Blackmouth Curs, etc.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Stylin - I hope I didn't sound patronizing, I didn't mean to ! :) Thanks for the history, I definitely see where you are coming from now.

    I second a mountain cur. They are extremely versatile dogs, and very very smart. My own dog is a mix of Plott, cur, and whippet (or so the good ole boys here in Southern VA tell me ;) and she's great. Wonderful with my cat, does not bark unless she's chasing, or there's a squirrel up a tree. The only drawback is that they are very energetic dogs - its good you have other dogs to play with!

    So yes, if you want a small/medium, compact, intelligent hunting dog who can do a whole bunch else besides hunt, I think a mountain cur would fit the bill nicely. There are many varieties - Kemmer curs are medium-boned and a tan/white color, Stephen's curs are lighter-boned and black and white. "Original Mountain Curs" are a bit sturdier, though not usually over 40-45 lbs, and come in a variety of colors - black, brown, brindle, etc. There are also cur/feist crosses that are around 30 lbs and also make great squirrel/coon dogs. Feists themselves might also be an option, but are generally better squirreldogs than coondogs, from what i have heard and seen.

    Check out [link][/link]- Squirrel Dog Center, its a great site to find breeders , clubs, and other hunting enthusiasts. [[I know they mention squirrels a lot, but all of the dogs there double as coon hunters all the time and are just as good, as the forums will show]]
    • Gold Top Dog
    and to think... looking at pictures of the curs... BSL would BAN these historical saviors of our founding fathers because they look like pit bull types [:@]

    and now i'm getting interested again in hunting dogs... i gave up for a long time... and probably wont ever get to have another hound, but really DO miss their baying [:(]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeller... supposedly he was a dog from the pound.. no one knows for sure his mix. could be anything including BMC.
      Was a BMC, is a BMC, they call those the lighter color's Southern Blackmouth Cur's.

    I don't think you'll find a BMC under 40 lbs. They generally run about 60 to 90 lbs. Unless of course you find the runt lol.

    I rescued a dog that is at 40 lbs. I believe she is a Belgian Mel.
    Edited to add I know of a Mountain Cur/Husky mix that is 27 lbs and is about 9 months old that is looking for a good home.
    • Gold Top Dog
    from what i have seen of pure bred BMCs none of them look like Spike (actor dog that played Yeller)
    Spike also had to be shaved a bit for the part in the movie because he was a bit shaggy around his neck. the BMCs i see are slick like a bulldog or ridgeback

    granted.. he's a cur... lol a cur is a mixed breed working dog so its kinda a moot point but they dont look much alike. i think BMCs today are being bred to a standard, where as back then.. they werent.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Dumdog... I am DROOLING... Gorgeous dog.
    I LOVE BMC's.... LOVE EM, Love em... Oh did I say I love em????!!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    i wonder if she likes them?

    lol actually i'd take both of them home [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    [:D] Me Too!!!!! I am BMC CRAAAAAAAAAAAZY!!!!! No two ways about it either.
    • Bronze
    How convenient!  Forpaws, I was told to contact you as you have access to rescued BMCs.  Well, if it turns out we're looking for a Mtn. Cur to fit our size needs then let me know, but I'm definately interested in talking more if the right dog comes up.  We're thinking next year some time.  I am pregnant, and groom so the holidays are a bit hectic, and baby is due in January.  Hubby's birthday is Feb and I'd LOVE to give him a dog for bday, but that may not be feasible as I want time to settle in. 
    Husky/BMC sounds adorable, but I have 2 very high maintenance grooming dogs already and would like another wash and wear dog....minimal brushing.  I don't mind the shedding, that's a part of life, but I don't want to have to rake out that under coat!  My cocker is in full show coat, and the poodle is too pretty much, so that's enough grooming outside of work per week.  I want LOW maintenance now, lol. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes Stylin, I rescue BMC's. I am the only BMC rescue in the nation operating on a shoe string budget. LOL
    As a matter of fact, I have a female Mnt Cur/ Husky mix, 8 mo old at this time. Funny little girl.
    I know this would probably be too soon for you. Congrats on the pregnancy.
    Definately keep me in tuned on when you are ready, aint no telling what I'll have in a year. I rescue them from our local pound who thinks they are fighting dogs and euthanize them, but when they miss lable them, I YANK.. before the dust settles.. lol. Just keep me in the loop.