Anyone care to guess about my shelter dog's mix?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anyone care to guess about my shelter dog's mix?

    We adopted Jack from the shelter in late February, and he was listed as a "lab/shepherd mix".  I don't particularly see that, so I'm guessing they thought that sounded nice and generic.  He's about 10 months old (we think) and 65 lbs.  He's fairly mellow and laid back, but he absolutely loves playing with other dogs and can have a respectable energy level outside.  He rarely barks, but will on occasion (usually accompanied by a low growl and focus on something we can't see, as though he's warning us about something).
    I have a few theories about his possible mix, but am interested in what others think.  He's a great dog and I adore him, so it doesn't really matter one way or another.  But it's interesting to think about and speculate where he got some of his traits.
    One of the pics I'm posting shows off the interesting pigmentation on his chest... he's currently being treated for Demodex, and that's some accompanying hair loss.  [&:]

    • Gold Top Dog
    Those lips are quite distinctive, I'm sure they'll clue someone in...

    The only thing I can figure is he's a Cutiepie - Handsomefella cross.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh my gosh I am in love with this guy!!  We need more pictures  [:D]

    His breed is a toughy and I bet he's got a lot of things mixed in there, but I could possibly see Pit body type mixed with something houndy to slim it down a bit- Greyhound perhaps?  I can't tell if he's got a big hound chest and slender waiste.  I personally don't see much Shepherd in him, and if it's there it's way back in the gene pool.  Lab is a maybe because of the length of the fur on his neck and his overall coloring.  That GORGEOUS coloring could come from either Pit or Greyhound.  He could also be some kind of lanky scenthound mixed with Pit.  Something about his face almost reminds me of a Dane, but I don't think that's it.  My final guess would be Pit/Lab/Hound (either sight or scent, depending).  Side pictures of his body would help (hint hint!) [:)]

    ETA: Depending on where you live, what about Black Mouth Cur/Pit?  They are quite common in the Southern states and resemble him to a degree, in markings as well as fur length and body type.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Whatever he is, he's absolutely adorable and so lucky to have you.  I'm going to say All American mutt.  He looks like one of those dogs that you just can't really tell.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I would describe his chest as being "big", for sure.  He's filled out quite a bit since I adopted him.  He reminds me a bit of pictures I've seen of Rhodesian Ridgebacks, especially body style.  He may not be quite that big (yet), but the shape is incredibly similar.  I'll try and post more of a side view pic when I'm not at work.  [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Something about his face almost reminds me of a Dane

    same here, but he is way too small to be a dane.

    cute puppy! [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: cyclefiend2000

    Something about his face almost reminds me of a Dane

    same here, but he is way too small to be a dane.

    cute puppy! [:D]

    Here, too.  I'll second the cute puppy, also.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm going with this: Dane X Pit X Lab. Once you go OVER 3 breeds...size is less a reliable clue, and a dog tends to edge towards the norm of the usual 40-50lbs mix...the fact that this dog is BIGGER suggests to me that there are some Giant genes there that have prevented the normalization from going too far. Dane x Lab you can end up with a more Lab size dog or Dane size....factor in PB which is below the two, yet shares some traits, and you'd normalize out to about your dogs size...which I'd put into the 'Large" category and say he'd mature out at around 75lbs by age 3.
    Ridgebacks are highly I won't add that in....but PB, Lab and Dane are seen enough esp in their mixed variants in shelters that I feel safe with my guess.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ooo, Gina, you're gooood.  [:)
    • Gold Top Dog
    We just had a puppy come in at the animal clinic I work at and she was listed as a boxer mix (although she came from the shelter, so who knows if that is correct).  So maybe boxer x lab or boxer x pit even?  He's cute, whatever he is! 
    • Gold Top Dog
    VERY cute boy!
    I would have to say - pit/lab/hound
    whatever he is - is adorable!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm going to say pit/"boxer mix" with maybe some sheperd thrown in there to narrow and elongate the nose.
    The size actually doesn't indicate a giant breed to me. 65 pounds isn't unheard of in a pit. In fact, my parents purebred was the smallest of his litter and he weighs almost 70, and he is at his ideal weight.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Gina I gotta say he's got some hound in there somewhere...that white tail tip isn't too common elsewhere.  So how about dane/bully/lab/hound ???
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm inclined to think Pit/hound, too.  If he came from the South, this might be a likely cross - or he could have some feist, or cur, too.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't see hound...too much cheekiness about the head. Boxer was a good guess...they have their tails removed so who knows what's at the tip in that pattern? I'll buy that...Boxer where I have Dane, but
    as to weight...this dog is a PUPPY still and 65lbs is a good size for his age...many adult Boxer's don't weight that much. So something big is in there...I still contend.