Advice and Bull Terrier Breed Info?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thats just crazy.  You told him most BT's are dog aggressive and Giz is slightly dog-aggressive.  Why would you tempt fate?   And then have to re-home the BT when it doesn't work out?
    Look, we had a "somewhat (puppies/small dogs/females)." dog aggressive bulldog.  I said it was time to get another dog.  DH wanted  another bulldog.  I said no. We could not take a chance and all the bulldog rescues generally said "dog aggressive"  and I knew it could NOT be a female anything.   It had to be a totally submissive male dog who alos liked cats so we got a sweet adult golden collie mix.  It was a daily nipping for the poor golden until the bulldog died.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Giz is only agressive toward dogs she doesn't know, I almost think it's reactive more than aggressive. Once she mets the other dog they become best friends. I know, it's hard to really predeict how a new dog would get along and I really am unsure about the whole thing. I told him we could look into to it and see how things go but it really depends on A LOT. I've always been more for the herding type dogs, terrries are a rather new breed to me so I need to learn more about them before even considering bringing it into our home. Then again, this is his dog, he is the one responsable for it so my voice can only go so far. Like I said, well see how things go once we start the search, I'm hopeing along the way he'll get a better idea of what he really wants. Adopting a dog should never be an inpulse decision and I made him aware that we are not going to do that.

    You see, thats exactly why I ask all of you first[;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Maybe you can talk to people who have BT's and other dogs in the same household. Maybe if you got a puppy it would work. 
    Do you 2 live together, I'm assuming yes?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes we live together most of the time, with the way college is for me right now I live with my parents during the week and with him on the weekends.
    I was just thinking back to when we first got our first dog together, he wanted a chow,  I wanted a basset.  We ended up with Georgia, begeal/rottie mix and everything worked out great.  Talking him out of getting a chow was hard, but at that time when I showed him the quotes for grooming a chow he decited a short coat dog would be better.  SO now he has his mind stuck on a BT...[8|]
    (I know what he really wants is to have Georgia back[:-])
    • Bronze

    I have 4 bull terriers and a english springer and all are house dogs.  I feed them in their kennels to avoid fights.The male bully I have is 60lbs and the biggest baby but my females are more bold. This breed can do anything you train them to do. I have one older female that pheasant hunts with my husband. This is a strong smart breed and you have to put in the time to socialize and train them. Every Saturday we load everyone up and drive 40 miles to a dog class. I had Neapolitan Mastiffs before this breed so these little guys a like lap dogs to me. my email is  if you have any questions

    • Gold Top Dog

    .  Talking him out of getting a chow was hard, but at that time when I showed him the quotes for grooming a chow he decited a short coat dog would be better.  SO now he has his mind stuck on a BT...[8|] 


    Just to note that there are also short coated ChowsWink  Legend's father was one, as was a littermate.


    ETA: I also love Bull Terriers. I got to love on a pup at work the other day, he was a sweetie

    • Gold Top Dog


    .  Talking him out of getting a chow was hard, but at that time when I showed him the quotes for grooming a chow he decited a short coat dog would be better.  SO now he has his mind stuck on a BT...[8|] 


    Just to note that there are also short coated ChowsWink  Legend's father was one, as was a littermate.


    ETA: I also love Bull Terriers. I got to love on a pup at work the other day, he was a sweetie



    ...i envy you.... the only time i see BTs is when the dog show is in town.... or if i watch the film Its a Dog's Life Big Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

    We don't see them too often, I was ridiculously excitedStick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog

    There is one that comes to the dog park everyday. We only played with her today, usually we stay out of the all dogs yard - gets too busy (today, not so bad because of the race...ugh)

    anyways... she was very sweet. I've seen her get into a few squabbles with some dogs, but generally she is very well behaved. Very loving with people, but honestly did not interact too much with the other dogs. Ran a bit, then went around talking to the humans. Very smart animals...and beautiful =]

    • Gold Top Dog

     BT was my second choice in breeds.. Dobie was first.. and then the American Bulldog was third... no Dobies in my area worth having.. and no breeders of BTs (OR rescues) any closer than Inverness FL or Atlanta GA... and i refused to place an order at the pet shop.. They are not easy dogs to locate lemme tell ya!!!