposedly really good in agility.  They are also very smart, and learn quickly.    My little girls catch on quickly to what I try to teach them.  They are not a lap dog; but love affection and cuddling.  I always say they are my big dogs in small bodies.

    • Gold Top Dog




    Do you mean Zindika's Johnny Come Greatly?  A wonderful ambassador for the breed. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hi!  I also prefer large dogs, German Shepherds, but I agree a smaller dog would be better for you right now.  What about another smaller Spitz-type dog?  I also love Basenjis, but I'll admit it's mainly for looks.  In reality, I like a dog that is a little less independent and primitive when it comes to temperament and how biddable it is.  I know it boils down to the individual dog, but I think in my heart that the Basenji is not really the type of breed that fits my lifestyle and my goals for training.  If I had to rule out larger dogs, I would look at American Eskimo, Swedish Vallhund, Finnish Lapphund, and possibly a Corgi or a few other smaller Spitz-types (I just prefer that appearance and I'm not a terrier person).  I don't have experience with any of these breeds an am lucky my housing situation allows for large dogs, but if I was still in an apartment and felt a smaller breed would be best, those are the ones I would look at.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nope no stairs in this house hehe i live near Riverside in California, the most stairs my house has atm is two for the fron door and i think those would hardle count, as for what i would do when i move a few years down the road is i would look for appartments that would allow me to have a dog and by then i will have lots going for me because the dog will already be full grown crate trained and any other training that is helpful. Im really looking in to adoption i think mix breeds have some of the coolest looks i mean its nice know about pure breeds but in the end even pure breeds where mix's somewhere in there past hehe. also when i start appartment hunting i would make sure what ever appartment i get in to would be first floor with a little out side pourch area as well as a park near by. anyways i got to run ill answer more of the post later sorry lunch time hehe

    • Gold Top Dog

    Westies where on the list of breeds i was going to look in to as well as corgi. i truely am looking for a big dog personallity in a small dog thats why i said something that wasnt frail hehe im used to playing with large shepherds and i do visit my shepherds from time to time so i need something that can keep up with them i dont want to have to be afraid of them tumbling a little dog and it getting hurt or upset because there to rough. brings to mind taking the shepherds to the dog park and all the little dog owners being afraid of how rough they play when really my shepherds are so careful not to hurt the little dogs.

    i was thinking of an english bulldog but dont have the money for one as well as im not a fan of the smushed in nose and breathing problems but they just look like big loves hehe

    • Puppy
    If you are a "big fan of obedience" then really, basenji's and spitz type dogs aren't likely to be your best choice. Those breeds have their charms, but if you are looking for a dog that takes readily to training, and that you can trust off lead in safe places, you should be looking at some of the smaller herding breeds (corgi's, perhaps shelties if you don't mind the hair), or some of the smaller spaniels (English cockers, field spaniels, and the like), or some of the terriers. Of the breed you have mentioned, mini schnauzers seem like the best fit for you. Nice spunky dogs, pretty fearless, willing to get up and go with you to do whatever, and also pretty amenable to training. Westies are another option, and you might also look at cairn terriers. All of the terriers can tend toward stubbornness, but a persistent trainer who works with the dog, rather than trying to dominate it can do quite nicely with a terrier. Be aware that skin allergies are very common among many of the terrier breeds though. Corgis are another possibility. Again, a good mix of spunk and trainability. They are pretty active, both physically and mentally, but many of them do very well in apartments if they are given adequate exercise and mental stimulation. But Basenji's? Gorgeous dogs, but not a breed for someone who is "a big fan of obedience".
    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you all for sharing info Big Smile some time next week after wes. i will be going out to the near by shelters and seeing what they have to offer because i much rather adopted a dog that needs a home then go out and by a pure breed. there is little difference to me between the two the biggest difference is the pure breeds are more likely to find a home then the puppies at the shelter. besides i might get lucky and find the perfect mix breed. wish me luck ill keep you all update on what happens. even though i have decided to check the shelters im still going to read up on all these breeds because it doesnt hurt to know things besides i find it really interesting.

    • Gold Top Dog

    check petfinder.com. you would be suprised at how many purebred dogs end up in shelters. Or a breed rescue, if you settle on a breed. Many resuces has foster homes all over the states, you could probably find one near-ish to you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    yeah thats where i found this mix breed i really really like but as for my shelter here they use petfinders but i dont know how up to day they keep theres. my shelter here makes me sad they do the best they can but i can tell they are hurting for money. anyways im going to go down there some time this upcoming weeking because i know they dont always post what animels they have and it doesnt hurt to look. the mix breed i was looking at is at a rescue 30ish min away from me so im hoping by the middle of next week they will be through looking over my app. and i can go see the dogs they have there as well because they only let you view there dogs once you have pasted requirements

    • Gold Top Dog

     I totally recommend a corgi(no tail). They are sorta small and definitely not fragile. Also, they are super smart.