Is he all Lab? (BlackLabbie)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is he all Lab? (BlackLabbie)

    A few people in the Labrador Retriever Club suggested I get Apollo his AKC, PAL/ILP so he can compete (someday) in AKC events they hold. I'm a little worried about applying because I'm not sure he looks Lab enough. The worst that can happen they said "no" and me being out $35.

    003 by you.

    006 by you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He'll be fine, he looks like a Lab and little else, to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Totally agree with Gina.  I saw dogs run AKC Hunt Tests that looked way less labbie than Apollo and they all had no problem getting their ILP registration.  There was one dog with a naturally short tail and a white chest patch almost as big as Bugsy's white patch. lol  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Apollo looks all blacklabbie to me too!  Go for it.  Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think he looks all lab. He looks dead on my grandparents old lab, Razzie Flower. I wish i had a pic of her...she was a cool dog. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    OK, we're going to go for it! Thanks guys!

    ETA: Those pics, btw, were my attempt at stacking Apollo, hahahaha!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Funny, Stephanie, I never thought Apollo was anything but Lab.  Glad you decided to go for the ILP!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Funny, Stephanie, I never thought Apollo was anything but Lab.  Glad you decided to go for the ILP!

    Sometimes he can look like he has some hound in him, but, I really think he is all Lab.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Sometimes he can look like he has some hound in him, but, I really think he is all Lab.

     There were a couple of purebred field bred yellow Lab pups (siblings) in class awhile ago that looked a little houndy at times, too.  I don't think you'll have a problem ILPing him.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Pfft! I've seen dogs WAY less Labby than that, at dog shows. Some of them weren't even ILP dogs! I got Emma's ILP, no problem, and I've not regretted it for one second. Go for it! Competing has been really good for Emma, and a lot of fun. I think, that if you and Apollo are into it, it'll be great for him, too. Seeing all those dogs in such an exciting environment.... she's learned a lot about "settling".