• Gold Top Dog


     anyone ever heard of this type of sled dog? i was typing in separation anxiety... spelled it wrong.... but you know how firefox google will try to guess the search for you.... it turned up seppala siberian sled dog.....





     reminds me of one of those puffin hunting dogs. i forget what they're called.......

    • Gold Top Dog

     It reminds me of Sofia. Something about the shape of the head and neck. It's a beautiful dog!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lundehunds are the puffin hunting dogs. They are smaller, though.

    I feel like I came across this recently but the breed was a guard breed and looked slightly different. Must have been something that sounded like Seppala. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    The breed was named after a famous sleddog racer from some time ago. He had his own strain of racing Siberians. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     thats what i understood too. just like Scott or Johnson American bulldogs.. its just a bloodline that separates this strain from others.

    wasnt their creator the owner of one of the sled dogs that ran in the relay to Alaska with Balto?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think you may be correct. I seem to remember that Seppala was a contemperary of that time. Used to know where there was a real good article about the man and his dogs, but I can't find it!

    • Gold Top Dog

      I'm pretty sure this is a working line of Sibes, I was on another forum with someone who had them (she was a musher).