German Shepherd Stacking..

    • Gold Top Dog

    I assumed Gina meant across the top of the dog (like the pics of Deena and Keefer).  If I am wrong, then yes, they should definitely taper backwards if we're looking from the side.  They should have a deep chest and a definite tuck in at the waist.

    • Gold Top Dog

    i just went back and re read everything and i think you're right. DUH! haha.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I guess his hips aren't much thinner than his shoulders, but some...


    God, he looks skinny compared to Dean and Keefer, huh?  Do you think he's too thin? His ribs feel right.

    • Gold Top Dog

    All GSD's I have seen regardless of line have lacked a width of space between their hind legs comparable with other breeds viewed from behind...what does y'alls standard say about the hind end's width from behind? I do think that a wider butt enables an easier stand and promotes stamina over long stretches...but the narrower one might have advantaged for agility, quick movements, etc.

    Interesting discussion!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks fine to me, but I like to see ribs.  Better to err on the lean side.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gina, I think this is the best description/depiction of the standard, at least the best available: 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Is that a recent pic of Jaia? I wonder if he looks thinner than D & K because he's still young and hasn't filled out yet? Keefer will be 2-1/2 on 2/25, and Dena will be 3-1/2 on 3/12. Keefer in particular has become much more broad as he's matured.

    With my dogs and their coats you're not going to actually see ribs unless they're REALLY skinny, they're just too fluffy for that, even wet. I can easily feel every rib, but I noticed that from that angle (straight down) you can't see their waist as well as when viewed lengthwise, with me standing in front of them. Then the dip in at the waist, and a curve out again at the hips is much more apparent.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Cassidys Mom
    Is that a recent pic of Jaia?


    Yes, I took it yesterday. He's 17 months old. But DH said the same thing you said. He knows our dogs are related and that yours are older. 

    Also, Jaia's coat is really straight and unfluffy on his lower back, so it lays right down. B'asia's is more like your dogs'.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yeah, their hair lays fairly flat along their back, but fluffs out partway down their sides, rather than following the contours of their rib cage. Here you can see Dena's waist better:

    And a side view of her fluffy hair:

    I couldn't get Keefer to stand still long enough to get a lengthwise shot of him.  Do you think he knows it's park day, lol?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think all these TeMar dogs look awesome.  I'm not really into that "old world" look where idiot breeders make their coated GSDs huge and fat (which is only more ridiculous when you look at how thin and scrappy "old world" GSDs really were).  Even with their coats they have nicely defined shape.  While Kenya is my GSD, my Coke is more like your dogs because he has a long coat like that.  I want to keep him very lean because he is very tall, leggy, and may have hip dysplasia.  When he came to use, his pelvic bones were really sticking out.  I've slooooowly put a tad bit of weight on him and I think he looks really nice now.  He lacks the angulation of a GSD and has a different head, but his body looks a lot like you guys' dogs (except for where his butt was shaved - still growing back in). 

    Anyway, stacking....still can't get Kenya to do it.  She just hates being "placed".  She thinks she's doing something wrong and her ears go flat, tail tucks under, so even if I do get a correct stack she looks miserable.  I've tried to free stack her as well with a food lure, but then she thinks we are training and wants to do a sit or a down, lol.  And of course I NEVER have the camera ready for a good natural stack!!  Her and Coke are wrestling for a toy right now and she just did a nice stack standing over Coke (she's such a bully!).  Hair is flying, I'm going to have to vacuum again!  I just did after brushing half of Cokes coat out... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anyway, stacking....still can't get Kenya to do it.  She just hates being "placed".


    Have you tried cinder blocks? LOL  Of course, it took 2 of us and cat kibble to get the job done. (I know you've seen this, I'm just so proud!) Embarrassed


    • Gold Top Dog

    You should be proud!  That's about as spot on as it gets!  Even the camera angle is great and the simple background.

    If I had blocks, I'd try that.  I tried it with cans, but she wouldn't do it.  She doesn't have a great stack anyway, not the right angulation and slope for show.

    I've got her natural a few times.  She often leans forward and hunches her shoulders, so it makes her withers look even more flat and her butt too high.


    front feet stepped out of this one

    I think her Pedigree Database photo is still the best one

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree, that's a pretty awesome stack of Jaia! I've never tried placing mine, but heck, I can't even measure them so I know it wouldn't be easy! They'd think it's playtime, or they'd want to get hugs and give us kisses.

    • Silver

    Oh my, it sure is nice to see some pictures of GSDs that are not so terribly extreme. Lovely  dogs.

    A long time ago, maybe 20 years ago, a novice at handling class asked me why they stack Shepherds that way. As my smart ass comment came out of my mouth, I realized that it was only half a joke, there really was some truth to it.

    I said "It's because they look like cr#@ if you stack them normally." All the GSDs in the ring during that time had horrible rears, the hocks would actually knock together as the dog walked. Stacking a dog like they do in the ring can hide a lot of rear end faults. So maybe that is why it started, somebody trying to hide a faulty rear.

    • Gold Top Dog

     And here are a couple of B'asia just in case anyone is interested. These aren't actual stacks (clearly), but were taken while she was walking. I think she's got a cute little body.