Help!! My boyfriend's allergic to my Pomeranian!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    SnickleFritz's Woman

    Ughh!! I LOVE Benny! I just read his bio! Aren't Poms soooo much fun!!! Big Smile The pictures were so cute and reminded me of Fritz! The one were he's clutching the tennis ball is my favorite!



    Awww, Thanks!  Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Take this from someone who is about allergic to everything in the world...EXCEPT DOGS! (thank god) Either keep him out of the house, get rid of the dog, or have him start Immune Therapy.


    I'm sorry, but I have to throw in that this is not good advice.  On many levels.  Keeping BF and the dog separate can cause major stress on the relationship.  Keeping him out of the house isn't gonna happen since she wants to marry him someday.  Immune therapy is the same thing as being exposed on a daily basis to the allergen, so why pay money for it?  And excuse me, but getting rid of the dog because of allergies is just the mark of a lazy person or one influenced by others who seem to think this is acceptable.  Allergies can be managed.  And its not hard.  Its time consuming, but not hard.  The allergens from a dog come from SALIVA.  The saliva dries on the fur and skin and becomes dander.  Only a small part of the allergen is skin based.  Those with skin allergies like ecxema will notice that they are worse if the dog licks you.  Those types of allergies often show symptoms before respitory symptoms show up.  I have both, but my son has them worse.  With our previous dog his skin would welt instantly if the dog licked him.  For this reason, I let my ex have him in our split up.  But with daily exposure, my son has all but lost the allergy.  At least with my dogs.  With dogs that live in less, um... preventative situations, poor diet, poor grooming, he will get a little red, and might need a puffer.  Cats are still bad.  Wetting a dog down even with plain water will rinse away a good percentage of the allergens.  Washing them will eliminate them, but not forever obviously.

    • Silver

    I 100% agree with Huskymom. Fritz has a home with me forever, and as for the allergies, I am managing them. He came over wed night. On tues night, I scrubbed and vacummed the house. Also used the Allergen Reducing Febreeze and he I asked him how he felt. He said his eyes were a little dry, but he felt fine. Actually, when I walked into the living room, he and Fritz were sprawled out on the floor and he was scatching the dogs belly. Oh, I also took a damp washcloth over Fritz's fur to get off any loose dander and hair.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yay!  I'm so glad you are seeing results!  Good for you!

    Psst.... I'm also glad you BF seems to love your little guy too....thats always a bonus! 

    • Silver

    Thanks! Everyone is being such a great help!

    Oh yeah, he loves the little guy. Fritz is a Pom and the BF gets a kick out of his spunk! He keeps talking about getting a husky one day too!