what type of dog is this?

    • Gold Top Dog

    what type of dog is this?

    This is my sister's dog who she got from a shelter while she lived on Oahu, HI. And we've been debating what mix she is, so I just thought I'd like to see what you all think.

    I have my thoughts, and my sister has hers, so we'll see what you all think!



    • Bronze

    It almost looks like a Rhodesian Ridgeback cross.  Some of the markings remind me of a Troller.  Perhaps this is the cross??

    Just a guess...maybe some lab in him?

    Karen Kearney

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a pretty girl!  Something about her face makes me think she might have some Greyhound or Whippet in her.  Maybe some Pit as well.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just some more info, she has very interesting fur, unlike any other dog I've come into contact with. It's very short and very coarse. She does love to run and sniff, which gave us the idea that maybe there was some hound in her.

    In my opinion, I thought she looked like either a Vizsla mix or Pharaoh Hound mix, but both are pretty rare so I thought it would be odd to find a mix of either of those breeds in a shelter.

    But with the white on her feet and chest, I too thought maybe there could be some greyhound in there.

    okay, here's a picture that shows a side view

    • Gold Top Dog

    Vizsla!  That's it!  There was something sooo familiar about her, and I couldn't put my finger on it.  Pit wasn't sitting right, but that was all I could come up with.  Yeah, Vizsla/Greyhound sounds pretty good. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    she looks like maybe vizsla/pit
    • Gold Top Dog

    she looks like maybe vizsla/pit


    I agree! 

    • Gold Top Dog
    A very cute redhead ;)
    • Gold Top Dog

     i say it a lot lol but if there is pit in her - at least HALF - then check for that under bite. most pits have undershot teeth... well... every pit I'VE ever met had one...

    so.. my guess is Vizsla mix or red nose pit mix. a lot of pits have really short short coats.

    i'm going out on a limb too... but if she had any kind of sight hound, wouldnt she have more of a tummy tuck than that? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with the visla/pit mix.

    no sighthound.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maybe a pit/scenthound mix, or pit/vizsla (vizslas aren't really that rare any more--there's a whole slew that go to our dog park). Pits often have pretty short coats, as do many large scenthounds. If she is pit mixed with something, it's going to be something with a longer/thinner muzzle and much less blocky of a head.

    Any which way, she's totally adorable. How can you say no to that face?!? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I NEVER say this but to me she might actually be a Pharaoh Hound mix.  The dead giveaway is the tail tip.  I don't know many sighthounds that have just a tip that looks like it was dipped in white paint...but most pharaoh hounds do.  Not like a beagle/foxhound/harrier type with a white tail, just the tip.   The fact that her nose is pink and her earset (though not erect) is correct as well.  Does she have pink lips and pinkish paw pads?

    Not all sighthounds have a super pronounced tuck-in fact the tuck is made more prominent by a large chest.  The fineness in bone structure also tells me she might have PH in her.  A big key would be to find out if she rocks back on her back toes when she's just standing around.  PHs do that all the time, it's almost like a cat retracting their claws.

     The head shape makes me think there's some pit in there. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    not sure if she has pink lips, but I do know she has pinkish paw pads. And my sister says she also blushes like PH's are supposed to do.

    I'll have to ask my sister if she does the rocking back on her toes.

    My sister had absolutely no idea what she might be when she got her. So I feel pretty good that I'm close whether it's PH or vizsla :)

    • Gold Top Dog



    My sister had absolutely no idea what she might be when she got her. So I feel pretty good that I'm close whether it's PH or vizsla :)



    Either way with those two you've got a high energy, high stamina dog with needs for lots and lots of exercise and mental stimulation. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't know how my sister didn't see any signs of this at the shelter where she got her (named Maka). But for the longest time Maka was afraid of everything. And I mean everything. There would be times she would see something on the tv and then not want to go anywhere near the tv. She was afraid of all new people and would run away from them. She also had allergy issues or something since she would always get sick. Now she's on a feed that is for sensitive stomachs I believe.

    It was to the point that my sister almost wanted to give her up. Lukily I talked her out of it fearing that Maka would be put down, when I truly thought it was something that could be worked on.

    Now my sister is moving to Maine, husband is in the navy, and Maka is at my parents for the time being. I feared how she would do on the flight over, but now that she's over here, she's a changed dog. She's still slightly scared of new people, but warms up to them much quicker, and is no longer afraid of objects like before. And now she actually begs for attention where before she would run away. She also loves to play fetch and play with other dogs.

    So I'm so glad my sister didn't give her up.

    But yes, while visiting my sister, I took Maka for walks and discovered that she loved to run. So now my mom has problems trying to walk the dogs since Maka tries to run the whole time while our old pug lags behind lol