My Aussie "mix" all grown up! Final verdict?

    • Gold Top Dog

    My Aussie "mix" all grown up! Final verdict?

    Well, she's pretty much all grown up, 10 months old.  I don't think she'll change too much more except maybe fill out and get a thicker coat.  We were told she's an Aussie mix but as soon as I saw her picture on I thought she may be purebred, thought she was gorgeous, and went and adopted her the next weekend.  Her and her littermates were all blue merles and black & whites, and VERY consistent in type and fur coat.  I think she's just a backyard bred Aussie without a docked tail.
    Here she is now, with a puppy pic in my sig line.  Excuse the choppy look of her tail fur, I didn't do a hack job on it.  Her buddy Tucker and her like to grab each other by the tail when they are chasing each other and end up ripping out chunks of fur!  They both have lost their beautiful tail fur that way!
    What do you all think?  Purebred, or if not, what's the mix?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Another one...

    • Gold Top Dog
    Another one....

    • Gold Top Dog
    Another one....

    • Gold Top Dog
    My aussie's ears don't stand up quite so much & I don't think I've ever seen one that did. Maybe she has a touch of border collie in her? Whatever she is, she's GORGEOUS! I'm so jealous!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Another one, just because it's sooooo cute!

    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: TexasDaisy

    Maybe she has a touch of border collie in her?

    That's what I thought too.  She's adorable.
    • Gold Top Dog
    sure looks aussie to me - and yes, some aussies ears do get perked up that high
    great lookin' dog [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    The first pic makes her look like she might have some BC on her but she looks pure in the other photos I think. Especially that last one. I know that look well! haha She is absolutely gorgeous imo!

    Ears - yep, some aussies even get full prick ears. It's a breed fault in the show ring but nothing wrong with it otherwise.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Sometimes one of her ears does stick straight up, she's definitely got the goofy ear thang goin' on!
    We love her in any case, she's the SWEETEST girl, tries to climb on your lap every chance she gets.  Her whole body wags from head to tail, tongue starts kissing the air, and she whimpers with glee when the kitties go near her....she LOVES them!  I just wish we could get her a little less shy around strangers, she's very frightened of them.  We socialized her as a puppy but at about 6 months old she started this extreme shyness and we can't seem to get her past it.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeah, she looks full aussie to me. If there is anything else in there, it's probably border collie. She's very pretty.
    • Gold Top Dog
    She doesn't look full Aussie. She looks very much Aussie/Border Collie. She definitely has traits of both breeds.
    • Gold Top Dog
    She lookes Border Collie to me, but possibly Border/Aussie mix. Her face is what makes her seem Border Collie, and the tail, but some Aussies to have tails if they're not docked. The picture of her standing makes her look Border too.
    Here's a picture of a blue Border.
    And here's my Aussie.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was thinking there's Border Collie in there too.

    Her head and neck carriage/set in that last photo look more Border Collie to me, and she strikes me as having slightly less bone than an Aussie. Not that Aussies are beefy, but they tend to be a bit more substantial than BCs.

    Aussie folks with more experience - is that what you are seeing too that is leading you to say BC?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes, I thought her head wasn't as broad and square as Aussies tend to be.  She's got a pointier nose, too.  She's on the small side for either breed.  She's only 35 lbs and is finer boned.
    She's definitely got the BC stalk & stare, she crouches and stares down her buddy Tucker all the time.  Then she'll lay down really still in the tall grass glaring at him, and then charge and tackle him.