Difference between Olde English and Olde Victorian?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Difference between Olde English and Olde Victorian?

    I've made a decision to purchase an Olde English Bulldogge. After heavy research, I've found them to be completely suitable to my situation. Plus there gorgeous dogs in my opinion.


    Anyway, I found two really good breeders nearby. One that breeds Olde English Bulldogge's and another that breeds Olde Victorian Bulldogge's,

    After finding the Olde Victorian Bulldogge breeder, I decided to research the breed. What's the difference between them? I'm stuck with which one to go with?


    Aside from being a tiny bit shorter, they seem to have the same characteristics. And both seem to be bred for the same reasons...Improved health among Bulldogs, and to bring the breed back to what they were originally 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yhey are almost identical to eachother but tis website that is the BEST resource for either has the breed descriptions of each.......


    With a dog of this nature be sure to research and get one from a reputable breeder to ensure optimum temperment and health. Make sure they do all the proper health testing and are breeding for the better of the breed and not just the money.

    I assume your a savvy dog owner and have a lot of experience with dogs? These are not the dogs for the beginner or novice owner. They will easily rule you and get into trouble of you cant establish and maintain your place in the pack. They need healthy outlets for their smarts as well.

    You'll also want to make sure you own your home and that your insurance covers such a dog. I can only iamgine trying to rent a hoem with a dog like this is near to impossible.

    I have two pit bulls and thats a helluva a task iteself, LOL


    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you for the help!

     I had no idea that there a really dominant breed. I've had experience with dogs, but I would in no way call myself savvy. I had a family dog growing up that recently passed away which was a Toy Poodle. And friends who had larger dogs that I've spent lots of time with. But, I have no experience with dominant dogs, and no experience in being the leader of the pack. I've read, watched, and learned how to be the "top dog" and all, but with no hands on experience, I wouldn't want to risk it and ruin a pups life by not being a proper owner for it.

     I'm going re think on breeds...It's funny because out of all the research and even breeders that I've spoken to. Your the only one smart enough to mention that there a dominant breed and not for novices.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It is TRAINING that is key.  Kind, firm, consistent training where you set the dog up to succeed and strongly reinforce any and all good behaviours he offers.... from sitting when asked to chewing his own items, to peeing in the right place, to lying quietly on his bed....  This is applicable to all breeds.

    I've read, watched, and learned how to be the "top dog" and all,


    Take all that with a pinch of salt.... much of it is bunkum.  Take (shudders and hesitates even mentioning)..... the alpha roll, for example.  Unnecessary at best and dangerous at worst.  Eating before your dog.... often irrelevant.  Making the dog wait while you go through doors first... helps good manners, but its doubtful whether it magically makes your dog see you as leader. 

    The one thing you can do with confidence is Learn to Earn (some call it NILIF).  Google it.  It's a good idea regardless of what breed you pick.

    Kudos to you for taking into account which breed would be a good match.... this is the mark of a GOOD dog owner in my opinion.... too many folks go out and get a breed they like the look of without researching, so GOOD FOR YOU for not being one of them Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    i'd say skip the oldies...... skip'em. yes.

    designer dogs. yes.

    any healthier? not hardly. they have been touched by the money breeders there for its risky at best in finding a dog bred for its health.

    IF you want such a dog as that just go straight to the working American Bulldog lines. AVOID johnson and big heads... i say working bred Ambull because they arent bred for large heads or wide chests. they still look bully but are still functional and healthy because the people who work them NEED healthy active dogs.... not bow-legged, fat heads that easily die from over heating or breathing problems.


    as for being "Top Dog"... easy peasy with a puppy. just set your routine and dont deviate from it often. i got my American bulldog as a two year old - she was a stray that a co-worker found in a hotel parking lot.. skin and bones and still had milk from nursing pups. no owner in sight. plus her collar was choking her. when i brought her home she fit right into our home. she took up the job as my personal body guard and to this day will NOT let a stranger come close to me unless i say its ok. She doest like men but she trusts my husband to the end.


    Its hard to say if its wise to go from poodle to BULLDOG but its not impossible. i say do more research. read Working American Bulldogs by Dave Putnam front to back. and join a bulldog forum. 

    if you'd like to consider another bulldog breed here is a website
