
    • Gold Top Dog


     This is the first breed on my list. Lol. I'm just in the starting stages of my research so I'm just doing some reading for now.

    From what I've read so far, this is a very adaptiable breed who can do pretty much what ever is asked of it.

    But what I want to know is how are they personality wise? What is it like to live with? How does it get along with other animals? Ect.  I don't have anyone near me that owns one so I can't ask in person. But I'd love to hear stories and personal experience of owning one of these breeds.. 


    Plus I love the wrinkles and big ears! Loll.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Let me tell you about Joker. Hehehe.Devil

     Yes he's only 5 months old but I feel like I have to share my experience so far. When everyone warned me that they require way more exersice/stimulation than an Irish Setter they were not kidding!!! If you are not willing to go out for at least one walk on a rainy day forget about the Vizsla!! I have learned to throw a rain coat on and give Joker what he needs. He is not like Lillie or Fynn who are more than willing to stay in when it's pouring down rain. He also doesnt know that cold days are for staying in. He may have almost no fur on his body but he still needs a walk!!! He still needs me to throw a ball for 10-20 minutes regardless if I cant feel my hands.

    He eats like a pig. He eats every meal like it's his last. And I feed him plenty. As a matter of fact the little monster is getting his food cut back some because he is getting fat. He will eat anything!!!

    He thinks jumping is good no matter how many times I tell him "off",push him away,ignore him. He still cant help himself and manages to jump on me at least 3 times a day.

    He loves the other dogs. But put him in the pen with them so they can all play and stuff it wont be 5 minutes before I hear what sounds like a goat ramming the front door. It's Joker wanting in with ME!!

    Training Joker is one of the best things there is to do. He is very smart and picks up things in 2 seconds. He is very food motivated and praise motivated. He is voice sensitive.  I have never hit/beat him but if I dont think/get impatient and raise my voice he acts like a beat dog.

    Leash training him was easy. Getting him to potty on the leash was easy. Like I said he is very food motivated!!! And smart. Hehe.

    I think that is all. It's 1:30am so Im tired. If I think of anything else I'll write again. 

    • Gold Top Dog

      All the Viszlas I have been around have been similar - VERY active, VERY attacted to their owners (theyare rather prone to separation anxiety) and almost could be called high strung. As a breed, they tend to still be "dual purpose" - there are still Dual CHs and a lot of them with very advanced performance titles.

    • Gold Top Dog


      All the Viszlas I have been around have been similar - VERY active, VERY attacted to their owners (theyare rather prone to separation anxiety) and almost could be called high strung.


    That is very true. I took one of my friends to class with me last Tuesday. Well she would hold Joker while I worked with Fynn and hold Fynn while I worked with Joker. She said at the end of class that Joker wanted nothing to do with sitting with her. He was dying to get to me. Fynn on the other hand just wanted to go play with Samantha and another little girl that was there. He could have cared less that I was working with Joker.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hmm. Gawd I wish there were people near me to talk to in person!! I just wish I could meet a Vizsla in person.. *sigh*

    • Gold Top Dog

    Have you looked into breeders and vizsla clubs in your area?

    Puget Sound Vizsla Club

    I agree totally about what Kimberly said, vizslas are very needy exercise-wise. Rupert could run and run and run and swim all day. They are very smart and are quick learners. They need help getting all that energy focused. I think it is important to start early - puppy classes, basic obedience, etc. Rupert is also very food and praise oriented. They are very sensitive, again like Kimberly said, one harsh voice correction and he acts like you just beat him. Confused

    I know Rupert is a velcro dog and is very attached to DH & me, but I can easily leave him with a relative or friend that he knows and he's fine. He LOVES people and other dogs. He thinks that everyone is his best friend and wants to be kissed and played with. I've always said that if anyone ever breaks into our house, Rupert would greet them with a toy and a wiggly butt.


    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks for the links! I haven't looked in to breeders or clubs yet. But I will check out those links. Hopefully there's someone in traveling distance to me. Smile