What breeds do you own?

    • Bronze
    I have a black Lab!
    • Bronze
    I have a female Blk. Lab. and a male Red Doberman.
    I love my lab. to death but after the Dobey I know I'll never have any other breed. He fits so well into our household and lifestyle.
    • Bronze
    a Cairn Terrier X...named Zoey
    • Gold Top Dog
    Border collie X - Gizmo! She is a hanful and defently has a border collie attitude[sm=biggrin.gif]
    • Silver
    13 year old border collie/ unkown mix Boots
    7 year old jack rusell/rat terrier mix Tyson
    1 1/2 year old jack rusell/ unkown mix Baby Girl
    • Gold Top Dog
    from the time i was a kid we had

    1) big black curly Standard Poodle mix..(smart as a whip!)i was 3-6 yrs old..he was older when he wandered out of the woods...we kept him but later he was hit by a car.

     2)Sheep dog mix named PUP..7-13 years old...was my dads dog....when my father passed away from cancer,the dog seemed to lose interest in everything and gave up...he was older when we got him too...we figured ghe was about 10 when he passed..

    3)another stray ...lab mix we named Suzie...had her with PUP..they got along,but she had been abused and we figured she was older and we had to have her euthanized after serious medical problems arose.

     4)Baby Pure white Husky...it was my brothers dog but i took care of her...became mine until he took her away...i was 14-15
     5)Doberman Pincer..Scooter...my brother in laws dog...again,after taking care of him and playing with him,he became mine...he was my gaurdian...killed by a car when my idiot brother let him outside without a leash..15-16

     6)a small toy size mutt named OZZY...he would howl in key the the opening of THE WIZARD by Black Sabbath..lol...had him when i was 17 but he moved with my mom into an apt and i took over the house...

     at 19 i got Rebel...a Golden Retriever...also Abbey another Golden 4 years later...had them until 2002....died of old age...

     now,from 2004 to present,an Alaskan Husky,a husky w/d mix,and a H/C WD..
    • Gold Top Dog
    I am new here so i thought this was a good place to start, sortof, LOL I have 2 Shiba Inu a Black and Tan female named Ruffian, she is almost 11, and a Red Sesame male named Tonka who is almost 9.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have a golden X poodle, age 5 named Sam,
    and Mya a Sibe Husky X Alaskan Mal age 10 Weeks
    also Denzil whos my mum and dads dog, but i just left home and still count him as partly mine, his a Toy Yorkie and age 2 [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    siberian husky, and getting ready to adopt another tomorrow! im excited.[:D]
    • Silver
    I own pom poms! [:D] lol
    • Bronze
    I have one 12 week old Maltese named Ella.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Had mixed breeds all my life, but got hooked on greyhounds 10 years ago. Now I am a greyhound nut. 1 greyhound and another one coming in a couple days!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Labrador Retriever/German Shepherd cross ( we know she's a 'purebed cross' because we got her from a breeder, but there was an accidental breeding, both dogs were purebred)
    Black Labrador Retriever ( she's not really 'mine'; I'm raising her to be a service dog)
    And a pit bull type mutt from the pound
    • Gold Top Dog
    Forgot to say, I really want a German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever eventually, as well as my Labs [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have a lhasa apso, Maggie.
    When I move out I am going to have to chose a dog from a long list of dogs I want, lol, but while I'm at my parents house, Maggie is it.