What do you know about Dalmations?

    • Gold Top Dog


    OT, but I don't see how that is normal behaviour for a dog of ANY breed.

    The Dal that bit me? No. It's not. But, it should be expected of a dog that lives in a 5' x 10' kennel his whole life. It wasn't fair to the dog, but it happens. I've got a scar from him - it reminds me everytime I come into contact with an unknown dog to watch myself.

    • Gold Top Dog

     If you are thinking Labs, I know a very good Lab breeder in Maine...  As to the Dals, if you are planning a family, don't bother with them.  Unless they are raised with kids, they may not be so accepting of them.  There's a lot of deafness in the breed.  Getting a good breeder is an absolute must.  I have an acquaintance who has Dals and does competition obedience, so if you want contact info where you can get hold of her, let me know.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anne, thank you very much.

    Jeremy is really pulling for a reputable breeder puppy, with the whole shebang (meeting the parents, always staying in contact with the breeder, getting to know the puppy beforehand, etc, etc). Not a bad thing.  

    And although I was hoping for a more energetic, active dog (one that I could start agility), I've been looking into rescues and shelters and I would like to end up with an older (4+ years) dog (most likely another lab, or lab/mix) that needs a good home that would be most compatible with Apollo.

    LOL, who knows though....maybe we'll end up with two new dogs Stick out tongueWink

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hey Pudding looks like a lab mix and she needs a home and I can always keep her till you moveWink!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Seriously! If the right home comes along great.....but.....if she's around come this spring.....Big Smile

    How big (lbs) is she?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I really disagree that most dals dislike kids. Most that I've met do. However, they definitely CAN be a handful, and exuberant dogs in general can be a bad match with smaller kids. Deafness... yeah, deafness occurs in the breed. Responsible breeders DO NOT place deaf puppies. Period. Yes, many BYB dals are deaf- if you aren't BAER testing your breeding stock, it's not surprising to end up with more deaf puppies, since any unilaterally deaf dog is going to APPEAR normal- but will produce more deaf puppies.

     Again - BYB dals- the ones we all saw in shelters and rescues as fallout from 101Dalmatians in the 90s- and well-bred ones today are a world apart.  

    • Gold Top Dog


    Seriously! If the right home comes along great.....but.....if she's around come this spring.....Big Smile

    How big (lbs) is she?

    Currently she weighs 29lbs. Wink