Apartment dog who likes to jog...

    • Bronze

    Apartment dog who likes to jog...

    Hello all-

    I've been thinking about adding a dog to my home for a while now, but cannot decide on what breed would suit me. 

    I live in an 800 square foot apartment, there's no yard and not a lot of space.  Fortunately I work from home a lot, so my dog shouldn't get too lonely.

    I want to ask for your breed recomendation for a mellow dog, suitable for small spaces, but also a dog  strong enough to join me on my jogs.  I go about 4-6 miles up to 4 times a week.  It seems a shame to not bring my dog along to give him or her some excersise. 

    Does this dog exist, or are the two things I'm looking for mutually exclusive?

    Thanks in advance for your advice.

    • Gold Top Dog

     How about a shelter dog if your not dead set on a purebreed? And if so there are plenty of PB rescues.  Look on petfinder to find rescues in your area and go from there.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Someone with more knowledge of the breed may have better insight, but off the top of my head I would say a Whippet may work. From what I have heard, in the house they are very quiet - almost cat like. They are however runners. A Whippet is a sight hound and is not recommended for off leash so you would have to jog with a line.

    Again, this is just what I understand and stand to be corrected. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't believe your apartment size would be too small for any breed.  Dogs don't "use" or need all of the available space in our homes or yards.  They're just like us and use limited square footage at any one time. :)  My point is that the breed traits would be more important to me than physical size.  Of course your apartment lease may specify size limits or you might just want a small or medium small  dog.  The best advice I can give on breed choice is to research and actually meet dogs of the breeds you think might fit your lifestyle.  Talk to breeders, visit dog shows, find breed clubs in your area and go to meetings/events.  A written description won't tell you what you need to know about such an important commitment. 

     Would this be your first dog?  Is coat quantity an issue for you?  Are you thinking of getting a puppy or an adult dog?   These answers will help people give advice on a breed that might fit your life.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Given adequate exercise, I wouldn't disclude almost any breed from being able to live in an apartment. My dogs don't utilize my home environment for exercise. They're just as happy here as they would be in a smaller home/an apartment, IMO. I do feel dogs benefit from having their own yard, but as long as you're willing to put the effort into making sure the dog gets out for walks and whatnot, there shouldn't be a problem.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Easy answer. Greyhound. Get an adult, from a Greyhound rescue. It'll be grown up, old enough to jog, and it'll enjoy the couch potato time, too. They are fantastic pets!!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I agree with Jennie--GREYHOUND!

    • Gold Top Dog

    If you get a greyhound, make sure it is a more active dog. I've known a few greys who would be really sad if made to move at more than a strollStick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog

     If you went through Greyhound rescue, though, they'd know which dogs would LOVE to have a nice jog a few times a week, and which ones wouldn't want to get out from under their covers, LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    And check out Neversaynevergreyhounds.blogspot.com for a great site about how athletic greys can be. :)

    I've lived in apartments that size or smaller with collies and corgis and found them to be good apartment breeds, too. :P