What is your favorite small breed, and why?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What is your favorite small breed, and why?

     I really miss having a small dog around. Delilah (GSD) and Beefer (Basset Hound) are both wonderful... but it's just not the same.

    So, just because, in honor of the small dogs out there... what's your favorite? Why? Do you prefer to raise from a puppy or adopt an adult.? Why?Wink 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am partial to cairn terriers.  That is what I have now.  I love the determination, happy attitude, and feistiness.  They "talk" (rooooooo, roo, roo) daily and are ready for any adventure.  They are small, but quite hardy. It is fun to raise and train a pup, but my next one will probably be an adult. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Alaskan Klee Kais!  Like my beautiful girl, Honor.  The AKK is fiesty, athletic, independent, and intelligent, all wrapped up in a gorgeous package.  I love the breed, and bemoan the fact that I've only just discovered them. 

    As for puppy or adult, I got Honor as a puppy (she's 5 months now), and it's been a bit of a challenge, but no more than you can expect from most puppies.  I am looking forward to buying a house though, because DH and I are looking into getting another AKK, and Honor's breeder said that AKK pups are particularly good at emulating adult AKK behavior.  This should make it easier to train the prospective puppy. 

    But I just love AKKs.  I've had big dogs (collie, samoyed, golden, etc.) my whole life, and it's amazing how different it is with a small breed!  I'll still have big dogs in the future, but there's something appealing about all that spunk in such a tiny dog! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm a big dog person! 

    Basenjis, Klee Kais, Beagles, Corgis - I think they are cute and still "dog" enough for me.  I've got nothing against toy dogs, but they just aren't for me.  I also don't really like longer hair or curly hair in general, which cuts out a lot of the toys and small breeds.  I'm not into terriers.

    • Bronze

    I love Shih Tzus! I had never owned a dog before and thought a puppy would be too difficult. I tried to adopt on 3 different occasions through a rescue organization but was turned down because I had a 10 year old child. I grew tired of being judged and purchased a puppy from a local breeder. I now have 7 and cannot imagine life without any one of them.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Beagles are small but when most people say small they mean "Toy breed", lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I really like Shih Tzus, even though I've not personally owned one. I also love my yorkie and my wee elf dogWink

    • Gold Top Dog

     My favorite small breed is definitely a Pomeranian. They are incredibly loyal, very smart and caring dogs, and they are very cute too Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love shih tzus, Boston Terriers, pugs. I owned two shih tzus years ago, and they were "bigger dogs" in attitude than most real big dogs I know! I do love big dogs, but I would have another small one again if my DH would allow it! Big Smile  They are so much fun.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My favorite small breed is a Boston Terrier. I think these pictures show why....


    • Gold Top Dog

     french bulldogs, papillions, italian greyhounds, and i don't know if a cardigan welsh corgi counts as a small breed or not, but if it does, add it.

    • Gold Top Dog

    out of the toy groups.... poms (though i prefer the larger/nonstandard types.. the ones that look more like coyotes than cotton balls) next is long haired Chihuahuas.. OR the taller, more greyhound looking chihuahuas (like the taco bell dog.. dont care for short fat dogs with no neck)

    i also like italian greyhounds... 

    moving up from there.. Boston Terrier... then Jack Russell Terrier...

    a little larger than that still.... erm.... springer spaniel.. yeah i consider them small dogs because they are smaller than the norm for me.. German shepherd, Doberman, American Bulldog....

    I also prefer to raise one from a puppy.... why? because for some reason, as i am finding out now, a lot of people dont think they need to train a small dog to NOT mess in the house!! Mattie will hang on to her #2 all day long just so she can have some privacy and crap in a corner on my home!! granted they're small turds.. but turds none the less.... and i have little kids crawling around.. i prefer to do the house training myself.... that way i know its done!!! and i wont have to correct someone elses crate training mistakes! Mattie hates her crate and will howl, cry, scratch, and go nuts when you put her in there.... but Amber (my JRT) was crate trained from puppy-hood and she LOVES her crate! she'll go in there to lie down just for a mini vacation....  she also stashes her own treats in there.  

    • Gold Top Dog


    The Havanese is going to be my next dog for sure!

    • Gold Top Dog

    DumDog, what you like isn't a Pom- check out the German Spitz Klein (up to 12";) and Mittel (up to 15";)- they've got different head proportions and the foxy/coyote/untoy canid look.


    I like German Spitz, Poms (totally different personality, but fun), papillons, poodles, and corgis. :P CKCS are fun but I wuoldn't want to own one. I wouldn'tmind a Tibeten Spaniel someday.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pekingnese, Papillon,  Japanese Chin,Toy Fox Terrors and more recently Chihuahua are the only toys that I'd ever own. 

    Pekes for their stubborn "I'm a big dog" attitude.

    Paps and Chins for their "devil may care" and fun loving attitude. 

    TFTs for their feistiness.

    Chis for their loving devotion and all other traits listed above.