Were does he get these ears from?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Were does he get these ears from?

    Sam's a Lab mix for sure, but he has rose-ears(I think thats what they're called) like some Pitties and Bulldog's....

    Anyone care to guess were they came from?

    Sorry, it's the only pic with his ears in they're normal set....the rest are of him running, and you can't see them well then.

     I've never seen a Lab with rose ears, most have larger drop ears, his are small rosey style.

    See? Not the best pic's...I know....my boyfriend has my camra, and my Mom's is to huge to safely use around dogs! LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog

    He actually reminds me more of an Akbash or Kangal dog (if you overlook the coloring) rather than a lab.  I really don't see lab at all.  How big is he?

    Any sighthound or dog with sighthound heritage can have these ears.  They are common in BCs for instance.  Pit bull is more likely though. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say he's about knee high on me, and I'm about 6'. I haven't measured him. I want to say he's 40 - 50 lbs. He needs to go back to the vet here soon for a heartworm check and to be weighed. He's putting on weight. We feed him table food and extra kibble for the winter(why, I have no idea, it's NC, they're is no such thing as snow here!!).

    I'll meassure him tomarrow.

    But Pits, Labs, Shepherds, and Hounds are all very common around my area. All the hounds are sent hounds thou, so they have drop ears too. Shepherds have pricked ears. Pits can have any ear thou(basicly).

    He does favor the Akbash in build and form, but deffiently not size! Or long coat. Those big guy's would scare the fur off my Sam! He's quite the scaredy-cat!

    Some of the Kangal dog's I looked up do favor him in the ears and face structure....but again with size. And neither are common around here.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The Akbash and Kangals are actually both pretty popular LGDs.  LGD mixes tend to be much smaller - ie, a pit/LGD would favor the pit in size.  Long coat is recessive.  long to smooth would produce some longs and smooths both in a breed where the smooth coat carries both, and in a breed where smooth has been selected for a long time, like a pit, there'd be pretty much only smooths.

    I'm 5'5" and my knee is 22" from the ground.  He looks bigger boned, ie, not like a BC, so he'd be 55 to 60 pounds or about APBT size.

    I'm guessing he's simply random bred from several breeds with pit as the base - but the LGD connection is not impossible. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Sam's a Lab mix for sure, but he has rose-ears(I think thats what they're called) like some Pitties and Bulldog's....

    Anyone care to guess were they came from?

    Jewel has rose ears too! Her mom was a purebred chocolate lab and her dad was 1/2 lab.All of her littermates had white boots or bibs and tail tips.Her ears were drop for 3 or four months then they "fliped".At first it disapointed me because she no longer looked labish but now I think of her as special.After years of observing her behavior I am convinced that last 1/4 is pittie.Does Sam have any behavioral traits that might indicate another breed?

    • Gold Top Dog

    He act's very Lab-ish....just a big goof! But he's an honest little dog.

    Sam's ears were drop too, until around 5 or 6 months old. I can't say about any of his littermates thou, he was found on the side of the road by my high school. Nobody ever claimed him. As a puppy he had the huge Lab-ish feet and bone structure. The vet's say he was 8 - 10 weeks when he was found, and a family friend kept him for a few months until we got him. Suprisingly the girl that found him was in my art class, and told me about it the next day, which happened to be the day my Tucker died.

    He's a major wuss thou. Scared of his own shadow. I can't say thats a breed trait, thats lack of socialization and fear.

    I think he may have Pit in him, his skull is very broad and flat, plus the ears, and his tails not quite as long as a Lab's might be.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sam at 5 or 6 months, with his lovely Lab drop ears!

    Sami at 2(ish). With his adorable rose ears! (we thought it'd be funny to leave the DANGER sign up, seeing as the worst Sam would do is accidently tackle you!.....which he's done)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Harry has 'em, too!  See my siggy below.  I think they're so cute.  For some reason, it makes him look even happier than he would look without them, I think.

    We don't know for sure what's in Harry's breed mix, but lab is def. one of them.

    Now, when he hears something that gets his interest, or sometimes when he's playing and engrossed in his toy, his ears will fall forward and look like normal Lab drop ears, but 90% of the time, they look like they do in the pics in my siggy.  Adorable, IMO, just like your Sami!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Harry is adorable!

    I think Sam's ear's didn't get the message that they needed to grow! They're the same size they were when he was 5 months old!

    • Gold Top Dog


    I'm 5'5" and my knee is 22" from the ground.  He looks bigger boned, ie, not like a BC, so he'd be 55 to 60 pounds or about APBT size.

    I measured my big boy tonight, he's 23.5 inches at the shoulders. I didn't weight him, but I'd say he's pushing 60lbs or so.