Is this a pure breed GSD?

    • Bronze

    Is this a pure breed GSD?

    Can anyone tell if this is a pure breed German Shepherd? Your help would be very much appreciated.

     Thank you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Could be.  Weight?  Age? 

    • Bronze

    I am not sure. I found it homeless and neglected.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Can you get a couple more pictures? Especially from the side, with the camera pretty much on the dog's level?  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd like to see more pictures, too, but it looks like one to me.  

    • Bronze

    It's hard to take good photos of a little puppy with my camera phone, but here is another.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Hard to say without a weight/age comparison.  It could be a GSD, but it could be a hound mix or a number of other things... It looks to have a REALLY tight coat.  Even short stock coated GSDs can be pretty fuzzy pups. 

    • Bronze

    The coat is really tight, the tale is not fuzzy at all. All I know is that he is teething (that's the best I can say about age) ...

    • Gold Top Dog

    That could indicate part (or all) GSD then, typically their ears drop while teething. 

    • Bronze
    Do you feel that it might not be GSD at all? What would it be then?
    • Gold Top Dog

     After seeing the pic and hearing he's teething, I'm going to say no. Because a 4-5 month old GSD is going to be larger than this pup looks. Also, his body type doesn't say GSD to me. As far as what he is, I agree there may be some hound. He's a cutie.

    • Gold Top Dog

    In the second pic, it looks pretty leggy in the rear, lacks angulation, no deep GSD chest.  The coat does seem really short/tight for a GSD, but I've never had a GSD puppy myself.  The face looks GSD-puppy, but it's hard to say.  The ears could be down for teething, or just be that way.  It could easily be some mix with lab or hound.

    Maybe it's just me, but the pup's belly looks a bit swollen.  Has it been wormed? 

    • Bronze

    Yeah he is a real cutie. Very active. Good to see him put on some weight.

    • Gold Top Dog

    growing up we owned many shepherdxdobermans.... he looks likes he could be a mix of that. sadly i dont have any pictures online of the dogs i had when i was a kid... and yes the teething stage for those guys was the same size range as this one.


    • Bronze

    I am just about to worm it and take it to the vet for all the shots and check-up.