What breed do you think he is?!

    • Silver

    What breed do you think he is?!

    Hi everyone! Help me and my friend to find his dog's breed.. Dog's name is Lord, Sex: Male, Age: 4 and he is trained... My friend things that Lord is German SheepHerd mixed with something else.. Oh yeah, I'm sooo sorry about the quality of the photo, it was taken from a hand-phone.. What do you guys think about his breed? My opinion is a German SheepHerd mix with Collie... please live your notes about your thoughts.. Please guys, help..

    Thank you sooo much for spending your time to help us.. we highly respect your replies..

    • Gold Top Dog
    Honestly...I see more than 2 breeds...3 or 4 or more. A Heinz-57 as we say in the states. Being that you're in a different country there are likely a bit different set of breeds commonly seen there vs here, that further complicates things.
    Perhaps a size and weight would help.
    • Silver
    More info about Lord, Hight: around 55 CenteMiters & weight: around 40 kg... If there are more questions, we will try to answer, we just really need to know even if there are 10 mixed breeds in Lord, lolz! please, friends..

    Thank you..

    • Silver
    Hello.... guys, I don't see any posts =(
    • Gold Top Dog
    What is Lord's personality like?

    I agree with Gina (rwbeagles) that he's probably a mixed breed. It can be hard to determine which breeds exactly are in him. He's a beautiful dog though!
    • Silver
    Dear mondayblues,

    Lord's personality is very good, he doesn't tuch anyone except he got a little problem with dogs, but he is very sweet, and the amazing thing is that he really and very strongly loves his owner, you know even my dog doesn't love me as much as Lord does.. Lol, I can't describe yall his love to the owner, but if you would be able to see, you'd understand..

    Thank you for your respone, mondayblues! We look at you with a big respect.. and please if you can, call some more people to take a look at this post.. Because this question is a problem to us.. =) One more time thank you.. Dog bless all of you :) pIeAcE!i!i!i!i!i!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm with Gina, he's a mix/mutt!  Personally, I don't see enough German Shepherd to say "German Shepherd mix".  Wrong size, coat, ears, shape, coat...

    What's with all the chains on his neck?
    • Silver
    Dear Liesje!

    We do not afford that much money as you Americans do, so we just get any chains and put it on our dog's necks..Yes even feeding is a problem for us, we give the food wich was left over us, that means no Pedigrees and other expencive things... but thank god our family is not in this situation...
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: rottweiler4life

    Dear Liesje!

    We do not afford that much money as you Americans do, so we just get any chains and put it on our dog's necks..Yes even feeding is a problem for us, we give the food wich was left over us, that means no Pedigrees and other expencive things... but thank god our family is not in this situation...

    Not all the countries can provide with the same comodities as in other. In Mexico same thing. If you have money you can feed your dogs if you don't have any you cant.
    • Silver
    yea?! but that wasn't the answer for my big question..
    • Gold Top Dog
    We do not afford that much money as you Americans do, so we just get any chains and put it on our dog's necks..Yes even feeding is a problem for us, we give the food wich was left over us, that means no Pedigrees and other expencive things... but thank god our family is not in this situation...

    OK, well, not all "us Americans" are rich either, but whatever.  I don't have a problem with using certain chaines (a lot of GSD people use Fur Saver chains), but I was just wondering why that dog has so many wrapped around him.  A lot of times, feeding a dog human food and leftovers is actually healthier than Pedigree!

    As for the big question, I don't think you're going to get a solid answer other than the dog is some kind of mutt, a very cute one at that.  At our shelter, if we cannot identify just based on looks and size, we evaluate the dog's movement.  But to do that here for you we'd need a video or very detail description.
    • Silver
    Dear Liesje,

    Lol this is not about Lord but I have a one question to you.. It sounds funny, how did you earn Best in Show status, (the five star thing..)? It has been hmm... I think about a moth since I'm a member of dog.forum.com and my status is still Puppy (1 star)... I'm tring to help everyone, I'm giving advices and answers.. What should I do to have "Best in Show" thing like yours [:)] ????????

    Don't lough at this question [:D] LOL, Thank you anyways.. I'm in big waiting for you reply [:)] bye!
    • Gold Top Dog
    It has to do with how many posts you have. You have 38,  she has over 2,000.
    As well, since I'm posting I'll reply to your original post. I know you have a few different dog breeds there than we do here, but to me the dog looks kinda like an Australian Shepherd mix or Border Collie mix. If you have Australian Shepherds and Border Collies there, that's probably the best answer you're gonna get. But the dog is a mixed breed, plain and simple.
    My Aussies picture is attached.

    • Bronze
    I just looked at the pic and saw a little of my dog in his face. (border collie) i just wanted drop a line and a close up pic of mine :) good luck
    • Silver
    Thank you guys.. yea, I thought that there is a bit of Collie too.. Here we don't have Australian SheepHerdz... But Lord's owner (my friend) says that there is some kind of sheepherd but is it German, Australian or etc. he can't remember lolz.. maybe you answer is correct =) thank you for helping..

    And I wanted to ask.. Is that photo at your post yours?! WOW she is soo georgious, I've never seen a dog as soo elegant as "Shiva" cool, you must be very very proud of her, right?!

    ok, bye and thank you again =) you gave me a big help =)