Doberman Discussions

    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: Memphis
    Some may believe that Dobermans only need to live indoors. I happen to disagree. My 2 live outside and absolutely LOVE being free to run and play rough (and they do that alot) any time they feel like it. Body slamming is something my red male does alot...he's very active and very strong. Both of mine are almost 2 years old so they have unlimited energy to burn all day every day. To keep them cooped up inside would be cruel for my 2. They have interaction with humans every single day and for hours at a time. Mine swim every day in their kiddie pool and not just when I want to let them out to do it (if they lived indoors) but when and if they want to. They have a nice big dog mansion to get out of the elements. Kyzer and Kassie are absolutely beautiful with shiney coats and huge strong bones. I feed Innova dry and canned. They are well behaved, very smart and most importantly, very happy dogs. I can't imagine them having to live inside my house. 

    Do you ever let them in?
    Do they spend 24/7/365 days OUTSIDE?
    • Bronze
    My dobe loves to swim.  He can retrieve just a good as the retrievers do.  I trained him to drop the ball at my feet. 

    Does anyone else have a dobe that loves to swim?
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: 2 big dogs

    My dobe loves to swim.  He can retrieve just a good as the retrievers do.  I trained him to drop the ball at my feet. 

    Does anyone else have a dobe that loves to swim?

    Ha!! Prince barely goes outside when it's raining and jumps over mud puddles. He's such a big baby and too much of a "prince" to do silly doggy things like that
    I wish he would go swimming though, it would be great exercise for him. Your boy is sooooo hansome by the way. I love his eyes.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh, but the Dobe smile is different. Usually, you see it all-too-briefly when a Dobe is excited to see you... He will typically dance around and curl up his upper lip to reveal his teeth in a quick "smile"... I found this link online that shows the smile... they really are hard to catch on camera.

    Fantastic pictures. I LOVE these unique "dog smiles" that occur in some breeds. Have seen a few greyhounds that smile the same way. . .what a special thing to witness!  [;)]
    I have been really enjoying reading the dobie posts.  Growing up I lived near a male and female dobie who HATED us kids running around and playing so I always thought as a kid that the breed was "mean".  It wasn't til I was an adult that I figured out what the true dobie personality was like.
     I have always admired them and although my heart is completely (and probably forever) owned by greyhounds, Dobies would make the top off the list of my ideal dog. This is especially true now after hearing all of you talk about the breed characteristics that I have grown to love so much in greyhounds too  (velcro doggies, smiles [:D], sensitive to being scolded, always wanting to please and loving human attention). Maybe my love for dobies is why I am eternally drawn to the black greyhounds. My 80 pound boy JJ is often mistaken on walks for a dobie because of his amputated tail (he has a 2 inch "nubbin") and he has very tall and straight ears that stay up when he is excited.
    Thank you for starting such a great thread!  and the picture of the dobie curled up in the chair is PRICELESS!!!   [sm=biggrin.gif]

    • Gold Top Dog
    Greyhounds were a breed my husband and I were interested in. The only thing we wanted that they didn't have was off-lead reliability. If it wasn't for that, we would have probably chosen a greyhound!
    • Gold Top Dog
    The only thing we wanted that they didn't have was off-lead reliability.

    yep, it can definately be a deal breaker!!  Your pups are beautiful though [:D]  and I am so glad that you got Prince from a rescue as an older dog. There are way too many out there in rescues and he is so lucky to find you. It sounds like he knows how lucky he is too. . .he has so much love to give [;)]
    Volunteering in rescue has done 1 thing to me. . . made me really change what dogs I pick to bring home. I can't seem to bring myself to get an "easy" dog anymore, I take the "unadoptables" (usually older with lots of issues). I just can't stand the thought of them not getting homes or continuing to be returned time and time again.[:(]
    I think a dobe was a great choice for you and DH. . . besides you got some of the best greyhounds attributes ;PLUS the ability to let off lead and a great gaurd dog[:D] (although I think JJ would fight  to the death if I a single hair on my head was ever harmed) but that is not typical behavior in greys.  
    Thanks for sharing the pics of Prince and Macy, they are both beautiful and look very happy in their forever home.  

    • Bronze
    Hey everyone, I realize this thread is old but I thought I'd share a couple pics of my girl. One can never get enough Dobie chat. :) Don't mind the floppy ear, it never did stand up right after they were cropped.
    Scarlette enjoying the beach

    Scarlette with her bully buddy Sydnee

    Scarlette has to go in for surgery on Thursday to remove some tumors. Some good luck vibes would be much appreciated.
    • Silver
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    Excellent!  I was sad to see this thread disappear, but glad to have it resurrected and finally see pics of your girl.  I still think you must be one tough chick to tolerate a Dobe and Bull Terriers in your home!  [8D]
    Scarlette looks very tolerant.  heheh!
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    I love that link!  Some favs:
    53. They can fit their velvety body into the teensiest spot in the bed... and make it grow... while your spot shrinks.
    54. A Doberman means never having to go to the bathroom alone.

    68. The way they back up to a sofa to sit down, with their butt on sofa and back legs dangling like a little human.
    85. The way they carry around stuffed animals as if they were their own children.
    143. The way they like to get their little heads covered up at bedtime.
    154. The way they make "dober-nests" by scratching and scrunching everything into one big pile before they "umph" down and go to sleep.
    • Gold Top Dog
    My first doberman Morgan was just a bit over 8 weeks, ears done and taped when we were walking around Mirror Lake at the OSU Oval in Columbus.  She was off lead at the time and walked over to the deep end of the lake.  The water was almost level with the ground, and she walked out as if the water was not there.... Sunk like a stone and we could just see the tape about 20" down.  Reached down snapped her up and pulled her out.  She shook herself and toddled off to the shallow end.  She jumped in and after that, any water was fair game.  At the lake she would out swim labs, goldens, and even a GSP.  She would launch herself about 20' feet or better off the edge of the lake, the higher the better.  She was an original dock dog and I just never knew it (1977).  She ended up in absolute heaven when my parents moved into a place with a built in pool.  She would go out the the gate of the pool and bark until let in.  We taught her to climb the ladders so she could get out safely.  She would jump in, get out, jump in, get out,,,,, until exhausted.  Gotta dig up some of those pics and get them posted.
    • Gold Top Dog
    As to the ear, dont give up,,,, Morgan's stood for the first time at 7 years old.....Reggie, who had natural ears) one always stood, go figure.
    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: miranadobe

    Excellent!  I was sad to see this thread disappear, but glad to have it resurrected and finally see pics of your girl.  I still think you must be one tough chick to tolerate a Dobe and Bull Terriers in your home!  [8D]
    Scarlette looks very tolerant.  heheh!

    It's not that I'm tough, it's more like I'm insane! LOL
    Scarlette looks small in the one pic of her laying on the couch with Sydnee. Scarlette is 83 pounds and Sydnee is 50 pounds. And yes, Scarlette is very tolerant. She loves to wrestle with the bullies and it's funny because instead of play biting she tries to squish them with her paws or tries to lay on them and body slam them....gently of course. It's so funny!
    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: mrv

    As to the ear, dont give up,,,, Morgan's stood for the first time at 7 years old.....Reggie, who had natural ears) one always stood, go figure.

    How did you get the ear to finally stand? Scarlette is now 8 years old and that ear is pretty much stuck there. I can flip it back the right way and I try to massage it to get the cartilage to go the way it should but it doesn't work.
    I'm totally fine with the ear flopping over her head. It gives her even more character, but I do worry about it being more prone to getting dirt in there.
    • Silver
    I will lend to you for a while, a Doberman pup, God said For you to love him while he lives and mourn him when he's dead. Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three. But will you, 'till I call him back, take care of him for me? He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief, You'll always have his memories as solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return, But there are lessons taught below I want this pup to learn. I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true, And from the folk that crowds life's land, I have chosen you. Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain, Nor hate me when I come to take my Dobie back again. I fancied that I heard them say "Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done", For all the joys this Dobe will bring, the risk of grief we'll run. We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may, And for the happiness we have known, forever grateful stay. But should you call him back much sooner than we've planned We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand. If, by our love, we've managed, your wishes to achieve, The memory of him and his love, will help us while we grieve. When our faithful bundle departs this world of strife We'll have yet another Doberman and love him all his life.

    Author: Unkn