Guess Frankies Breeds ..again

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess Frankies Breeds ..again

    Now that the Frankster is nearing one years oldI think it might be a safe time to see what breeds he might be composed of. Back when I first got him last Feb one of the msot common guesses was Bull Terrierx Jack Russel Mix. Well I think those may not be quite right. He now towers over my neighbors Jack Russel but when we first got him he was the same size as her. So lets try this again. I am sure some sort of Beagle or Terrier is in him. Pittbull, Beagle, and Whippet are my guesses.

    I take him out to help herd my goats on worming days. He doenst know what to do really, but he keeps them in one spot while me and my mom pick out the goats one by one to be wormed. I think he has some herding instinct there.

    He kills small animals from raccoons, turtles, to squirells, to moles, to birds. lol Prey drive much?

    He is about 20in at the withers and about 50lbs.

    When he was yonger training him was a breeze now he is getting a "Make me do it" attitude that I suppose is teenage-ness kicking in. Okay now for pics.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow!  He is a looker, that's for sure.  I can see so much spunk in him.  Gosh, that last pic so reminds me of a Jack/Parson Russell Terrier.  I guess if he's mixed with a taller breed he could be part JRT.  His ears really remind me of a Collie, although I doubt he has any Collie in him.  I really can't come up with any guesses.  Everytime I look at him, I see something different. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see no Beagle, or sighthound. MOstly terrier...Bull or PB...JRT would fit. Add in the common Lab even just a smidge and that'd account for height.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see Collie/JRT or Collie/Beagle.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm with Gina - no beagle or sighthound.

    Maybe... possibly, some corgi in him? That would account for the herding instinct. I wouldn't say collie, not at all.

    The face is more round than a pits, more like a bull terriers. He doesn't have the real mussly (is that a word?!) cheast of a pit type either.

    I'll keep thinking.....

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hehe thanks guys. Im thinking Parson russell might be closer than JR. Not sure if this helps but when he tries to herd my goats he nips at their heels and I have seen some ACD's that seem to have the same head as him.

    Oh and heres a pic of him as a wee puppy!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maybe his herding is more of a learned behavior then a instinct? I've seen Pitties herd(youtube...I think) sheep, they learned it - it wasn't bred in....ya know? He could really be anything....but he is adorable! How come we don't see many pics of you puppers? Stick out tongue

    EDIT - maybe Pit/Collie/PRT?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't know what breeds he has in him but I do know he sure is handsome!!


    • Gold Top Dog

     I see no beagles too...

    But I do see a pitty or a staffy. Actually, I'm certain he is a terrier mix. An adorable terrier mix!


    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes I am fairly certian the herding is a trained behavior. I want to get him in some herding tests, next time I get any spare money. Oh well for now I will just call him either a Pittie or an Arkansas Cur. lol

    Thanks for ya'lls input, I apreciate it!

    • Gold Top Dog

    No idea xactly but I DO see some Pittie and in the last pics some JRT.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I am SO sorry about Frankie.


    • Gold Top Dog

    And Charlie. They were great