Alrighty, more breed guessing...(2shelties)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Alrighty, more breed guessing...(2shelties)

     I've had Scarlett for a few months now...I got her from a rural animal control facility and she was listed as an Australian Shepherd...she's small though, so I've been calling her a mini aussie. Problem is, as she gets older she's looking less and less like any kind of aussie. What I know isn't much...she had a littermate at the shelter who was a double merle, so both of her parents were merles....she also has a docked tail and her dew claws have been removed, so the vet thinks she came from a breeder at some point. What do you think? Oh, and she's 16" at the shoulder and 20lbs, though she could stand to gain a couple...

    Her petfinder pic...


    Her sister....


    At 6 months old...


    Today at 9 months old...



    Next to my sheltie for size comparison...


    And next to my bc...




    • Gold Top Dog

     I'd say mini aussie still - i've seen a few that didn't look al that aussie like.  I suppose there could be some sheltie or BC as well since they too come in merle, but I dn't see much of either breed in her.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks like an Aussie to me, her size would make her a mini. Both parents being merle and that the dews and tails (although looking at the picture, it seems she might be a natural bobtail) were done further make me suspect that she was purposely bred. Merle to merle breedings are not uncommon with BYBs looking to sell puppies for pets. What makes you think she looks less Aussie-like now?

    • Gold Top Dog

    She's cute! If she had her tail docked and dew claws removed chances are she came from a "breeder". A client of mine has a lab that came from a pretty bad BYB situation. The lab really doesn't look like a lab, but it kind of does. It has weird ears, a very pointy muzzle. It kind of looks like a lab/shepherd. But really it's just a product of "bad breeding". (just FYI, not saying that your dog is "bad", but the breeder probably was)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say Aussie too. That breed has such a VAST array of types...seriously. There is no ONE type of Aussie, I have seen way way different looking ones...esp factoring the folks breeding for this that and the, show, pet, money, color, eye color, dog sport, etc.

    It doesn't take long for type to be lost. Heck even a Beagle can look like a Harrier, Basset, or Coonhound in just a couple gens of no attention being paid to the standard.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Coat looks Aussie, that is for sure, but me thinks the head, as well as her legs and body shape, tend more towards the border collie look.

    • Gold Top Dog


     What makes you think she looks less Aussie-like now?


    Her ears and her long skinny legs, and that she isn't growing any coat...could just be that teenage look she'll grow into...I know aussies can have *** ears, but hers are just so huge, lol.  But yeah, my initial thought was that she was from a byb trying to breed minis, I really wanted to see if other people thought the same thing.

    • Gold Top Dog



     What makes you think she looks less Aussie-like now?


    Her ears and her long skinny legs, and that she isn't growing any coat...could just be that teenage look she'll grow into...I know aussies can have *** ears, but hers are just so huge, lol.  But yeah, my initial thought was that she was from a byb trying to breed minis, I really wanted to see if other people thought the same thing.



     As others have said - there is a lot of variety in type with Aussies. I have certainly seen other Aussies with ears like yours and who were petite and fine boned. My guess is she may have a bit more coat as she gets older - coated breeds usually are pretty naked after they lose the "puppy bloom". Even if not though, her coat wouldn't make me think she isn't an Aussie either. Her sister also appeared to be an Aussie, so the guess about them being BYB minis is IMO right on.

    • Gold Top Dog

    yep I think 6-10mos in ANY breed but esp a coated one...are called the uglies or the ganglies for a reason! They lose ALL coat and hav ears and legs and that's...about it...LOL.

    working Aussies also don't seem to have NEAR the coat that a show one would...obviously.