Question about breed for my puppy - Chihuahua or Mini. Pinscher?

    • Silver

    Question about breed for my puppy - Chihuahua or Mini. Pinscher?

    Hi everyone.
    I got a puppy 2 weaks ago and he is only 2 months old! [:)][:)][:)]
    I got him from a petshop and they said he was a chihuahua but my boyfriend keeps saying that he is a miniature pinscher or mix of chihuahua and miniature pinscher. I have never had a puppy so I have no idea how to distinguish a chihuahua from miniature pinscher (they look the same to me to be honest). Does he look like chihuahua or miniature pinscher? Or mix of those two? I need your help. [;)]

    • Gold Top Dog
    He doesn't look min pin at all to me.

    On a side note, be prepared to learn alot about dogs and welcome to the site.

    There are alot of people, myself included, that would have steered you away from a pet store puppy.  There's a million reasons and just as many things to be careful about. 

    Secondly your pup was too young to be away from his momma.  This means you're going to have to work extra hard to teach bite inhibition and potty train him.  Also since you're a first time owner there are a lot of things you'll have questions about.  This is a great place to find answers or to be pointed to places that have good answers.

    Please visit the nutrition, training and behavior sections.  There are people in those sections that are incredible resources.

    Thanks and again, welcome to the forum.

    PS:  He's adorable!
    • Gold Top Dog
    first congrats on joining the wide world of dog ownership.
    second, what makes your boyfriend think its a min pin or min pin chihuahua mix?
    At this age it may be hard to tell them apart depending on colour... but here, have alook at this
      min pin puppy

    chihuahua puppy

    btw here's a link about chihuahuas for ya.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Geez I don't know to be honest.  He's cute, though!  Oh, and welcome to the forum!
    • Silver
    i think Chihuahua or maybe and a VERY small maybe one parent was a min pin/chi mix and the other a chihuahua but diffently way more Chihuahua
    • Gold Top Dog
    most pet shops are all about retaining the breed standards... i.e. cropped and docked. if he's got a docked tail then perhaps.... thats just what i've seen in pet shops that deal in puppies. it depends on the establishment and the breeders they buy from i'm sure.
    • Gold Top Dog
    My guess is chihuahua.  Chis can vary quite a bit as well. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I really don't see any min pin in there at all.  But sometimes it is hard to tell with a puppy.
    • Bronze

    I have a min pin and I had him at about 6 weeks and although he was about that small, he doesnt look like a min pin at all to me. Most definately a chihuahua. The nose is longer on a min pin and the coloring is nothing like a min pin. Good luck with your chihuahua though! He's extremely cute!

    Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh man. It is bad enough that pet stores sell puppies to begin with. But now they might be selling mixes? I feel sorry for all the puppers in shelters even more now.......

    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like a chi to me! One of the "deer head" or nonstandard ones like my Otto. They seem to be more common around here then the "apple head" ones.
    • Silver

    I agree that its defiantely a chi and doesnt look anything like a min pin

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's a Chihuahua.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Definitely Chi.  Sure is a little cutie!  There is alot of good info around here.  Everyone is very helpful and nice.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I also vote Chihuahua.  We got our chi when he was 8wks old.  He is also the "deerhead" variety.  And your pup and ours could be brothers.  Our pups parents were both Chis.  One was long hair and one was short.  I really like the deerhead variety.  We will have to share pics!  One thing about ours, that I thought was unusual, was his coat turned into a black saddle on his back around 5 1/2 mos.  He started out tan and looks very much like the deer that roam our neighborhood!  I wonder if yours will change, too.