• Bronze


    Hi all first time dog owner here. We adopted kali from a shelter and we know her mother was a purebred GSD, but not sure what the father could be. Here are some pictures of her from 5 months on. One thing, her tail curls up slightly when she gets excited, but when we walk her it down. [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/4278_1066251376369_1228571297_30158.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/4278_1066251176364_1228571297_30158.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/6770_565998911492_1110191_33395603_.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/10133_569716701012_1110191_33568334.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/kali.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/6770_565998841632_1110191_33395591_.jpg[/IMG] OK All Here's a some newer pics of her showing her curled tail. She's 10 months now. [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/Kali5-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/kali3-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/kali2-1.jpg[/IMG] with her tail down when not excited [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/kali4-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww127/Monika202479/kali6-1.jpg[/IMG] Well I guess, she's a GSD mixed with a GSD mix since she looks so much like one...Is pacing a gsd trait? She constantly does this when nervous or her "master" is gone...or is it common in all dogs?
    • Bronze
    Oh i forgot to add that she's 8 month now and weighs 75 pounds.
    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks like a GSD without a saddle!  GSD x Malinois, maybe, but to me she looks more GSD than Mal (though the color and coat look more Mali)

    • Bronze
    Thanks. That's what I thought but her hind legs don't look very GSD like. And now her fur i starting to turn black where the "saddle" should be. And then there's that curly tail thing.... Hmmm...
    • Gold Top Dog

     Well, a pet quality GSD can look like any number of thingsBig Smile I agree with Lies, though. High content GSD mix, or all GSD. She's adorable!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Some GSDs tails do curl.  Technically they cannot be carried above horizontal, but there are purebred, well bred show GSDs with curls that tail.  When Nikon is agitated or in drive, he carries his tail above horizontal, though it doesn't curl over.

    Do you have any other full body pics from the side?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh my, she's beautiful!  I thought GSD/Malinios, too.  But, honestly, Mal crossed my mind only because of her color.  To add to what Liesje said about tails, one of the clients we had when I worked for my vet had a pure bred white GSD who had a tail that curled right over her back- very similar to how a Basenji's tail curls.  Just not quite that tight.

    • Gold Top Dog


    How CUTE! I'm guessing full GSD or GSD/Malinois
    • Gold Top Dog

    I was thinking Malinois too... she sure is pretty!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks like a purebred GSD to me - any idea what any of the littermates look like? GSDs can come in a "solid" red with black mask, which most likely just a sable with very little black. The ones I have seen pedigrees of all have white GSD lines in them, not sure if that is always the case or not. Here is a site that shows one: http://www.kerstoneshepherds.net/colors/colors1.htm

    Here's another: http://www.appyhorsey.com/id43.html

     And another: http://www.kerstoneshepherds.net/colors/colors2.htm

     And one more: http://www.minternsgermanshepherds.com/images/BuddyOct00-01.JPG

    • Bronze

    I would say GSD/Malinois, pure german, or a her dad was a german sherperd mix.  Looks to much like a german shepherd to me to be a 50/50 cross unless its a Malinois.  Beautiful none the less.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks ALL GSD to me.  Beautiful girl!  Congratulations!  Be sure to read up on GSDs if you haven't already....they can be a handful; and need to be mentally and physically exercised.  Have you gone through an obedience class yet?  If not, great way to learn and bond. 

    Have fun with your new girl! 

    • Bronze
    Thanks all. Makes sense that her father would be a shepherd mix since she looks very much like a shepherd, except for the thin sometimes curly tail, the thin legs and the hind legs def. do not look like shepherds' legs. I did not do obedience classes yet. I did teach her to sit, down, stay, speak, shake, leave it, get it and am in the middle of training her to walk properly but this is quite difficult since my husband lets her do whatever she wants and I have to start all over again with the proper walking. I'm also teaching her to "find" things to keep her mind occupied. I did notice she is becoming more "protective" which we're going to take her to a pro to stop. I'll post some profile pics of her. Also, need some advice...She goes mad when we're in a car and another car drives past us. I mean she literally foams at the mouth and wants to kill the other car. Anyone deal with this before?
    • Gold Top Dog

    I actually think she might actually have some Lab in her because of the texture of her coat.  Odds favor a yellow dad, or one with the recessive yellow combining with a recessive yellow from the mom.

    Ee x Ee  (two parents both of other coat colors, but on in four odds to produce a yellow pup)

    Ee x ee  (One parent other color, one parent yellow - odds are improving for a yellow pup)


    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm also teaching her to "find" things to keep her mind occupied. I did notice she is becoming more "protective" which we're going to take her to a pro to stop. I'll post some profile pics of her. Also, need some advice...She goes mad when we're in a car and another car drives past us. I mean she literally foams at the mouth and wants to kill the other car. Anyone deal with this before?

     Makes me all the more sure she is a purebred GSD LOL Really GSDs can get very protective of the car for whatever reason. I would suggest crating while in the car if at all possible.


     FWIW her coat texture looks totally GSD to me too - nothing Labbish about it at all IMO. I'm not sure that Lab yellow would ever be inherited as GSD tan with a mask. GSDs can have coats that range from very short with little undercoat (close coats) to coats with harsh, almost oil outer coats and thick undercoats (plush coats), to Aussie like coats (long coats) and everything int between. Since this dog looks like a GSD, has a known purebred GSD mother and is a color that GSDs do come in there is really no reason to think that she is anything but a GSD.