Labrador Retrievers!

    • Silver

    Labrador Retrievers!

    I have two black Labs, Blackie and Craven's Black Magnum or Magnum for short. Does any one else have Labs?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Counting Mick, our Lab/English Setter mix, Caleb is our 3rd Lab, but the first registered one.  Mick is the dog in my avatar.  He was 15 1/2 when we had to have him put to sleep in July.  We took the picture in the link of Caleb last week.  He turned 9 months old yesterday.
    • Silver
    I used to own a basset/lab mix. She was my first dog ever. I loved that dog :)
    • Gold Top Dog
    I used to have a lab years ago. He was a yellow lab named Major. I've got a Golden now. I'm from Mississippi too. What part are you from?
    • Silver
    Newton, Mississippi it's between Meridian and Jackson
    • Silver
    I grew up with a yellow lab named Power (he came by the name honestly) and a black lab named Spook (I didn't name her, so please don't think I'm racist).

    Currently, I have a Lab mix named Gracie. She started out as a foster dog, and I failed (best failure ever). She's a year and a half old and her color is on the border between black and ectremely dark chocolate

    • Gold Top Dog
    I have Casey...a two year old black lab.  I love labs, and he's a wonderful boy.  
    • Silver
    I love Labs too! I plan to show them in Agility, conformation, and field trials.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ME ME ME ME! I love my labby! here is a pic of OREO (named after his barely white toes[:D])

    sorry it is so small. this is from when he was like 2 and a half mos old^. here he is now.
    • Silver
    Me too!  We currently own our third chocolate and would like to get a black sometime soon.  We got our first two chocolates as puppies not too long after my husband and I first met.  Our male lived to be a ripe old age of thirteen and our female was fourteen when we lost her.  They were our babies!  We even had a picture of them, dressed in their own wedding clothes, sitting on a table at our wedding reception.  I know....sick!  They were the best dogs we'll ever own!
    My husband is an avid duck and goose hunter so our dogs are trained to retrieve.  It's alot of fun to watch them do what they love!  They are so loyal and smart and have such a great sense of humor.  How can you not love a Lab?!
    Quick, short story - I have a friend who loves the big, hairy Northern sled dog and herding dog breeds.  She has a Border Collie mix, an Aussie, an Aussie mix and a Husky mix on her farm.  She never could understand my love for Labs and other sporting breeds.  She thought they were boring everyman's breeds.  Right before she moved out of state, she took in a  yellow Lab someone dumped at her farm.  She wrote me after she got settled in her new farm and said "I get it now!".  She said out of all her dogs, the Lab made her smile and laugh the most and those big, brown eyes melted her heart!
    We'll always own at least one Lab as long as we're financially and physically able.  I feel sorry for every dog whose been dumped but especially Labs.  Their former owners will never understand what they gave up!
    Here's a picture of our current chocolate, Copper, after a successful goose hunt and a fun picture of my sister's Bassador doing what he loves most in life!

    • Silver
    ORIGINAL: Shelties4me

    My husband is an avid duck and goose hunter so our dogs are trained to retrieve.  It's alot of fun to watch them do what they love!  They are so loyal and smart and have such a great sense of humor.  How can you not love a Lab?!

    I'm training my Lab ;puppy to do Agility, field trials, and conformation. I love to watch hunting that has any dog working, but especially Labs!
    • Bronze
    I'm new here and have two labs that are spoiled rotten.  Tucker (black male) is 6 and Frankie (yellow male) is 2. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Shelties4me

    ...She wrote me after she got settled in her new farm and said "I get it now!".  She said out of all her dogs, the Lab made her smile and laugh the most and those big, brown eyes melted her heart!...

    Yep, that's just one of the things we love about Labs.  Out of all the breeds of dogs I've had, it's been the Labs that people called "people in fur coats". 

    • Silver
    I've never had anything but a Lab, and I don't think I'll ever get a different kind of dog!
    • Silver
    ORIGINAL: micksmom

    ORIGINAL: Shelties4me

    ...She wrote me after she got settled in her new farm and said "I get it now!".  She said out of all her dogs, the Lab made her smile and laugh the most and those big, brown eyes melted her heart!...

    Yep, that's just one of the things we love about Labs.  Out of all the breeds of dogs I've had, it's been the Labs that people called "people in fur coats". 

    You know it really is true!  The breeder I got my Shelties from told me my husband was going to be stunned at how much smarter the Sheltie is than Labs.  I didn't say anything at the time because I'm a first time Sheltie owner but now I think this guy has never been around Labs!  I love my Sheltie to pieces.  He is my angel and he is very smart but it's a totally different kind of intelligence.  Does that make sense?  He learns very quick and is very task oriented but our Labs are "scary" smart.  Their ability to problem solve, the way they almost seem to understand what you're saying to them is just down right freaky sometimes!  They learn so unbelievably fast if you put the time in.  It's such a shame how many of them end up in shelters!  It's just such a tragedy!  I wish I could adopt them all!