ORIGINAL: Jewlieee

I really don't care what people buy in a dog. What I care about is puppy mills - which is where most pet store dogs come from.  You can't change supply and demand though.

Designer dogs are simply mixed breeds with high price tags. People sell what people want. If there were no takers for doddles, puggles etc. unethical breeders would go back to breeding goldens and labs. At the end of the day most people a happy with their designer dogs and if it doesn't bother them that they paid too much, why should it bother me. You can put lip stick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

i couldnt agree more.
not everyone who buys a designer dog will have a problem with it, such as the person that has owned cockapoos for thirty years. not everyone that buys a designer dog is going to throw it in the nearest animal shelter.
i also believe if you want to breed then you should ALSO want to rescue or foster or some how help out the animals stacked in cages living in shelters (kill or no kill). otherwise, what good are ya? some designer breeders do this. And some designer breeders DONT over charge. if they do then i'm sure they have their reasons.
designer breeds have existed and will always exist. the dog is constantly evolving itself to suit people. the dog is a survivor and has outlasted his wolf brothers BECAUSE he is so adaptable.
like i said in another thread... look at the history of dogs and different breeds.... they're all modified in some way to suit one person's dream of creating the PERFECT dog... Golden retrievers, miniature and toy poodles, dobermans, and english bulldogs. those are highly respected members of the AKC.. but guess what.. they are designer breeds! and fairly recent ones at that. in fact the kennel clubs and show rings didnt even exist until like.... 1850 or somewhere in there. thats not really a very long time ago in regards to history and look at the damage its done in regards to health. its because people want to play "Follow the Leader" that has ruined the dogs, but who set the bloody standard? its written in good old fashioned black and white in your AKC Dog books.

What i care about is that every dog born in this world is given a chance to live and be happy and healthy with the right people. whether he has a price tag or not, he is a living breathing creature that deserves as much respect as a human child or any other defenseless being.
i dont think its right to condemn the breeders of designer dogs unless you are going to condemn ALL breeders of ALL dogs. otherwise you're being a hypocrite.
breeding for a profit is bad. yes. its misguided and selfish for anyone to think that there is money to be made from the loins of our lesser creatures. but breeding with a specific goal in mind and a purpose is NOT bad. but they should do it right. but the old fashioned right way will turn your stomach... but it took care of any unwanted or  unsound demented dogs.
from my own research some of these designer breeders have spent a lot of hours of their own time researching, studying genetics, temperament, and educating the people who fancy their dogs. they have my utmost respect because, quite frankly, its more than i see some registered dog club breeders doing. those hot shot closed registry breeders think since there are tons of books about their registered dog that they dont have to educate anyone. "What do you mean 'whats his temperament like'? Its a GSD.. dont ask me what its for. cant you read for yourself ?? theres a library in town, go look it up! i dont have time to bother, i got more puppies on the way"
  But i also feel that if someone wants to go out and buy a puggle then thats their God given right as an American Citizen and you shouldnt make them feel like dirt for doing it.
looking in my own local news paper classified adds i see very few designer dogs. there are a couple of maltepoos, and one or two pekapoo breeders and their dogs arent priced over $200 or $300. the ones i see being sold for thousands of dollars are AKC labs and shepherds. the rest are UKC or CKC pit bulls or chihuahuas and prices may vary.

i think
a lot of average people buying a dog are lead to believe the false advertising that a titled and papered dog is some how better. which is why CKC has popped up recently. it looks good to be a member of a club, but the paper work is only as good as the dog that pees on it, and that goes for all the other registries.
the majority of dogs being bought and sold are pets. they seem to be impulse buys, and they may or may not end up in a shelter.

Molly, i know your story about your dog, but it makes ME feel bad for you as well as some others when i see people getting huffy and snobby about designer breeds. why? because its like being the red headed step child. its supposedly just a pure red hot sin to pay any more than fifty dollars for a mutt.... UNLESS its from a rescue or foster home. i have seen chat rooms in aol where people come in happy go lucky about their new schnoodle puppy only to be flamed and cussed for all they're worth.... they dont deserve that. now you've just made them feel bad and they're thinking their dog is doing to grow up to be some kind of monster house shredder. So when the puppy in its puppy stage does chew something up... wellllll those chat room know it alls were obviously right. its going to be a house shredder. i might as well get rid of it.... [8|] its counter productive, in my opinion, to flame people for the choices they have already made.
educating them BEFORE they get the new puppy is probably a little more helpful.
but to be honest.... here is a problem i am being faced with with my in laws. they want so badly to own a pekeXcocker..... someone they know had one. he was a sweet little pooch. i have seen them myself.. they look like black CKCS.... so i told them why not get a Cavalier? "because they cost too much" [:@][:'(][>:][8|]