English Setter owners?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks for the compliment. [:)]  I start with a pencil sketch, then finish it in pen and ink and then scan it into Photoshop.  I have a whole pile of these things.  One of these days, I'll organize them and submit them somewhere.[8|]

    I love BCs.  My heart dog was a BC/dobX.  Thought that my second dog would probably be a BC, but Grace, my pointer,  came into my life for some reason, though.

    Here is Crystal:

    • Bronze
    Your dog is beautiful.What colour is he?I am thinking of getting another dog, don't know whether to get another cocker spaniel or a setter. I have been reading up about setters but figure it is better to have first hand knowledge from an owner. He looks like good fun.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Crystal was just smack dab gorgeous! I need to take up sketching again. I'd love to capture my Ben in ink - I have little hope that my abilties could do justice to the Maggie-dog. It might be the only way to get a good picture of her, however - she hates cameras.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Who is in your avatar?  Is that Ben or Maggie.  Very beautiful and classic.  Thanks about Crystal, she was a beauty.  The B&W doesn't do her justice.  She had beautiful copper accents. 

    I think both Dunders and I would say to get a Setter instead of a Cocker.  Setters have a unique soft yet exuberant personality.  Energetic yet gentle.  There is a real sweetness and playfullness about them.  I'm not really fond of cockers, but then I am quite prejudice. [:D]

    • Gold Top Dog
    Diane,. I just have to pipe in and comment on your drawings!  So great. I love your avatar, but the drawing you did of the dogs meeting your grandbabies is SO cute.  You have a wonderful style. You really should share more!!!! 
    BTW, there's a couple who have red & white setters that come to the dogpark. They have a male and a female and recently had puppies.  They still had 3 left from a litter of 8. They're about 3.5 months old and they brought them to the park. SO cute is all I can say. And both parents seemed really laid back. 
    Here's the mom&dad:

    And the pups(SO cute):

    • Gold Top Dog
    I've noticed your work on the board too!  You do water colors and they are gorgeous.  I don't have the knack.  I usually overwork the paint and end up with mud!  I'm better in pastels or oils.  It takes such a subtle touch to do great water.
    My daughte says that I should start a Trudy & Grace blog.  I just have to sit down and take the time to do it.
    Red and White Setters!  That is something that you don't see very often.  They are beauties.  I like brittanies, too.  You have a Weim.  We knew a beautiful Weim boy that I use to walk once in a while.  He was so elegant and everyone wanted to stop and look at him.
    I'm enjoying a quiet moment with my birdy girls now. (sigh)[8D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Lovely dogs!  I wanted to say thanks for sharing them!
    Amos is just so handsome and I've always loved the avatar photo of TrudyBlue.  So striking.  And even if that b&w shot of Crystal doesn't show her coat to full advantage, it shows real spirit and personality.
    Hey, Emily- what is that contraption on the neck of mother at the park?  A radio signal collar?  My boss is about to become the owner of a Brittany pup and he recently met another Brittany owner who had such a device on their dog.  Does it emit different signals - that's how the owner described it.
    Oh, and finally, I haven't ever had an ES, but have recently met a few lovely ones:
    Jake is a rescue from the same org as my Mia and a dog park friend - he is supposedly an ES mix and had boundless energy and is a lovely boy, but all my pictures of him are a complete BLUR!
    This is Woody - the elder of my friend's two ES boys.  He's real gentleman.

    And Henry is a rescue they brought into their home about two years ago. He was fostered by a gun dog rescue group and is sweet as can be.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks Diane! I appreciate the compliments on my work!  You should definitely start a blog. I have one about Scout with stories and illustrations. Its a lot of fun!  You can check it out in my signiature. Its the way of the weim link. 
    Lisa, Its a combination beeper/shock collar! It emits tones and a lot of people use them to train the dog in the field. I don't know a ton about them, but it really helps to have control over giving your dog commands from a far distance away.  When used correctly they are an amazing tool. When used incorrectly they can cause all sorts of problems.  They aren't typically used on weims in field training though as they tend to be softer dogs.
    I also meant to say I totally know what you're referring to when you push the dog too much and they forget who you are and what you're doing!  I have to admit I chuckled!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Dunders, keep us up to date on Amos's progress.  Does he point at everything, including flies, frogs, plastic bags blown ontothe grass? 

    It's amazing how different the bench E. setter and the field E setter look!  I've had people ask me of Trudy is a springer mix, a dalmation mix, or (actually pretty flatering) a BC mix. 

    When most people think of an English Setter, they think of dogs like Amos, and yet, the majority of the E.S.s out there are field setters and most E.S. rescues have 90% field dogs. I think that the bench variety is a bit more easy going, too and people who spontaniously buy a Lllewellin because they are so cute find that they have their hands full until they are about 3.

    I'm thoroughly hooked.
    • Gold Top Dog

    You're right about there being definite differences between bench and field varieties.
    The biggest reason that we got a bench setter was that they are more laid-back and not as high-energy as the field type. Thank god I did my research and talked to people. Amos is pretty laid-back most of the time, but that is with a VERY careful maintenance program consisting of 1-2 hours at the leash free 5-7 times a week as well as walking, play in the backyard and daily low-key obedience work. I can't even imagine how energetic the field ones are at the same age. That's a lot of dog for the prepared, let alone the unprepared!
    I called one woman who had field type pups for sale. When she found out I lived in a sub-urban area, she bluntly said "Find another type of dog." To her surprise, I did and still do appreciate her honesty and bluntness.
    I'd say that Amos is much more into the classic 'set' than point. Very inclined to do the high-headed, sneaky catfoot that I call "the setter stalk" when trying to steal up on rustling things, birds, squirrels or other dogs in the leash-free. He freezes like a rock if they look at him. Sometimes he'll be standing or dropping into a lying down position with head high and watching intently.
    He's such a great, softie of a dog with such a great attitude about life. Every day is a great day, no wonder you and I are both hooked. The only breed I find comparable are the bearded collies.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Amos is extraordinary! What a beautiful dog. My Lucy is an English/Gordon cross. To look at her she is all gordon, except that she is smaller than most GS that I have seen. Her personality is all ES. I have never met a more enthusiastic animal in my life. At five years old she is the same as she was when she was a puppy, only with slightly more sense. She is sweet and kind, and utterly charming.
    Have fun with your boy. He looks like he is up for it.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Trudy's first agility trial is coming up on October 7th!  I hope that I don't mess it up.  I am definately the klutz of the team [:D].

    • Puppy
    Good luck Diane. I am sure it will be a lot of fun.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks English_Setter_Guy! [:)]  Welcome to the board.  Tell us about your English Setter.  Do you have any pictures?  Do you hunt or do any dog sports?
    • Puppy
    We owned an English Setter (used for the avatar) and her name was Mattie.  Unfortunately, she passed away last week from IMHA.  I have to say English Setters are the most affectionate and loving dogs. We were very lucky to have had her for the 5 years we did.  Regardless of how old she would have lived, before she got sick, it would not have been long enough.