Treeing Walker Coonhound?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Treeing Walker Coonhound?

         I may be fostering a dog taken out of a nasty pound in OH. Right now, she's with a private rescue that can't keep her much longer, so somehow, she ended up with no place else to go but here. Should have her by next weekend, and was just wondering what breed or mix she is ... the pound classified her as a foxhound, but I don't see that at all, neither does the current foster home. Our best guess is Treeing Walker coonhound or a treeing walker mix, maybe some harrier in there? Can't seem to post pics her so will post the old link to her petfinder page:

         So, does she appear to be a treeing walker? Would love to hear some guesses! And if anyone has experience with treeing walkers, what are they like in regards to temperament, exercise requirements, etc.?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I haven't looked at the pic but wanted to remind you to make sure she has a negative Brucellosis before you bring her on site, and that there's been no Parvo hanging around that shelter...just to make sure your breeding programme will be okay. Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    My first thought was "Basset" when I saw the ears and body. I've seen a ton of Walkers. They are supposed to be taller, more long-legged. Their ears and head are moderate and their color is very regular. A friend had a field champion Walker and she accidentally got bred to one of her Border Collie.  The resultant singleton puppy looks almost all BC, unless you realized the dam was a Walker and so his slick coat, long legged athletic build came from her too.

    I really don't necessarily see any Walker in there at all. I've closed the link so I don't have the picture in front of me, but if there's any coonhound I'd be more inclined to say English (very popular in the Midwest, and the right color) or Redbone (seen a lot in the Ohio River Valley).

    I'm fairly sure of the Basset though that's not to say there's only two breeds in there. The pupper does look pretty much all hound though! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gina - thanks for the reminder about the brucellosis, would have never entered my mind to check for that! She has not been spayed yet, either so that is definitely a concern. She did have a vaccination @ the shelter but from what I hear about that place from anyone who has ties w/ it is that it's a living hell hole. Several months ago I got the same rescuer lady in contact with a rabbit hunter who had a preggo Beagle bitch in bad housing conditions. Wife wanted it gone yesterday, no one wanted to buy her. She was supposed to be in this same place as a pit stop, but the jerks penned her with another dog, who then mauled her to death while she was whelping Crying Apparently this is common occurrence there. I usually don't do rescue for those reasons (risk of bringing in diseases to my kennel) but getting such a nice hound out of that $h*t hole is worth the risk. Will have to see about getting her vaccinated again before she sets foot here ...

    Brookcove - Yeah, she does sort of have the head & fuller muzzle of a basset-y type, now that you mention it! We're not sure of her age but it's estimated to be around 18 months. She's defintiely had a first heat cycle but I really think she's younger than that, may still grow??? She does have more of the build/bone structure of an English coon dawg, minus the heavy ticking. Think she's about 50lbs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks mostly walker to me - I don't see any redbone in her at all.  As a child we had lots of coon hounds.  Walkers, redbones, blue tick, black and tans.  With the exception of one blue tick my grandpa had they all had great temperments.  Us kids played with them endlessly, just make sure they don't get off leash or you might never see them again!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yep and always remember...even a spayed or neutered dog, can bring Brucellosis in, so best to test any and all fosters. Just to be sure! Good luck with the foster! Sounds like she needs you. Smile

    • Gold Top Dog


    My first thought was "Basset" when I saw the ears and body. I've seen a ton of Walkers. They are supposed to be taller, more long-legged. Their ears and head are moderate and their color is very regular. A friend had a field champion Walker and she accidentally got bred to one of her Border Collie.  The resultant singleton puppy looks almost all BC, unless you realized the dam was a Walker and so his slick coat, long legged athletic build came from her too.

    I really don't necessarily see any Walker in there at all. I've closed the link so I don't have the picture in front of me, but if there's any coonhound I'd be more inclined to say English (very popular in the Midwest, and the right color) or Redbone (seen a lot in the Ohio River Valley).

    I'm fairly sure of the Basset though that's not to say there's only two breeds in there. The pupper does look pretty much all hound though! 


    I agree with Brookcove. Walker's are supposed to be taller and have longer legs. I think there's probably basset in there.

    This dog looks very similar to my Sadie, the face, ears and body shape. Sadie is just a different color. We think Sadie is possibly some sort of beagle/basset mix. Tempermant  wise, Sadie is a hound - she will do anything for food! hehe. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have no clue what she is but I do hope you can help her!  She is a total doll baby and I would hate to see anything bad happen to her.