Posted : 2/4/2007 8:11:28 AM
side view female littermate (runt) the only one who looks like this...
the rest look like this
with varying degrees of black and white
2 females were mostly white
1 other male and female was mostly black with with
freckled paws
1 female black with freckled chest and legs
all showed retriever instinct and "herdiness" (is that a word, lol)
all also excel in the hide and seek game. all have also been quick to learn, easy to housetrain, etc.
i sometimes see alot of "shepherd" in snoopy (my black and white male that is the first picture posted!)
thanks for all the info...i've been looking, reading, learning...i want to have an idea of their predominate breed to help me decide what things they might excel in!