What breeds do you see in this one?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What breeds do you see in this one?

    Pulled this girl from a high kill shelter in Orlando.
    Her body type and personality, says Belgian Mel and Basenji mix to me. She does not bark or at least she has not barked as of yet. Well, a normal bark. She sounds more like a squealing puppy so far.

    What do you guys think she is? Just curious. Oh the shelter said Shepherd/ Lab mix. [sm=rotfl.gif]
    She is up for adoption in about a couple of weeks, I want to get some basic training instilled in her before I put her up for adoption. So, far, she has a high toy drive, which is a plus. She get's along with other dogs, and cats too.
    She is HW neg, spayed, and micro chipped. If anyone is interested, please email me. I am accepting applications now to sort out for the right home for her.

    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: forpaws
    ...What do you guys think she is? Just curious. Oh the shelter said Shepherd/ Lab mix. [sm=rotfl.gif]...

    Isn't just about everything in the shelters a Lab/GSD mix?  LOL  Actually, I'm surprised they didn't list her as a Pit/GSD mix.  I think you'r guess of Belgian Mal/Basenji mix is a pretty good one.  I know they aren't very common, but there is something about her that makes me think there's also some Pharoah Hound in her someplace, too.  Whatever she's mixed with, I bet she'll be an awesome addition to someone's family!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I wouldn't say basenji, just because they are also such a rare breed, to see them in a mix is pretty unheard of.
    I would say... Malinios/Cattle dog cross. The ears are all cattle dog. Cattle dog would fit her high toy drive... they are very toy oriented. =]
    • Gold Top Dog
    both malinois and basenji are so rare it's hard to imagine them getting together. She looks an awful lot like a dog I've been told is a GSD/ boxer mix. Who is extremely high energy and high drive.
    • Gold Top Dog
    What a sweetie!  How old do they estimate her at, Angel?
    • Gold Top Dog
    long lost sisters?!?!?!
    sorry, when i saw this one here, i had only JUST looked at the dog in the above thread... scroll down to the bottom for pics [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    They estimated her age to be a year and a half to two years old.

    OMD she does look just like the Belgian in that thread.

    Does anyone know if they have a bark or do they squeal like piggy's. The thing that throws me off is her left front paw is white with speckles. Do Belgian's have white socks?
    I did look up the breed and her temperament matches that of a Belgian Mel. Go figure.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say that there's either boxer or sighthound in that mix...that's what's on my radar screen...just from body type.  The head is either GSD or Belgian.  
    • Bronze
    My first thought was basenji or pharaoh hound.  Maybe with pit, or something else.  The whole headpiece screams basenji to me, but the roundish skull says some pit, plus coloring looks pit, and the markings totally fit basenji.  They're unusual, but not THAT unusual.  I'd say Malinois is definately more unusual...at least up here.  Anyway, all the malinois I know have a normal bark.  So my final answer is pit/basenji + 100 other breeds.  :)
    • Gold Top Dog
    The head is either GSD or Belgian.

    Agree.  The only Belgian I see is maybe the tail.  Even the coloring is wrong (the whole body, not just the black areas).  I don't know much about hounds, but I really don't see any Belgian or GSD.  There are hounds and other dogs like Boxers that have the black pigmentation like that so I would not say Belgian or GSD just for that.
    • Silver
    That dog looks so much like a Thai Ridgeback. . without the ridge. I know its probably not, or even a mix of one, but it definitely resembles the Thai!

    I see German Shepherd or Mal in the head.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have come to the conclusion she's Mal and Basenji mix because unless someone can tell me what a Mal sounds like when they bark. She screems like a banshi, but no  solid bark. Weird. She acts just like a Mal. She is a sweet dog, lots of energy, and picks up training very quickly. She was sitting within 30 min. Down in 20 min, consistantly. She trains like a breeze. Loves to play with a ball also.
    She may not be a nicely bred Mal but I think she's very much mal.
    Edited to add: there is NO Pit in this girl. none.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have come to the conclusion she's Mal and Basenji mix because unless someone can tell me what a Mal sounds like when they bark. She screems like a banshi, but no solid bark.

    Many of the Belgians have a high pitched squeeky bark.  Especially when excited.  Some basenjis are more vocal than others, but are usually quiet.  I have met some Mali's with white on the toes.
    From the Mali standard:
     The tips of the toes may be white and a small white spot on the breastbone/ prosternum is permitted, not to extend to the neck. White markings, except as noted, are faulted. 
    It's hard from those pic to tell what kind of coat she has. From the Mali standard:
    Coat: The coat should be comparatively short, straight, hard enough to be weather resistant, with dense undercoat. It should be very short on the head, ears, and lower legs. The hair is somewhat longer around the neck where it forms a collarette, and on the tail and backs of the thighs. The coat should conform to the body without standing out or hanging down. 
    Basenjis have a slicker coat.  Based on those pics, other than the coat, I'm not seeing a lot of basenji there but it can be hard to tell with mixes.  Many Mali's have a very slight build that looks like a sighthound.  Here's a pic of my mali (who is one of those skinny mali):

    • Gold Top Dog
    Here is another shot of her. She acts and does look like a Belgian Mel to a certain point. She doesn't have that prominant black mask like they do. Everything you described is exactly her, even her coat.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I've seen so many dogs with that general body type/coloring...I think it's extremely typical when you start getting mutts that breed with other mutts.  I would actually the only real breed I can see in her is GSD (rather than Mal mostly because of the commonality factor) and she's probably just so mixed up breedwise that you can't pin any down.  My vote is for Heinz 57 [;)]