Beagle Border Collie Mix

    • Bronze
    Thanks JRobin. We had printed out a list of poisonous plants and the tomato plant plus a few other surprises were on it. We treat Jack like a new baby/toddler and don't leave him unattended in the yard (or in the house as well). He's quick though and regards this behavior as a game of chase. We keep a sprinkler or spray bottle of water handy and give him a squirt when he starts to sneak over to the flowers/tomatoes. He despises water! This hatred of water surprises us, not sure if it is a trait of Beagle/Border Collie breed.

    We suspect as you said we'll have to live with it for now. Winter will be coming, and flowers will be gone until spring.
    • Bronze
    Another question. Since Jack was adopted, we are required to have him fixed. The vet we will be using says Jack will come home same day after procedure. Is that normal? A relative told us that is normal for male dogs. Another person told us their dog was kept overnight by their vet after procedure. Should we be concerned with dog coming home same day?
    • Gold Top Dog
    No, you do not need to be concerned. It really depends on the vet and their preference on how long the dog stays, but I don't think one way or the other is "right" - it's just the vet's choice. My black labrador went in to the vet at about 8 am and I picked him up a little after 5 the same day, and he recovered with no problems whatsoever.

    Liking and trusting your vet is a MUCH bigger factor than how long they stay after a neuter.
    • Gold Top Dog
    That's normal. Just keep him quiet for a few days - crate rest is best - or he will get fluid buildup or even an infection in that area. No other special treatment is required, other than nice treats and maybe some special food for being a good boy at the vet (I usually top their food with some yummy Merrick's Wing-a-Ling or crock pot something for them). Oh yes, and super nice chewies while the dog is being required to stay quiet - because he won't WANT to after the sedatives wear off, lol.
    • Gold Top Dog
    about uploading...i work on a mac and use Safari.

    I use the image code from photobucket, but i HAVE to change the to ....does that make sense?

    i dont know why, but i have been doing it htat way awhile. however, i still cant upload a bleeping photo avatar. maybe if i change over to flock...

    • Gold Top Dog
    oh nearly forgot to say...that beagle is ADORABLE!!!! I love his dramatic colors! what a beautiful dog.
    • Bronze
    Thanks for the compliment shanmcd. He really is unique colored. When we take him out people always stop us to look at him and sometimes take his picture. Even our vet is fascinated by his patches and "earring"..