Breed Guess

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breed Guess

     Thought I'd post pictures of my first dog as a fun breed guessing thread. He was very small when we brought him home - only 5lbs. The pound said he was a 8 week old "Beagle mix", although he may have been younger.

     "Bully" grew up to be 26" tall and about 85lbs - quite a Beagle ;) He had good prey drive, very high food food drive, an excellent nose with good "hunt drive" (would keep searching for a hidden toy until he found it), he loved his people a lot and wasn't a big outdoorsy type unless we were out with him. He didn't care for obedience much but did it (was trained with all force methods), he took extremely well to trick and agility training (it involved food LOL). His jumping ability was really something and he was a very althletic dog overall. He as extremely shy his first couple years of life but with continued training and socialization, he eventually got over it and was pretty easy going, other than being storm phobic. He was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at about 4 or 5 and lived to be a bit over 13 years old.

     So here's Bully:

    8 weeks


     Grown up




     Old Man:



    • Gold Top Dog

     First off he was VERY adorable. I see a bit of Rhodesian Ridgeback in his body shape, maybe some Doberman as well? That's my guess. :P

    • Gold Top Dog

     Dobe x Swissy? 

    • Gold Top Dog


     Dobe x Swissy? 

    Exactly what I was thinking, Liesje.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Forgot about the Swissy! Yeah, I could see that mix too. :D

    • Gold Top Dog

     Dobe x Collie? He appears to have a loooooonggg nose.

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog



     Dobe x Swissy? 

    Exactly what I was thinking, Liesje.

      I very much doubt that he would be part Swissy. He came from the county dog pound as a baby at the very end of 1991. Swissies were not even recognized by AKC at that point and were really uncommon. Funny though, the year Swissies were accepted in the the MIsc. group I had him at a huge outdoor show with me and several people asked if he was a Swissy. His markings were spot on for the breed and most people at that point has only seen pictures of Swissies in magazines.

      The Dobe x Collie is one I'd not thought of but, maybe? He did have a long muzzle - his head was extremely Dobe like IMO.

    • Gold Top Dog

     yeah i saw doberman in there too....

    keep in mind though..... i had a dog (about ten years ago) that was half doberman and half Australian cattle dog x pit bull. he had VERY flashy markings similar to Bully's and even had the same tail carriage.

    as a puppy he was a striking black and tan. people on the streets asked if he was a rotti mix because he was very bulky. but as he grew his markings soon faded until he had a black saddle and no black at all on his face and his ears had faint black on them..... so people thought the was either beaglexGSD or B&T coon hound x beagle or shepherd.

    his brothers and sisters were a variety of colours and markings. one was solid white. and many were black and tan with brindle in the tan parts. some had fluffy coats, some had slick coats like the dobe. some had tails, some had half tails, and some had no tails at all......Franky also had double dew claws on his hind legs....... if i didnt know both parents(one was a barnyard dog, the other belonged to our neighbour) then i wouldnt have known where to begin guessing with his mix!

    i wish i had a decent camera back then.....  this is the only "good" picture i have of him online. the others i have yet to scan....


    ETA lol he was named after Sir John Franklin, the lost british explorer because the day we brought the pup home was the same date in history that Franklin was last seen alive... and the puppy had a marking on his chest that looked strangely like a question mark.. yes... i'm a history nerd lol

    • Gold Top Dog

     Awww look at Frank sitting pretty! In that position his body shape looks similar to Bully's for sure. I had long suspected that Bully was a "Dobe mix" but what else might be in him is a mystery. Sometimes for fun, I'd tell people he was a Giant Beagle LOL And he made a nice pseudo-Swissy too!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm changing my guess to collie x dobe (or maybe some hound that is that shape?).  I think Swissies are too rare.  Looks like the white feet happens with Collies too.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I'm changing my guess to collie x dobe (or maybe some hound that is that shape?).  I think Swissies are too rare.  Looks like the white feet happens with Collies too.


     If it weren't for the rarity issues (especially when he was born), Swissy might be a possibility - like I said his markings are perfect for them!


    • Gold Top Dog



    I'm changing my guess to collie x dobe (or maybe some hound that is that shape?).  I think Swissies are too rare.  Looks like the white feet happens with Collies too.


     If it weren't for the rarity issues (especially when he was born), Swissy might be a possibility - like I said his markings are perfect for them!


    Yeah, I wasn't "doing the math" with the timing.  Funny thing is, once somebody mentioned Collie, I was reminded of a Collie/Dobe mix that came into my vet's office when I worked there.  I don't remember her having a white chest, and her coloring wasn't as rich as Bully's, but she looked very similar to him.

    • Gold Top Dog

     i did a quick google search for collie x dobe and found this



    and i looked in dogbreedinfo for the beagle/dobermans.. dont look anything like Bully! but somewhat resemble Frank lol (but he had no beagle at all in him!)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I really thought smooth collie mix at first, it hit me like obvious!! But being a mix it could be rough collie as well....that muzzle seems quite distinctive.


     I would probably guess Collie x ______, possibly a few in there. But a lot of breeds could make up that look of a dog I think!