Lab Forum

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lab Forum

     I know I shoulda asked here in the first place. But I tried to venture on my own and find a lab forum... Well the one I found is HORRID!!

    I posted a question asking how common is heart problems in labs, and I'm getting ripped apart and being told to sell my possessions and get Maze to the vet cuz she's dying...

    So! I'm asking here, are there any lab forums who are not gonna rip me apart?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yuck. What forum did you join???? (you don't have to post it, but feel free to PM me) I joined one that was horrible. I saw "old time members" and a mod or two rip apart newbies, uninformed members, etc.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Don't know Lab-specific, but this place is FAR more tame than anywhere else.  You get more support and encouragement here than any other forum I'm a member of.  Not saying they are better or worse than here, but...

    Hope someone can hook you up w/a Lab group that can give you what you're looking for.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Paige, I know! I've been spoiled by this place. LOL! It's soo much friendlier then anything else I've seen.. Serves me right for trying to venture on my own.

    • Gold Top Dog

     None that I know of.... Actually I only know one, probably the same one as BlackLabbie. Had a horrible experience. HOWEVER I met some fabulous people with which I still talk. I now belong to a lab agility list instead. Much nicer group. This is a great board, again it is not lab specific but they do know dogs. I also belong to a golden retriever forum, and they have several lab owners there. They don't behave badly toward "the other breed" LOL Since I have both I speak from experience.

    One thing that FLOORED me on the lab board. I was looking for a puppy. Ok I understand about advertising etc on these boards. I SPECIFICALLY requested PM answers. However my question was strictly about the typical size of a certain breeders dogs. I have a gargantuan mutant dog, and wanted a smaller one, so I was asking do their dogs tend to run on the large or small size. My thread got locked, and I got a NASTY email from the moderator. GOOD GRIEF! If you can't discuss looking for a puppy on a breed board where can you? 

    So if you want to join another forum I can give you the link to my golden forum. Good discussions there (like here) about food, health, training, obedience, agility, field and they talk about breeders ALL the time.



    • Gold Top Dog

    I sent you a PM... I hope the one you joined is not the one I'm a member of. I really like the one I'm at.....   :(

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     I have only been on this one to read about knee injuries (sigh) I have no idea how the rest of the place is

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm sending you the link to a really nice, friendly Lab forum.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks so much! 

    The public forum I posted on told me to sell my stuff to get Maze to the vet... And then when I pointed it out that I was being flamed, I got in trouble!! Apparently it's ok for members to tell a new person that I'm essentially killing my dog and that I should sell my house, stuff and pretty much everything I own.... And yet I'm the one in the wrong.. *sigh*

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hhm, you know, I think I saw your post- before anyone replied.  I'm not surprised at the turn it took.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Lol! Neither am I to be honest.  It just amazes me that they assumed I wanted a diagnosis over the internet...

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Clearly I haven't seen the message, but any time someone brings up the ability/inability to pay for vet care, it becomes heated.  (If they'd found out you're thinking of getting another dog, too, on top of financial concerns to treat your current dog, you'd have been more than flamed - you'd have been torched and beheaded, trounced through the "square" and there would be spin-off threads criticizing each aspect of your situation.  I've seen it happen.)

    • Gold Top Dog

     Which is why I haven't even mentioned the puppy. Even if it is a couple years down the road...

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...(If they'd found out you're thinking of getting another dog, too, on top of financial concerns to treat your current dog, you'd have been more than flamed - you'd have been torched and beheaded, trounced through the "square" and there would be spin-off threads criticizing each aspect of your situation.  I've seen it happen.)

    I've seen that happen on that board for simple questions.  It's calmed down some, but can really can get nasty sometimes.

    • Gold Top Dog

    on top of financial concerns to treat your current dog, you'd have been more than flamed - you'd have been torched and beheaded, trounced through the "square"


    You forgot the drawing and quartering which would precede all the above. LOL. The web is so nasty at times. Judgmental people that are perfect in every way and live in little cliques make me want to fart in their general direction.