GSD stuff

    • Gold Top Dog

    GSD stuff

    • Gold Top Dog
    While that site DOES show the changes in the GSD, they have MANY dogs listed in improper time periods, and they refer to angulation as "hock angulation".
    Hard to consider somebody reasonably credible when they don't know correct terminology and don't even have dogs in the proper time period, not to mention these pics are being used without permission.
    I don't disagree that the GSD has taken an unpleasant turn, but the owner of the site doesn't have the right to use the pictures of the dogs shown unless given, and really, how many really think the owners of these dogs gave the ok for their dogs pictures to be used in this manner?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Can someone break that down for me?  This has always been a favorite breed, but I've never read much into specifics like this.  I don't really understand why they have such sloped hips or how that can me comfortable or healthy....someone helpe me out....
    • Gold Top Dog
    Gotta agree with Xeph here......
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeah, i wasn't necessarily saying i agreed with it or anything, just thought it was interesting.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't really understand why they have such sloped hips or how that can me comfortable or healthy....someone helpe me out

    The hips aren't sloped, it's the angulation of the thigh bone as it connects to the knee (the stifle).  In American lines, they are bred this way to produce more extreme movement.  Unfortunately, no matter how much they tell you otherwise, the dog is only a great mover for a short period of time.  There's no way it could herd all day, and while it is nice more American breeders are getting AT LEAST HICs on their dogs, moving around 3 sheep for 10 minutes is not the same as working a flock of 200+ all day long.
    The Germans wanted more rear drive, but were not willing to sacrifice stability of the rear, so the roach appeared.  They seem to be failing in rear angulation as well now, however, as their dogs are becoming as overangulated in the rear as the americans (while their fronts remain folishly straight).
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks!  What about the "DDR dogs"?  Where do they fit in?  I've read in several places that the East German/DDR dogs are often "better" because they kept better tabs on genetics and have less occurances of common health issues, is that true?  How are those GSDs different?  And are Czech ones different too, physically or more in temperament and drive?  I've tried reading up on this stuff but it's new to me so the more credible the source, the harder it is for me to get into and figure out.

    Do you know which types of GSDs are in my Chop?  Do they look OK?  (not that it really matters to me since she won't be herding or doing Schutzhund and they picked me so I won't complain!).  Here's her tree with pictures:


    And one more question, if Chop is so small, how come she got a champion title for showing?  They keep saying how small she is for a GSD, but wouldn't that make her not up to standard?  Or is it pretty easy to get a champion title if you're from a good breeder with good lines?  Yes, I know zilch about the specifics of conformation and I'm really not interested in it for the future, but I'd like to know the basics, especially about my Chop.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks!  What about the "DDR dogs"?  Where do they fit in?

    Working lines
    I've read in several places that the East German/DDR dogs are often "better" because they kept better tabs on genetics and have less occurances of common health issues, is that true?
    To a degree.  German bred dogs (whether show lines or working) cannot be bred without hip scores (elbows not required), a show rating, and a schutzhund title.  American breeders can breed whatever the hell they want.
    And are Czech ones different too, physically or more in temperament and drive?
    Heck yes xD  Look up "Eurosport K9" and check out their dogs.  They have Czech dogs (Pohrancini Straze is a very well knwon Czech kennel name that produces damn fine dogs).  Czech dogs are generally harder in temperament, have less prey drive and are higher in defense, and produce a more civil dog than the East German lines (GENERALLY).

    Do you know which types of GSDs are in my Chop?  Do they look OK?
    West German Highlines (Show dogs).  She's got very nice dogs in her pedigree, as far as WG Showlines go.
    And one more question, if Chop is so small, how come she got a champion title for showing?

    "Small" is probably in reference to what's winning in the ring right now.  I know bitches that are 24+ inches winning in the AKC show ring...they're supposed to stop at 24", but the American/Canadian standard doesn't list height as a disqualification.  In the SV standard, dogs that are more than (I believe) 1/8" out of standard are a DQ, but they really don't wicket much.  Because the dogs have gotten so large, they're STARTING to wicket, and weed out animals that are too large.
    A 22" bitch may be "small" in comparison to what's winning, but she's still in standard.
    Or is it pretty easy to get a champion title if you're from a good breeder with good lines? she an AKC champion, or UKC champion?  It's easier to get a UKC Championship than an AKC Championship, and it's easier to get a CanKC championship than an AKC championship.
    • Gold Top Dog
    UKC Champion.  Someone looked her up in the AKC and got me her number, but did not see any AKC titles.  She has a card to do AKC agility, but I don't think she's competed seriously yet.
    • Gold Top Dog
    • Gold Top Dog
    [link][/link] <--the absolute best example IMO showing the differences of type.

    Goes through the illustrations of motion exceptionally well.  She was the one doing the new Illustrated standard for the GSD, and she was fired because she was "Mocking a Grand Victor"

    Open your eyes people...what she drew is what your dogs look like :-/
    The other site is ok, but when it comes to pictures, they choose crappy pictures depecting the AKC GSD.  Both dogs shown are pet quality dogs, not show quality (not even close)
    • Gold Top Dog
    THANK YOU, Xeph!! Those are much easier for me to understand with those plain pictures.  The sites with photos are cool, but the color patterns on the dogs and their fur kind of distract me from seeing what I'm supposed to see as far as their structure.

    *right click > bookmark*
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh you know, I help where I can[:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    wow, what a great site! I love the Byelorussian Ovcharka...i had never heard of it. I wish Kaiser wasn't from a BYB so i could know what lines he came from!
    • Puppy
    Panda Shepherds? After reading that it made me curious how common it is. I'll admit my pet GSD is AKC registered as a sable, but she has a very large white spot on her chest. I've seen her pedigree and met her parents, yet up until now I thought that someone probably lied about one of her ancestors and that the neighbor dog must have jumped the fence. Now I'm wondering if it's the new mutation that their talking about?
    I'll try to put a picture in here, still trying to figure out the forums so hopefully this works...

    What do you think?