Black mouth cur or not?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Black mouth cur or not?

    I have this argument with my sister practically every time I talk to her (you'd think I'd just give it up..but nope! I can't! lol).

    I posted a couple months ago about my sister in Florida finding a puppy in a storm drain.. First she was CONVINCED the dog was half pit bull and half German shepherd. After my other sister mentioned black mouth curs (and THANK YOU for that, Sarah! lol), she became convinced that Keeva (she spells is some weird way, but that's how she says it, so...) is a purebred black mouth cur, and if I'll just look at more pictures of them, I'll see it... I've been over and over with her about how many mutts are brown with black masks, but she doesn't listen. Finally I brought up the ears, how Keeva has rose or half-prlck (I can't believe we still get *'d for that word) ears (very much like..Jaz, a pit bull!), and curs have drop ears...and first she tried to say that she's seen curs with ears just like Keeva, and when I disputed that, she tried to say it's just how she looks in the in real life her ears look like a BMC's ears. But I think I made her think for a second.

    So I finally got her to send me some stills of the dog...they're like a month and a half old now, which means I guess she was around 4 1/2 months, assuming she was 3 months old when they found her... Suzi "thinks" she's about 40 pounds now at around 6 months, but she's not always the best guesser... At some point she weighed her while she was on the phone with me, and she was 27..and that was a while she's probably between like 33 and 40.

    Anyway.. here's Keeva. Tell me what you think she is. I don't mind eating if you think she's BMC, do tell.

    And with my sister's BF's legs for size estimation..he's probably 5'8"..

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am not an expert and I looked at several pics of the breed......none of the pics I looked at had the half erect ears.....some pittie mix me thinks....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pit X or Boxer x even.

    • Gold Top Dog

    oh my gosh, she is so cute!!!! I def don't think she's purebred anything. In the 2nd pic she looks pretty pit. I would say we have ourselves a heinz 57!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks like a Pit mix to me. Especially with the rose *** ears and beautiful face. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Chelsea -- I hate to tell her, but point your sister in the direction of Webster ... as in the dictionary?  "cur" is

    1 : a mongrel or inferior dog 2 : a surly or cowardly fellow

    Mongrel -- as in "mutt".  Go to the websites about "black mouth curs" and you'll see quite a collection of ... well, I'll call them "good ole boy" sites.  Breedin em proper fur a number of years.  Oh brother.

    It's not really a breed. It's a combination of pit, boxer and whatever else was handy to produce the strong hunting dog they wanted at the moment. 

    It's a 'type' -- more than a breed.  But a 'cur' has commonly been held in the South (and everywhere else) as a 'mongrel' or mutt -- and in recent years they've invented the "black mouth cur" as a way of making it sound like a proper breed acceptable in hunting circles.

    But 'purebred'?  It's kind of a stretch -- do we call labradoodles purebreds? 

    • Puppy

    Looks like Boxer, chow and labrador retriever


    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     I'd say a pit mix but what I do know is that the second picture is one of the cutest pups I have ever seen!

    • Gold Top Dog

    and in recent years they've invented the "black mouth cur" as a way of making it sound like a proper breed acceptable in hunting circles.

    I know what 'cur' means, but actually, the Black Mouth Cur is a UKC breed with a whole breed standard and everything. 

    Thanks everyone who's responded. I'm glad I'm not totally nuts in thinking she's a pit mix...

    She is a cutie, isn't she? Sheesh.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The Blackmouth usually has a thinner muzzle and is a more substantial dog than the Pit, which tends to be a bit smaller.  Female BMC's would range from about 40-50 pounds probably, and while I think your sis has a Pit mix, because of the wide mouth, I also think that it could be a Pit/Cur mix, since those dogs are pretty common in the south and do tend to pass the black muzzle on.  But, the dog definitely has more of a Pittie look to her, and so I think that's definitely in there. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'd say his breed is "Doorable"

    He sure is a cutie. I say pit and/or maybe even boxer X, as Gina mentioned. He reminds me some of a dog I fostered a few years back. I put him up for adoption as a pit mix.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks like a pit mix to me.  If you had posted the pics without mentioning Cur I double I would have listed that as a possibility.