Any Pom owners out there?

    • Puppy

    WOW!!!  I know quite a few poms and none of them are the least bit mean.  All are very loveable and happy.  Mine love everyone that might want to cuddle with them.  I have never met a pom that was't like this, just maybe a couple that were somewhat reserved.  I'm glad I adopted mine from very reputable breeders and have poms with excellent temperments.  Never realized that there were actually poms with difficult temperments.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think the main thing that has formed my opinions, is that when I was young, the "Toys" were among the up and coming popular breeds in the general public.  The Toy Poodles, Peke's, Pom's, Chi's.......  They were a novelty.  Not many pet products on the market, not much gerernally understood about animal psychology, behavior, etc.  I'm talking  about in the 60's.  Adults who, in the 50's acquried their new "toy" and did not know what to do other than baby it and let it rule the world.  The hay day of the quintessential pampered, yappy, ankle biter.  Those are my memories of many Toys.  Yorkies, Tzu's, Papillion's, Maltese, were just not on the radar in my area.  It was the Poodles, Peke's, Pom's and Chi's.  Not a good representation at all.  Of course, I was young and these dogs had an even worse reputation with small children. 

    Also during this time Irish Setter's, Collies, and German Shep's had bad reputations.  Very popular, probably over bred, poorly understood and completely mishandled. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Update:  I called the shop.  They said that all records go with the pup at the time of purchase.  There are no second copies.  Obviously, my friend and her mother had no idea what they were given.  They don't even have the sales receipt.  He was about 10 or 11 weeks old when they purchased him.... according to my calculations.  I know his date of birth, and the day he came to me, and I know they had him approx 4weeks. 

    The shop said he had his first vaccs, but that was all.  So, I guess a re-start is necessary.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He was about 10 or 11 weeks old when they purchased him.... according to my calculations.  I know his date of birth, and the day he came to me, and I know they had him approx 4weeks. The shop said he had his first vaccs, but that was all.  So, I guess a re-start is necessary.

    Actually puppy Vaccs at this point are entirely up to you. To be 100% honest and fair to your wallet; many dogs live healthy long lives without puppy vaccs.

    I recused a 6 month old male Pomeranian from a puppy mill. He was born into a world, abandoned, and filled with every known intestinal worm disease possible. After medicating him I asked the Vet if I should do a series of puppy vaccs on him. My Vet told me "Look to be honest, you really don't need to! Of course we'd love to do it, and most places will sucker you into any procedure just for the money. If you want my fair opinion, he doesn't need it at this point; many dogs live long healthy lives without any vaccs procedures. Rabbies is all I require and recommend for you."

    Therefore, the shots are entirely up to you. But deff make sure he has his rabbies accordingly & neuter procedure. The BYB/Bred Mill/Store gave him enough to manage thus far. If the Vet checks him out and feels that he is happy and healthy I really wouldn't bother.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow.  I will have to digest this.  What about parvo? K9 influ ?  Etc?   I have never heard that puppy vaccs were optional.  I know there has been a lot of contraversy about annual vaccs.  I personally have opted not to have my 5yr old vac'd because of her CRF and the other issues that have arisen since the ARF. 

    Parvo and the flu are the two I am most concerned about.  Truthfully, I have not had a puppy in so long, and since my last few rescues, I have devoted much of my interest to adult and senior dog issues.  I need to brush up on "puppy". 

    I can confidently say that my vet would not push any procedure on me that he did not feel was necessary.  He may truly believe that the pups vaccs are necessary, but that would be just based on his knowledge as a vet.  Most fo the vets in my area like the "ol' country doctor".  They may not be up on or up to speed with the latest in these kinds of changes, but they do what they feel is best.  We do have one new guy who bought my retired vet's practice.  WHAT A CROOK!  That is all I can say.  He not only will push you into unnecessary procedures, but he double bills.... uses two different terms for the same procedure or item, charges equally for each.  Grrrr.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeah see I found it weird too; but I don't know... I trust my Vet and figured he's probably right BUT... I personally would get the shots for my dog. I'm just very picky and over protective like that! hehe! I hope it goes well on Wednesday! I can't wait to hear!
    • Puppy

    How did your appt. go?  If you let me know his weight, I'd be happy to look at the weight charts and see his estimated grown weight will be.


    Mine go Saturday for their shots.....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pippin went to the vet this morning.  He is 17wks old and 4.25lbs.  Doc did a bunch of temperament tests which Pippin passed very nicely.  As I suspected, doc says he will be taller than a traditional Pom.  He is "leggy".  I don't care about that.  His knees look good.

    He got just one shot.  Doc said he is too small to give more than one shot.  He will get the other in two weeks.

    I had to take a little gasp tho.  My vet did take second to let me know that Poms are a handful.  I still think this little bugger has a great personality.  I will work hard to make him the best behaved pup on the block.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Little update on my guy.  Final vaccs today.  Just going on 5mos, he is 5.5lbs.  Turning out to be an awesome little guy.  Very gentle, very smart... Oh So Cute!

    collarsandcuddles001.jpg picture by lindy2taylorcollarsandcuddles045.jpg picture by lindy2taylor

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have 2 Pomeranians...a party color and a tiny female fawn


    • Gold Top Dog

    What an adorable group!  I can't say that one is cuter than the other, but that middle one has what I  consider to be a classic Pom face.  Maybe it's the angle.  My Pom will be taller than the classic and he has a REAL fox face.  It's kind of freaky.  I swear if there was a chicken coop in the neighborhood, he'd be in it.  LOL.

    Beautiful family.  What are there ages, and there names?

    • Gold Top Dog

    WELCOME... I love Poms... and Pom people... haha! Love the Orange-Cream parti-coloring and traditional Orange standard!! Hopefully you can post some pictures & edit your profile so we can learn and read all about them!! *hugs*

    • Gold Top Dog

    The fawn is Missy, she's 3# wet and is around 5yrs old now; Dakota is the party colored Pom, he's 6# and is around 3 now (we found him in a truck stop dumpster in Wyoming); Kuaui is the chihuahua mix at 8yrs old.

    They are sitting behind the screen door of the camper during our trip to Rifle Gap Falls, CO and Steamboat Springs...they were all VERY tired, don't let these little guys fool ya, they can keep up with the best of the best on hiking trips.

    • Gold Top Dog


    don't let these little guys fool ya, they can keep up with the best of the best on hiking trips.

    lol so cute! Yeah my little girl Kayla likes to THINK she can keep up but I swear she's going to just fall over the pass out one of these days...

    I love that about Poms tho! BIG dog in a SMALL package!

    • Gold Top Dog

    This is my sister's pom Jazzie.  My sister lives in AZ and has a 2year old son.  I never heard of my sister complain about the dog only that sometimes Jazzie pees inside the house when excited.