Adding another dog to our pack of JRTs

    • Gold Top Dog

    Adding another dog to our pack of JRTs

    It will becoming up soon and its my other half's choice for her own dog. She wants a happy go lucky dog and she did fall in love with the Shih-Tzu and she does want a foo-foo dog but is willing to change. We did go to a big dog show and other breeds opened up her mind more like PBGVs, Clumber Spaniel, Dandie dinmont..

    The catch we already have two JRTs, Scout and Chloe.  I know we can't go with small dog because of the prey drive with the Jacks.


    So what do you recommend/suggest?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think small dogs are a far cry from prey in the eyes of a JRT. I wouldn't recommend getting a small fluffy with a sight hound, but a JRT is much closer to the same size. I doubt a 15-20 lb JRT would view a 9 lb dog the same way it would a rodent. My toy dogs have a blast with my uncle's JRT. I wouldn't think there'd be a problem with a shih tsu and a JRT.
    • Gold Top Dog

    well... what is she looking for? Does she not want to groom? Does she want just a companion? Are you looking for smaller? Same size? Larger?

    And most importantly....are your dogs going to be ok with adding another dog? I know some jacks can be territorial, and some can have slight aggressive tendencies.

    I would worry more about prey drive with cats, and not so much with dogs. The two jacks I had for a while were great with other dogs, but I could not get them to stop chasing my cats. The jacks were crated while I was gone, and the cats were put in a seperate room while I was home. I don't think they would hurt them, they just would not stop with the chasing - and a stressed kitty is a pissed kitty.

    What about a corgi? =]

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think a Shih-Tzu sounds like a good choice, but all that grooming could be a hassal for someone used to short coated dogs.

    I know my fav 'small' dog is the Italian Greyhound.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think small dogs are a far cry from prey in the eyes of a JRT. I wouldn't recommend getting a small fluffy with a sight hound, but a JRT is much closer to the same size. I doubt a 15-20 lb JRT would view a 9 lb dog the same way it would a rodent. My toy dogs have a blast with my uncle's JRT. I wouldn't think there'd be a problem with a shih tsu and a JRT.

    Well, Scout comes a from a strong line of hunters. In fact, one of his parents nearly killed a Chihuahua and the breeder recommended me not to get him close to small animals. His parents are true working terriers that hunt game. Given my short experience since we rescued him - he's not really a rescue because the original was looking for a home for him because she could no longer care for two jacks - he is very, very bold and he does not care what the size of the dog or animal is. He bolted the first time and ran straight into a yard with a lab mix and stared him down and just urinated in this territory while looking at him. He never had his hackles up. He is that extremely confident. As he stared down the bigger dog I grabbed him by the scruff. He is a 16" + 19-20 LB JRT. He is slightly over 4" taller than Chloe and weighs 6 lbs more. When my agility instructor saw him, she basically flipped out because of his size and his muscle tone. Given his big chest he can't get into the hole. Anyhow, the original owner told me that she had to move him to the where the bigger dogs were because some of the complaints from the smaller dog owners (mainly because they couldn't retrieve the ball fast enough). So she took both jacks (the other is his aunt) where the big dogs played.

    I don't know much about Chloe's line however, when the kids picked her up for a Mother's gift, her father came back with a mermot or a beaver in his mouth. This is why I am doing CU with them.

    Re: Corgi


    Actually that was one of the first options however, since we have been taking agility classes, it could the wrong one! Haha. You see Chloe and Molly (Pembroke) feed off of each other and they jack each other up so bad in class.

    Re: Shih-Tzu

    We had 2 sisters that were owned by each daughter. One got run over - You know, you tell her boyfriend to put a lead on the dog for reason - and the other was with the older one but now lives with the youngest one. I love those dogs but I don't know what she would really want to do with grooming. For sure she loved the happy disposition of the Dandie and the Petite Brussells Griffon Vendette at the dog show.