Oh for crying out loud!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh for crying out loud!!!


    Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's the mini coonhound. No, I am not joking. Though after some web exploring it appears that this was perhaps a flash in the pan experiment done by the always classy Puppy Haven Kennels (vomit--just going to their website made me want to scrub and bleach my brain afterwards). No "old retired coonhunter" is going to want one of these! Can you imagine how quickly he'd be laughed off the back porch by his buddies?!?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I thought it was obvious...they're for hunting the elusive 'Minature Raccoon'....hardly sporting to hunt these guys with LARGE Coonhounds...hmmph.

    • Gold Top Dog
    You know... it's really hard to take a place seriously when they misspell half the breeds they have.
    Hmm... papillions?  Labrodors? 
    • Gold Top Dog
    rwb, you are awesome. [sm=rotfl.gif]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Okay[:-] the market for a "mini coonhound" (which has no coonhound in it whatsoever) is retired hunters and their wives who don't like big dogs. Boy, does this give me a great idea. I am going to find out the geographic area where they are selling the most of these pups and start raking in the bucks!
    Introducing something for retired hunters and wives who want to look flashy without paying a bundle on the car---or on gas.
    You've seen the Cadillac Escalade....now check out the "mini escalade!"
    (Okay, so its smaller and has none of the same components, but it says Escalade right on it! And at only $20,000 It is a fraction of the price for a regular Escalade.)

    • Gold Top Dog
    there is no such thing as a retired coonhunter. there is either a coonhunter or.. some dead guy in overalls....

    i'm kinda scared to go check out more info on this breed... i dont know if i even want to know what breeds they used to "create" it...
    • Gold Top Dog
    there is no such thing as a retired coonhunter. there is either a coonhunter or.. some dead guy in overalls....

    You made me LOL for real!
    • Puppy
    The big difference is, these mature at 10-20 lbs and have no coonhound in them.

    Boy oh boy, sign me up.

    I hate that they're marketing them as "excellent little 'tree dogs'," too, as if  a mix of toy breeds with a touch of hound and terrier is likely to have that instinct consistently.  Not to mention how many other smaller treeing breeds there already are in existence.  Feists, anyone?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wait till the dimwit buyers all find out IT'S STILL A HOUND. [:D

    Um, has anyone started the rescue yet? [sm=crazy.gif]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think Wallace Havens has a bit too much time on his hands.  Maybe he could spend a little of that time working/volunteering in his local shelter.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I love all the "mini's"...  Mini St. Bernards, that look nothing like St. Bernards to me....oooo, and mini Puggles!  Puggles aren't enough, so now they have to make mini versions!  [>:]  Oh, and of course the "tiny mites" and "pee wees."  Uhuh...
    • Gold Top Dog
    Anne I don't think we need to worry about people not being ready for hound behavior because according to Puppy Haven (though they don't have the "breed" listed on their site at present, so I'm guessing they didn't do so well sales-wise and the rejects probably wound up being "taken out to the country") there's no coonhound in them! The only hound they list as one of the foundation breeds is beagle--the rest are all terrier and companion dogs.  Which makes the remark about them being "great little tree dogs" even more hysterical since NONE of the breeds they were bred from are treeing hounds! Seriously, that guy is the biggest snake oil salseman EVER--an evil genius if I ever saw one. I can't even believe that ANYONE is buying what he's selling, figuratively and otherwise.

    I always joke about Marlowe being my Mini Coonhound anyway--he's only 50 lbs.!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hunting mini-coons in mini-trees - the Bradford pear in the front yard, I guess.

    I was just about to say the same thing about the concept of retired coonhunters. However, I believe they are buried in their best coveralls and their fanciest new LCD halogen headlamp.

    I have several good friends who are coon hunters. Not really serious, but they follow the hounds every year with quite a bit of passion. I can just imagine what my friend John would say at the idea of a) retirement and b) mini coonhounds as housepets. He has a housepet - a Chinese crested that sleeps on his bed. And one of his retired Border Collies. See, it's the dogs that retire, not the hunters.[;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Anne I don't think we need to worry about people not being ready for hound behavior because according to Puppy Haven (though they don't have the "breed" listed on their site at present, so I'm guessing they didn't do so well sales-wise and the rejects probably wound up being "taken out to the country") there's no coonhound in them!

    And with the hybrids, you get to pick which genes the offspring inherit.  [8D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: rwbeagles

    I thought it was obvious...they're for hunting the elusive 'Minature Raccoon'....hardly sporting to hunt these guys with LARGE Coonhounds...hmmph.
