Aussies...gosh darnit

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aussies...gosh darnit

    I need to know, if I have shelties, could I handle an Aussie? There is a gorgeous blue merle male, still a puppy, at the shelter 10 mins from my house. It has come to my attention that he is being euthanized Thursday morning if he's not out by tomorrow. I don't know what it is about this dog, I saw his pic and I feel like I have to go get him, even if it's only temporary until I can get him into a rescue. I "look" all the time, but I've never felt this compelled to "go get". DH says I can bring home whatever I want, but only one more.


    • Gold Top Dog

    my answer is.. GO GET HIM!!!

    my mom had a sheltiexcollie that was just rotten around ANYONE/THING if it was new. but if i told her to behave she would do so.. even if she didnt wanna... if yours are anything like mine - would die to please you - then it might work, even if its a temporary thing.

    i had only had an aussie/pitXDobie.. thats the extent of my experience with them.. he loved everyone and everything. and was also the best friend of my moms dog.

    again if its temp. then i'm sure it could be managed... i would certainly try to save him if it was me in your place.

    and if you're in GA.. i know someone that is.. or was.. looking for a collie or aussie.. he might be interested if he's purebred and good natured enough..  

    • Gold Top Dog

    He is purebred, judging by looks. Gorgeous!!!! and 9 months old.

    • Gold Top Dog

    is he on petfinder? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    No, none of this shelters dogs are. I'll post his pic, hang on.....


    • Gold Top Dog

     awwww poor guy!!

    no i wouldnt be able to let him die in that place lol if i thought i could do it then i would go rescue him in a heart beat. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    My sister adopted an Aussie a year or so ago, and he just happens to be the craziest dog I think I have ever met...but on the other hand I have also known a few really AMAZING Aussies.  And that boy you posted is gorgeous!  So I think you should take a chance on him and go get him out.  You can regret your decision later, AFTER you have saved him.  ;-)

    All kidding aside, even if he did not turn out to be the right "fit" for YOU, maybe you could at least manage to foster him for a bit while you try to find him a forever home, or possibly get him into purebred rescue (if that is possible).  I'm sure rescue would at least be willing to post his picture and biography online to help facilitate his adoption.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

    • Gold Top Dog

     GO GET HIM!


    There are many aussie rescues out there that you can get this guy in to if you don't want to keep him at your home. You could even foster him and put him up on the aussie rescue website for adoption.

    IMO if you can handle a Sheltie you can handle an aussie. Just a word of warning though - a sheltered aussie probably has not had any training or the proper amount of exercise. When you first bring him home he will probably seem like the worlds craziest dog but once he settles in with exercise and a bit of training he should be manageable. Just like any of the herding breeds, if they've been cooped up and had no goal in life they're like a jack in the box waiting to spring.


    Here are some aussie rescue org's you could contact if you don't want to keep him. At the very least save him from death! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree, please go get him! Even if he isn't your forever dog, this guy deserves more of a chance. Bring him home!

    edited for spelling.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I bet he will be gorgeous after a nice bath and some TLC.  I agree with everyone else - go get him!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ok, well I'm definitely going to get him. Unless he jumps out of the kennel and bites me or someone beats me to it. DH has been wanting a frisbee dog and the shelties are not really shaping up to be good in that area, so it might work out. The main deal breaker would be not getting along with the kids or shelties. If not, with his looks, I think I can find a place for him easily.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Ok, well I'm definitely going to get him. Unless he jumps out of the kennel and bites me or someone beats me to it. DH has been wanting a frisbee dog and the shelties are not really shaping up to be good in that area, so it might work out. The main deal breaker would be not getting along with the kids or shelties. If not, with his looks, I think I can find a place for him easily.

    Well your husband's looking for a frisbee dog, this is his!  Here's a link I actually got from a guy here and have them saved as my favorites so I can watch them over and over again!  They are just awesome.  These videos inspired me to take Misty out and teach her to catch!  She doesn't do too bad, I would love her to be this good, but I don't think I could be this good!  LOL

    Enjoy, and let us know if you get him...please!

    I believe the first one is just of his BC, but the second is with his Aussie!  If you go to YouTube, you should be able to find more. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I did go the day after I first posted to get him, but the shelter wouldn't release him to me....something to do with him not being neutered and not having enough space to process him. The good news is, he was picked up later that day by a rescue. The better news is, I applied to the rescue and was approved pending a home visit. The home visit is happening this week, so barring anything wacky, he's got a forever home with us.

    Oh, and now that I've seen him, I think he's a border collie...he weighs 40 lbs and has a full tail.

    New pic taken by the rescue....


    • Gold Top Dog

    he looks pretty BC'ish to me too. Let us know how the home visit goes! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I hope the home visit goes well and you are approved. He is beautiful!