Can you tell me about

    • Gold Top Dog

    Can you tell me about

    Dogs that have a lower drive? And lower energy? I plan on adopting my next dog, but I'd like to go in a general area of a breed. Golden's, Lab's, Rotties, GDS's, Hounds, and Terriers are all common in my area. So are Pitties, but they are out of the question - says Mom and Dad(insurence). I know that Terriers and Hounds are probably out of the question too - to much drive, and energy, plus that NEED to follow EVERY sent. =p But, Rotties, GSD's, Lab's, and Golden's(and mixes with those being prodominate) are in my area. Could anyone with experience tell me about the breeds - energy, temperments, ect. I know all dog's are different but I'd like some insight. It will be a few more months  to over a year before I add another dog, but it doen't hurt to get your homework done early =]

    • Gold Top Dog

    Rotties would probably be the most laid back out of the list you've chosen. They can have some temperment problems, but most are big sweeties. They are prone to health problem, as as all the breeds you've listed. has really good descriptions about all the breeds, complete with history, temperment, care, and requirements for ownership.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Labs, especially young (under 5 years old) ones are extremely high energy. They tend to stay in the puppy mentality longer than most breeds. Some also have a high drive, most have a high food drive. They are stubborn, but smart. They need to be with their people and don't like to be outside all day alone- even with another dog. A bored Lab will find trouble whether it be digging, barking, etc. They shed a ton! And their fur is like needles that stick to everything. And some get VERY big. They have a healthy appetite to say the least.

    My Lab can retrieve until his legs fall off. He's very ball driven. He loves to swim and romp in the park. He's full of energy. To burn that energy we go for an hour long run in the morning, then go to the park for 1-4 hours, and then another 30-60minute walk at days a week, rain or shine. He's 110lbs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yea, I really like Rot's too. But I've met both good and bad. Both dog's were my PaPa's. I'm leary of them because of my 50/50 experience with them. One was a big sweet - the other one tryed to kill me for getting to close.

    Hip problems are a given for all of my chosen breeds, thats the issue with big dogs.

    I'm really leaning towards a smaller Rot mix, plus statistically, black dog's don't get adopted as easily. I'll do my research and get some more input thou....

    • Gold Top Dog


    Labs, especially young (under 5 years old) ones are extremely high energy. They tend to stay in the puppy mentality longer than most breeds. Some also have a high drive, most have a high food drive. They are stubborn, but smart. They need to be with their people and don't like to be outside all day alone- even with another dog. A bored Lab will find trouble whether it be digging, barking, etc. They shed a ton! And their fur is like needles that stick to everything. And some get VERY big. They have a healthy appetite to say the least.

    Lab's do stay 'puppies' seemingly forever....Sam is the weirdist Lab mix I've ever met, he's not as energetic(thou still puppy-ish), he is driven by food - but not a whole lot, he likes to fetch but only for 20 mins at a time or so.

    I've got experience with Lab's - my first dog was a chocolate Lab, she had 4 purebred Lab pups that we kept, I've had a Lab/Dalmation and now Sam

    • Gold Top Dog

    My golden retriever was a very laid back family dog.  She was very quiet in the house, but once she got out in the field on a hunt she was a completely different dog.  She got along great with kids, other pets, and strangers.  In my personal experience, they are a little more laid back in general than labs.  I do not care much for labs; never really understood why.  I worked with alot of labs/lab mixes when I worked for our humane society.  I just never really clicked well with them.

    I also have an almost 6 month old German shepherd pup.  He is an excellent dog, but is alot higher energy than my golden was.  He is in that stage right now where he can't keep still.  But, I also bought him to be my trail dog so I wanted a dog that could go riding with me all day without wearing out (once he is old enough).  He is friendly, but for the most part doesn't really care about other people.  I will take him out in public and he doesn't feel the need to say hi to everybody unless THEY approach HIM.  Otherwise he is perfectly content to just lay or walk by my side.  That is what I like about him over my golden who felt the need to greet everyone she saw.  His size and breed make him intimidating to people so in that sense he makes a nice "guard" dog though I doubt he would really ever do anything other than bark if he felt the need.

    • Gold Top Dog

    GSDs and for the most part labs and goldens are not low key dogs. I like your idea of adopting a mix, my friend adopted a mix...possibly labby/beagle type mix who is one the most calm and laid back dogs that i've ever met

    • Gold Top Dog

     My corgi is very laid back in the house, but she can turn it on no problem outside. Shes definitely not high-energy, not lazy either. Absolutely no prey dive either. Shes not a typical corgi either.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Rottie mix is a GREAT idea but Beagles and Beagle mixes are GREAT dogs too.

    Heres some dogs in your area:

    Barbie a baby female rottie mix in Raeford NC at the Hoke County Animal Shelter.
    Diva a baby female Rottie/Black and Tan Coonhound X in Raleigh NC at ARRF. My foster Mother has named me Diva. She said if you look it up in the dictionary you will see my picture. I feel pretty lucky since there were 6 of us and I was the first she has named. I am a happy girl whose tail wags and body wiggles whenever I am spoken to. I absolutely just get beside myself when my BIG Foster Brothers come out to play! I kind of think I drive them crazy but my siblings like to sleep. I am a ham for the camera and know that you would just fall in love with me if you met me! Look at the videos my Foster Mom took of me! I would love to go to a new home with my brother Gomez if possible, we are glued at the hip! 10/13/08 - Update
    Diva is doing well and has become a sweet & loving little girl. She now lets me hold her and no longer runs from me if I come up to her. If she is asleep on her bed and I walk up, she rolls over on her back for me to rub her belly. She is the only female in a house of 5 males and definately holds her fact at times she rules the roost! She is a bit eager to play with my cat as she does the other dogs so we are working to correct that. She seems to be doing well with her potty training too! *** Diva will only be adopted out to a home with another dog or with her brother Gomez ***
    • Gold Top Dog

    I can't tell by your post if you are actually interested in those breeds, or just saying if you went to a shelter that's probably what there would be.  With GSDs, there is HUGE variation.  Yes even a family who needs a lower energy, lower drive dog can have a suitable GSD, especially if you are open to adopting an older dog.  However the breed is *supposed* to be bred for drive, so it would be wise to assume the dog is doing to be very energetic and have a decent amount of drive and consider yourself lucky if you get a lazier dog.  The main thing with my GSDs is not so much the drive or the energy but the fact that they are so handler-dependent.  They are very different from each other, but in this way they are alike.  They cannot entertain themselves, they often demand attention and are very clingy.  For example if Coke wants to be outside he is happy to lie in the shade under a tree and watch squirrels by himself for an hour, but if I take one of my GSDs out and just run in to grab my camera they are whining, barking, pacing at the door.  Neither have separation anxiety and they understand our routine as far as when I am not home they are sleeping and calm, but when I am home they want to be WITH me all the time.  The clinginess has taken me more time to get used to than the levels of energy and drive. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm more interested in adopting then I am in most of the breeds. But, Rotties are really catching my attention, I love the size, and the good tempermant(at least from my one good experience with them).