What breeds do you own?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I have a 19 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback who is the love of my life (besides my boyfriend)!
    I'm in awe of people who have two dogs - I would love to get another one but my RR keeps me busy enough!  I just don't know how you guys do it . . . let alone 3 or 4 dogs per household!
    • Gold Top Dog
    A 3 year old chihuahua, Pepito, who was a gift from my parents. As far as I know he was from a BYB. Definitely not my decision. I offhandedly mentioned once that I kind of liked chihuahuas, and the next holiday  they just handed me a puppy. [&:]
    A 6-8 year old rescue bulldog mix, Axl, that I've had for 4 and a half years. We're not exactly sure what his mix is, but we've settled on english/american cross.
    And a 10(ish) month old rescue Akita, Ogre, that I've had for almost a month now. [:D
    • Gold Top Dog
    I own.....
    Proof-A miniature pinscher male, intact, black and tan, drop ears, docked tail, 2 yrs and 4 months, I recieved him from a farmer who kept a male and female out on his farm to rid the place of mice and rats, he was given free because my grandma helped him load and unload hay
    Bug- A minature pinscher, papillion mix, spayed,black and tan,erect fringed ears,will be 13 in january, I recieved her from my aunt who worked at a shelter, Bug was brought in put in a small kennle with a concrete floor heavily pregnant * my aunt noticed this, kennle tech ignored her* so she had her pups on the cold floor and they died:(...when bugs date came when she was to be put down...my aunt wrote her off as deceased by injection, put her in her coat and brought her home to me...i was seven at the time and she was the best present ive ever recived...
    Kuniva- Patterdale Terrier, soon to be born...goin to pick him up sometime in january:)
    • Puppy

    I own a mix breed.. Boxer pit bull she's a sweet heart and always whines if she needs to tinkle(: I love her