Hi! Can I get some help on my pound puppy?

    • Bronze

    Hi! Can I get some help on my pound puppy?

      Hello, I recently joined and have had a blast looking around here and reading lots of interesting and useful information. I hope I am posting in the correct place. I would really appreciate some dog people giving me their best educated and knowledgable input as to what breed my Humane Society rescued dog may be. Ojhi, I think he is feral by recent decent,  His eyes reflect blue with flash photography.  He stands 19 inches tall, weights 29.8 lbs currently and is 8 months old approx.  He really does not bark but sort of gargle growls sings in different pitches. A very low key mellow animal.  I have 4 pictures of him posted. Please if anyone can spare the time for some input I would be thrilled. thanks a lot in advance! Nicole and Ojhei Confused



    • Gold Top Dog

     Is that him on your avatar?

    Could you post a picture?  Much easier than a description!

    Sounds like a Basenji, from the description of his vocalising, but I could be wrong.

    How long have you had him?  If he is a very new addition, he might not stay mellow.  Once the shock has worn off and he has settled in, you will see his true personality come through Smile

    • Bronze

    Hi, I am trying to post, but it just gives me a place with an "X" where the picture should be... I have some on my homepage I think its called when I signed up here a few days back! thanks for taking the time to reply though... I will keep trying till I figure it out :) Thanks

    • Gold Top Dog

    I saw your pic's and description on your profile.  I'm not good at guessing breeds unless it's so obvious that there is no need to guess. LOL There are lots of people who are familiar with a lot of different breeds and they will have some good guesses.

    He's very unusual looking and I love his ears.  Looking forward to learning more about him.  He sounds like a really interesting dog and like he is adjusting very well to your family.


    • Bronze

    Hi Jackie! Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply! i am still new to this and am trying to figure out how to place actual pictures into my posts....no luck yet! Anyway, he is sooo unique and sweet.  He was the dog at the pound that looked as if he had lost all hope...Barely looked up at me.....so sad. He's much happier now though :) Yes, i do hope to find out what he is, but if not,  that's ok too cause he is made of love!

    have great day :) nicole and Ojhei

    • Gold Top Dog

     You have to use an external photo site... I use Photobucket Smile

    • Bronze

    Hi again, thanks for the info... i went to photobucket and created and album with several puupy pictures! I will paste the URL... I hope it shows up as a picture or all of them.....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks like you're getting the hang of it now ... basenji might just be a darned good guess -- when you say "feral" -- where abouts are you?  There are places in the world, like Guam -- where so many of the dogs are 'wild' and feral that they've literally become their own 'breed' (they call them "boonie dogs" on the military base). Likely what I'd call a "heinz 57" -- so the likelihood is that he'll be a darned good dog and hopefully relatively healthy.

    I'd love to see his hindquarters/tail -- could be some whippet. 

    As to what Chuffy said -- ti's true.  There is always a "honeymoon" period -- particulary a dog who was traumatized by shelter life - they can be terrified to do anything that might get them 'bounced' ... and it can take 2 weeks or more to even begin to see the 'real' personality.  Don't rush him -- be sure to tell him ALL the things he does right.

    Even silly stuff like "wow -- GREAT 'sit'!!!" (even when you didn't ASK) -- and "super Lay Down!!" -- helps put a name to the things you will begin to ask him to do on command. 

    I have to tell you -- you picked him the same way I often pick a dog ... I pick the saddest one ... the one who seems to need ME the most.  It can be risky, but it's usually going to have the greatest reward!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see hound for sure,  Ibizans have ears like his and the head piece is close to but they are a huge dog,  Basenji's have the upright ears but theirs are both smaller and tighter to the head.  The blue eye flash is normal with flash photography, there are tricks to avoiding it but I rarely remember them...

    I have a breed of hound and when working rescue am shocked how often I run across downsized versions... where someone has tried to create a breed that will be easily kept in the home or apartment so that is a possibility....  From the nice crate and wonderful selection of toys I would say what ever his origin he is in the right home!!   It is obvious you are doing your home work, spending a great amount of time with him, controlling his environmentwhen you are away...all great things. Carefully look about for a gentle basic obedience course this will allow both the work you two will need and the safe socialization that reassures him he is safe and supposed to be at your side.

    I am sure we will all look forward to many more posts about your unique boy.

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't have any guesses, but I just wanted to say that he is cute!! 

    Welcome to the forum!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I use to have a Rat Terrier with ears like that and she made funny noises to here is a pic of her.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd guess maybe a APBT mix - color is right and I have seen them with ears like that. Hard to say from the pictures posted though, as it is hard to get a good view of his body. There is always a chance he is just a very mixed breed dog too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say rat terrier and pibble mix - maybe with a bit of beagle.  Since moving to the country I can't believe how many rat terriers there are out here.  Really, I suspect there's not a 1st or even 2nd generation purebred in there.  But he's awfully cute and unique! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Welcome to the forum.  And, I'm OLD at this and still can't post a picture to save my life.  Photo whazzit??  Us old farts have a heck of a time with this new fangled stuff!

    I won't venture a guess since I'm most likely to be wrong, but he sure is a cutie!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Odd about the vocalising though.  He seems like he SOUNDS like a basenji, (which is a distinctive thing) even if the ears are wrong.