Does this baby look like a Border Collie?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Does this baby look like a Border Collie?

    Hi all! It's been awhile since I've posted here, but I do come in and read alot!
    I adopted a sweet lil puppy from a shelter last Friday. I was looking for a female Border Collie/BC mix as a companion for my 4 yr old male BC mix..
    I absolutely fell in love with this puppy as soon as I set eyes on her! I walked up to her crate and she stood up and came right up to me, cocked her adorable head to the side and licked my hand. Love at first
    The sign on her cage said Border Collie. There were alot of other BC pups there, but none of them looked at all like this pup and she looks nothing like my male BC, but he is a mix too.
     I know it's really hard to tell when they are puppies, but maybe someone has an opinion on if she is a BC mix, and what she might be mixed with? Her coloring and markings are amazing..she has black spots all over her, but she also has tan spots all over her legs and neck..and the only other tan on her is on her face and a few spots on her neck. Her fur is very fluffy and thick. My hubby thinks her black spots will probably dominate and she will turn mostly black. Do their markings change much as they get older? I never had a pup this young so I have no idea!
    She is about 9 weeks..weighs 8 lbs. When she plays her tail is usually down, or straight up, waving like a flag. She doesn't curl her tail at all.. She is so smart..almost completely house trained and eager to learn.
    When we  take her out to the yard to do her business, she always buries her nose deep in the grass, lays flat on her belly, and starts digging with her nose as low as possible. She doesn't bark much...just a few little barks when she is excited playing.
    She's an angel..I just know she is going to be a really great dog for us.
    Thanks for your opinions!




    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeah, I think border collie mix is a good guess. She's gorgeous!
    • Gold Top Dog
    She is a cutie! Her markings remind me of a blue heeler, perhaps she's a collie/blue heeler cross?

    • Gold Top Dog
    she does look like an ACD mix
    • Gold Top Dog
    She looks more like an Australian Cattle Dog to me

    • Gold Top Dog
    Australian Cattle Dog in her for sure! She might even be a purebred, but you won't know that until she's older. If she gets above 50 pounds, she's not a purebred for sure. As she gets older you could look up Cattle Dogs to compare her.
    On a side note, how old is she? I think a Cattle Dogs ears are up by 6 months. So if she's 6 months, she's a Cattle dog mix.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't see any BC in there. She looks like a Cattle Dog and blue heeler to me.
    Those markings are great!
    • Bronze
    looks like......
    a WINNER!  Don't know what 'kind' she is, but she's precious!!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks so much for your replies. Callie is 9 weeks old.
     It's funny, I searched all night for Border Collie mix pictures and I couldn't find a single picture of a puppy that looks like Callie. There were a few Merle puppies that had similar markings, but their heads and faces were very different. As soon as I read these replies, I searched Blue Heeler and immediately found many pictures of puppies that look ALOT like mine. I even saw an adult female that looks almost identical to my lil girl! Same black spots and same facial markings..and with her head tilted to the side I could have been looking at my puppy all grown up . lol
    I will definately do more research of this breed, as I am totally unfamiliar with it. Are ACD/Blue Heeler the same breed? Or are they 2 different breeds?
    Thanks again! I always appreciate this site.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I believe ACD and blue heeler are the same breed. I agree about the markings looking ACD, but the head still looks BC to me. Maybe because I'm used to seeing ACD ears standing up.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Same breed, sorry for the confusion. I was thinking Catahoula and blue heeler/cattle dog and typed Cattle dog and blue heeler instead.
    • Silver
    I do see border collie. What a cutie! ACD/BC is a pretty common mix to find, too, so could be...but, border collies come in all colors and combinations, including a lot of ticking. In any case, I'd at least say she's a border collie mix.

    Here's some links to a purebred border collie named Stella. Check 'em out:


    Older Stella:

    Stella and her brother. Notice all the ticking, tan and black:

    These aren't heavily ticked, but they're cute! :) In this one, the first puppy reminds me of yours, ear shape and all.


    I could go on and on, but I'll stop!  Your puppy is adorable! I don't post over here often, but I'll have to come back to check up on her. I'd love to see how she's going to "turn out". Congrats on adopting her.

    • Silver
    She looks a lot like this guy, don't you think?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Lillysmommy....Thanks for the links! Those are the first Border Collie pictures I have seen that  look alot like Callie.The 2nd to last picture of  Stella especially. Callie comes very close to the Merle Border Collies as far as markings..minus the blue eyes. lol Mooshie a BC? He's adorable!!
    • Silver
    But wait, here's more! [:D]



    [link][/link] (From Australia, but still...scroll down to check out the deaf foster dog)

    [link][/link] (Don't know if this is a breeder's site, if so, I am not endorsing it, since I didn't look beyond this one page)

    Ok, so I need to get a life! I'm supposed to be working. Anyway, happy looking!

    ETA: BTW, ticking is not the same as merle, but I don't know enough about it to expound further. Your girl is ticked, though, not merle.