Maremma opinions, please

    • Silver

    Maremma opinions, please

    I think Ive found a guard dog for my sheep, but would like some input.  Here are the pics in the ad.

     He looks sorta post-legged behind, but none of the pics are of him standing on level ground.  When I look at some other pics on other sites, they seem to 'look' about the same.

     Im hoping that someone more experienced in dogs will point out my lack of knowlegde here.  Thanks in advance!



    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi Double Barrel!  Do I know you from somewhere?  Wink 

    I have yet to meet with an unsound Maremma in this country.  The natural selection genetics is still very strong in the breed - heck, they have a low incidence of parasites, even.  I was shocked when my rescue girl turned out to be flea-infested - but she was a youngster and had been literally starving to death for six months before I got her.

    So the question that should be more uppermost in your mind (hmm, thinking that's not very good English) - what has this dog been doing before he was put up for sale and why is he now for sale?

    The answer to the first question should be, guarding livestock in a very similar situation to yours - similar stock, similar environment, similar predators.  The reason for this is, that if you are new to this, it will be difficult for you to know whether any problems you meet up with, during the transition to his new situation, are temporary or related to his not meshing well with your operation.

    The answer to the second question should be something along the lines of, we are getting rid of all our sheep and are reluctantly in need of finding a new home for our wonderful, well-trained Maremma.  Pretty much.  Be suspicious if they are selling him on and replacing him with another type of guardian, another dog, or already have another dog.  Very few people will sell a dog worth keeping.  Again, if you haven't kept LGDs before, you don't want to be caught in a situation where you are troubleshooting.

    In general, I prefer Maremmas because they are among the most people-oriented of the LGD breeds, but not so much that oversocialization can be a problem as with the Pyrenees. 

    Most have a high degree of stock attentiveness, meaning that they not only guard territory, but they also directly act to ameliorate other problems in the flock.  Some examples are locating better graze, leading the flock away from perceived danger, alerting when sheep are in trouble such as illness or injury, and assisting ewes in difficult labor with comfort and keeping a firstborn lamb dry and warm while a second or third is being delivered. 

    Many breeds operate in the latter method, but will have little to do with people and some can even be aggressive.  Others swing the other way and are more interested in guarding territory than tending the stock within it.  Maremmas as a breed tend to chart the middle course.

    Good luck!  I love my LGDs - but don't tell my Border Collies . . . Wink 

    • Silver

    Sure you know me Irena!  lol  I do appreciate your input.  Nice to 'see' a familiar face here. 

    When I spoke with them, she told me that they are really backing out of animals.  Seems her dad is retireing, so they want to reduce down to 2 pairs of dogs.  They have this dog, and 2 pups to sell, too.  I thought that my better choice was the older dog, as he had been guarding for a while, and hopefully knows more than me!  ;)

    From the pics, he seems to be in good shape, and of good body.  I got a few more pics, and they are stamped with a date of only a few weeks old. 

    Im happy to have found him.  There arent many LGDs up here.  I really like what Ive been reading about the Maremmas, both on sites and different groups.  Ill be very happy to have one here by the time the bears wake up.  I think they worry me more than the wolves. 

    Thanks again Irena!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, bears - you might want the adult and a pup too!  Good luck then - you are right, that sounds like you have stumbled on a very fortuitous arrangement and perfect timing for you.  I love it when that happens.  :) 

    • Silver

    well, the new boy seems to be fitting in nicely.  was nice to hear him answer the wolves the other night.


    I was able to get him cleaned up a bit.... got rid of most of the matts and burrs.  I get first dibs on his partner.  Not sure when that will be tho.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm glad to see he's settling in!  What a heart stopping adventure you had the first night - you had MY heart racing, reading!  My girl Min sometimes slips out and takes off  - she was feral right before we got her and I don't think she's gotten used to  being right on top of everyone her yet.  We did finally find out where she goes.  Our old farm is only half a mile down the road - she cuts through the woods and helps herself to the neighbor's dead pile (cattle).  She's a baby and she still craves bones to gnaw.  So I stopped that by purchasing big beef bones for her.

    He's really beautiful.  Good luck with those wolves, wow!! 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Oh wow, he's gorgeous!  I'm glad he's settling in, looking forward to updates on him as he continues to find his place. :)

    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like he cleaned up nicely.  LGD's make me wish I had sheep;-)  Can't wait to hear more stories of his exploits.  Anyway, I'm sure you know, but Becca knows her stuff:-)